Gene and Chromosome
DNA is the genetic material
Genes and Chromosome Molecular Definition of Gene the structure and function of DNA The global structure of chromosomes Organelle DNA
Molecular Definition of Gene The entire nucleic acid sequence that is necessary for the synthesis of a functional protein and RNA Coding region (exon and intron) + Regulatory sequences (e.g. promotor, enhancer, polyadenylation site, splicing sites) There are also tRNA and rRNA genes
Gene & Protein
Baterial Operon and Simple Eukaryotic Transcription Unit
Complex Eukaryotic Transcription Complex
The Structure and Function of DNA A DNA molecule consists of two complementary chains of nucleotides The structure of DNA provides a mechanism for heredity
Structure and Composition of DNA & RNA
The DNA double helix
DNA is a template for its own duplication
The Global Structure of Chromosome Nucleotides --> DNA --> Gene --> Chromosome --> Genome Human DNA is ~ 2 meters long. The nucleus of DNA is about 6 µM in diameter. Specialized proteins bind to and fold DNA into coils and loops, providing higher level of organization. Although DNA is tightly packed, it can be easily accessed by many enzymes that replicate, repair or express its genes.
A Karyotype of Human Chromosomes
Normal & Aberrant Chromosome
Organization of Genes on Human Chromosome
Content of the Human Genome
Interface / Mitotic Chromosome
Chromatin Packing
Structural Organization of the Nucleosome
Organization of the Core Histones
Chromosome Remodeling ATP-driven chromatin remodeling machines change nucleosome structure Covalent modification of the histone tails can profoundly affect chromatin
Irregularities in Chromatin Structure
A role Histone H1 in remodeling Chromosome structure
Histone Tails
Mechanism of Chromatin Remodeling Complex
Cycle of Chromosome Remodeling
Covalent Modifications of Histone Tails
Heterochromatin/Euchromatin There are two types of chromatin in interface, heterochromatin and euchromatin Heterochromatin is a highly condensed, and organized 10% of the genome is packed into heterochromatin Heterochromatin is resistant to gene expression Heterochromatin is concentrated in specific regions e.g. centromeres and telomeres
Organelle DNA Mitochondria and Chloroplast DNA Exhibit cytoplasmic inheritance Encode rRNA, tRNA, and some mitochondrial proteins Product of mitochondrial genes are not exported Mitochondrial gene codes differ from the standard nuclear code
DNA Replication, Repair, and Recombination
Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
DNA Replication DNA Polymerase Replication Fork –DNA polymerase- Sliding Ring –DNA primase- Single-strand binding protein –DNA helicase DNA polymerization in 5’-3’ direction –Leading strand –Lagging strand Proofreading mechanisms DNA Topoisomerase
DNA Double Helix is the Template
Mg2+ is required for polymerization
DNA Polymerase
DNA replication is semiconservative
DNA Replication of a Circular Chromosome
Replication Fork
Why only 5’--> 3’ Direction ?
Why only 5’--> 3’ Direction? For High Fidelity DNA Synthesis
5’- 3’ Polymerization 3’- 5’ Exonucleolytic Proofreading Strand-directed mismatch repair
Editing by DNA Polymerase
Exonucleolytic Proofreading by DNA Polymerase
5’- 3’ Direction is Energy Efficient
DNA Synthesis of the Lagging Strand
RNA Primer Synthesis
Other Enzymes & Proteins in DNA Replication
DNA Ligase
Bacterial Replication Fork
Mammalian Replication Fork
DNA Helicase
Single-Strand DNA-Binding Protein (SSB)
Sliding Clamp for DNA polymerase
Sliding Clamp
Moving Replication Fork
Mismatch Proofreading Proteins
DNA Topoisomerase
Winding Problem
DNA Topoisomerase I
DNA Topoisomerase II = DNA Gyrase
DNA Topoisomerase II
The Initiation and Completion of DNA Replication in Chromosome
DNA Replication in Bacteria
Refractory period for DNA initiation
Eukaryotic Chromosome Contains Multiple Origin of Replication
Identification of yeast origin of replication
Eukaryotic Origin of Replication Last multisubunit complex(ORC; origin recognition complex) binds to eukaryotic origin of replication All yeast Origin of replication has been identified (about 150 nucleotide pairs) The mammalian origin of replication sequence is difficult to identify
Yeast Origin of Replication
DNA Repair
Spontaneous Alterations
Depurination and Deammination
Thymine Dimer
Double-Strand Break Repair
DNA Recombination
ssDNA Hybridization
Rec A in Homologous Recombinaton at DNA Synapsis
Holiday Junction
Resolving Holiday Junction
General Recombination in Mitotic and Meiotic Cells
Site Specific Recombination Moving of mobile genetic elements between non-homologous DNA Transpositional site-specific recombination –DNA only transposition Cut and Pase transposition Replicative transposition –Retroviral-like retrotransposition –Nonretroviral retrotransposition Conservative site-specific recombination
Bacterial Transposons
Cut-and-Paste Transposition
Replicative Transposon
Site-specific recombintaion by a retro virus or a retrovirus-like retrotransposon
Nonretroviral Retrotransposon
Conservative site specific recombination