Clergy and Readers Serving Church Schools Tuesday 3 February 2015 Llandaff CW Primary School, Cardiff Kathie Mayer (Diocesan Schools Officer) Edwin Counsell (Diocesan Director of Education)
Let’s break the ice! What’s good about your Parish?What’s good about your Parish? What’s good about your school?What’s good about your school? What’s do you hope to take away from today?What’s do you hope to take away from today?
Which of the statements on the walls most closely reflects your own experience?
Collective Worship: Getting the Recipe Right! Clergy and Readers Serving Church Schools Tuesday 3 February 2015
Assembly!!! From now on, this is one for the Swear-Box
The School Hall: What can you see?
Basic recipe for sponge cake 225g self raising flour 225g margarine / butter 225g caster sugar 4 eggs
Basic recipe for school worship The GatheringThe Gathering The WordThe Word ReflectionReflection Sending OutSending Out
Making sponge cake Good quality ingredientsGood quality ingredients The right equipmentThe right equipment CleanlinessCleanliness Make enough for everyoneMake enough for everyone Enjoy baking at least as much as you enjoy eating!Enjoy baking at least as much as you enjoy eating!
Church School Inspection: Key Question 2 What is the impact of collective worship on the school community?
Developing good Collective Worship What is the impact of collective worship on each member of the school community? How is the importance of collective worship demonstrated in the life of the school? How well does it develop learners’ understanding of the traditions and practice of the Church in Wales? What contribution does collective worship make to the overall spiritual development of members of the school community? How is this evaluated?
How do we know when school worship is good? It makes a differenceIt makes a difference It is appropriate and relevantIt is appropriate and relevant The ‘recipe’ is rightThe ‘recipe’ is right It is led and managed properlyIt is led and managed properly Prayer is at its heartPrayer is at its heart Section 50 Descriptors
Preparation Impact, not provisionImpact, not provision TimeTime –Making it count –Pace PlanningPlanning –Link to themes / values –Visitors Children’s inputChildren’s input
The Gathering Layout of the hallLayout of the hall A range of media / sensesA range of media / senses MusicMusic StillingStilling Colours of the seasonColours of the season
The Word Scripture reading or story Scripture reading or story Who will present it? Who will present it? How will it be presented? How will it be presented? What will the children take away? What will the children take away?
Reflection What will we look at? What will we look at? Prayers? Prayers? What could we all say? What could we all say? Hand together, eyes closed?! Hand together, eyes closed?!
Sending Out How will we end our worship? How will we end our worship? What will the children take away? What will the children take away? Is there a link to learning? Is there a link to learning? Music? Music? Clearing up! Clearing up!
Variations to the recipe Family recipes Family recipes Other people’s recipes Other people’s recipes Variety of fillings Variety of fillings Sometimes, it goes wrong! Sometimes, it goes wrong!
Giving it the ‘Wow!’ Factor PlanningPlanning EvaluatingEvaluating ExperimentingExperimenting
The School Eucharist Changing RoomsLayoutChanging RoomsLayout Let’s Face the MusicMusicLet’s Face the MusicMusic NewsroomPrayersNewsroomPrayers CatwalkStoleCatwalkStole Fame AcademyScriptureFame AcademyScripture MasterchefBread & WineMasterchefBread & Wine
And finally… What’s the one thing we can each do to make a difference to the Collective Worship in our schools?