Ek Shradhanjali by Dr. Nirmal Baid
1920 Born in Tamkor, Rajasthan 1931 Initiated at the age of 10 in 1931 by Acharya Kalugani, in Sardarshahr as Muni Nathmal. Early life Without formal schooling mastered History, Philosophy, Logic, Grammar, Physics, Ayurveda, Politics, Economics, and Social sciences 1978 Acharya Tulsi named him Mahaprgya for his immense intellect and appointed him the Yuvacharya of the Sangh Acharya Tulsi declared that Mahapragya would now be the Acharya, and relinquished himself as Acharya Jainism's legendary era came to an end with the passing away of Jain community's senior most Acharya in Sardarshahr.
Mother Teresa National Awardof Peace Mother Teresa National Award of Peace by Interfaith Harmony Foundation of India in 2005 Communal Harmony Award Communal Harmony Award i.e. Sampradayika Sadbhavana Puraskar by Govt. of India in 2004 Ambassador of Peace Ambassador of Peace (London) by Inter Religions and International Federation in 2003 Lokmaharshi Lokmaharshi by New Mumbai Municipal Corporation in 2003 Indira Gandhi National Integration Award Indira Gandhi National Integration Award in 2002 Yug Pradhan Yug Pradhan as a mark of the highest honor of this era for his countless services to humanity in 1999 D.Litt D.Litt by Netherland Inter Cultural Open University in 1999
Started writing at age of 22. Written 200+ books in Hindi, Sanskrit, Prakrit and Rajasthani. His epic 'Sambodhi' represents his poetic capacities in rhythmic conversation between Lord Mahavir and the Prince Monk Megha Kumar. Led determination of the original text of the thirty- two Agam scriptures and completed their Hindi translation and commentary. “…it is not economic growth or military strength alone that make a society strong. Sustainable success comes from values, and these can sustain a society and a nation, even in times of hardship…”
In his late twenties, Mahapragya started to realize the wonders of meditation. After a deep practice for 20 years, formulated the Preksha Meditation system in Preksha Dhyan is a non-sectarian system of meditation which has spiritual as well as physical well being as its benefit. Preksha Meditation Yogasa n Prana- yam DhyanMantra
Adopted at Unity of Minds for Enlightened Citizens conference headed by Acharya Sri and Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam. It adopted Garland projects focused on celebration of inter religious festivals, healthcare and employment, imbibing value based education in schools and encouraging interfaith dialogue among spiritual heads.
Highlight spiritual aspect of non-violence and spread the message of peace and harmony across the country Kms on foot 2400 Villages and Towns Volunteers Covered length and breadth of India “…Only that country becomes strong whose citizens know the way to control their emotions. No country can emerge powerful without peaceful coexistence, and it is impossible for a country to ensure peaceful co-existence of its people without restraint and discipline…”
Acharya Mahapragya was the mastermind behind the conception of Jain Vishva Bharti University, Ladnun, Rajasthan. Acharya Mahapragya was the Anushashta, the spiritual head of this deemed University since Acharya Sri moved forward the university's objective to revive truths and values hidden in the ancient Indian traditions in general and in the Jain tradition in particular.
”...rituals or idol worship alone are not enough unless one’s conduct also gets transformed… “…religion is not confined only to temples, mosques, or churches, but extends to the man’s day-to-day living...” "I believe in that religion which has moral values at its foundation and spirituality at its peak…” - Acharya Mahapragya
Born on May 03, 1962 at Sardarshahr Initiated on May 5, 1974 in Sardarshahr Became Mahashraman at the age of 28 Yuvacharya on Sep 14, 1997 at the age of 35 11th Terapanth Acharya on May 09, 2010 Acharya Mahashraman