Jaimie miller Peace Inner
“The Hidden Messages in Water” introduces the revolutionary work of internationally renowned Japanese scientists Masaru Emoto, who has discovered that molecules of water a re affected by our thoughts, words, and feelings. Since humans and the earth are composed mostly of water, his message is one of personal health, global environmental renewal, and a practical plan for peace that starts with each one of us. My interest of study
The Power of Words Imagine in a perfect world where there was no hate, violence or greed. Imagine that people didn’t speak or think hateful thought of one another. What would the world be like? Imagine the wealthy sacrificing their riches to help the homeless. Would their sacrifice end world hunger? Would everyone have shelter from the weather? Would there be any pollution of the earth or the air we breathe from the greed of oil companies or tobacco companies? Fujiwara Dam, after offering a prayer Fujiwara Dam, before offering a prayer
Radiation Leakage Well Water Before Prayer Radiation Leakage Well Water After Prayer
See what effects music has on the structuring of distilled water between two speakers for several hours and then photographed the crystals that formed after the water was frozen. Beethoven's Pastorale Tibet Sutra
heavy Metal Kawachi Folk Dance
John Lennon Imagine The Beatles Yesterday
You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You Now see how thoughts and words affected the formation of untreated distilled water crystals using words typed onto paper by a word processor and taped on glass bottles overnight. The same procedure was performed using the names of deceased persons. The water were then frozen and photographed. You Make Me Sick, I Will Kill You
Adolph Hitler Thank You
Love and Appreciation Mother Teresa
Do it! Let’s do it!
Devil Demon
Angel Soul
Peace Dirty
Beautiful Family Love
Love and Thanks Innocent Child
Reverence Emotion
Hope Truth
Eternity Happiness
Happy Christmas ( Italian ) Amazing Grace
Water set on top of Pictures Dolphins Elephant
The crystal from the water exposed to the picture of cherry blossom.
As if we needed proof, Emoto's photos show, over and over again, that "love and gratitude are fundamental to the phenomenon of life in all of nature." He experiments with the effects of positive, negative, and even indifferent words and thoughts on water.
How they get the Pictures of Crystals Written words “You Fool” and “Thank You”, in Japanese, being shown to the water. A photo of dolphins being shown to the water. 50 samples of .5ml of water are collected in petri dishes. Music being played to the water
The frozen water sample right out of the freezer. Inside a walk-in freezer kept at -5 degrees. An optical microscope with an external camera is used at 200x magnification to photograph the water crystal that forms. The frozen water sample right out of the freezer.
Each water crystal goes through a very short life cycle from the time it is removed from the freezer, to the time it melts under the microscope.
Although there are many, here is a summary of four stages of a water crystal's life cycle under the microscope #1 Water Crystal starts to form. #2 Water Crystal continues to form. #3 Water Crystal fully formed. #4 Water Crystal starts to melt.
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