ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF POLICE OFFICERS FOR ENGLAND WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND Good Practice for Emergency Intervention in Traffic Collisions Inspector Andy.


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Presentation transcript:

ASSOCIATION OF CHIEF POLICE OFFICERS FOR ENGLAND WALES AND NORTHERN IRELAND Good Practice for Emergency Intervention in Traffic Collisions Inspector Andy Rooke All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (Including photocopy or showing it by any medium of electronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication without the written permission of the copyright owner. Except in accordance with the provision of the Copyright Design and Patents Act 1988 Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damaged and criminal prosecution.

Introduction UK Nationally, approximately 3,500 people are killed on our roads each year. Additionally 320,000 are injured of which 38,000 are serious injuries Economic costs to the community are between £12 & £17 billion per year. Human/ Emotional costs cannot be quantified BUT UK on target to meet 2010 targets

How Emergency Calls are Received in UK 999 single emergency number for entire UK Established Companies BT & Cable & Wireless operate service 15 Operator Assist Centres (OAC) PSAP 1 in UK 2 OAC’s able to handle eCall 36 million calls received each year 60% from GSM networks Established solution to deal with false calls OAC (PSAP 1) pass to Emergency services for dispatch (PSAP 2) There are in excess of 100 PSAP 2

Situation Now no eCall functionality Incident Mobile phone provider One of 15 PSAP 1 One of over 100 PSAP 2’s Emergency Service Response

UK Police Structure 43 forces across England Wales and Northern Ireland Further 8 forces in Scotland All forces have local responsibility but have national targets set for performance

UK Ambulance Service Funded by Central Government Free to all 31 regions in England, then Wales Northern Ireland & Scotland Single grading system for call A life threatening B-C response required A graded calls have paramedics with advanced life support skills These can be in cars or motorcycles 14 Air Ambulance Services in UK with other combined services with Police Forces

UK Fire and Rescue Services 44 Fire Authorities in UK based on Counties Most now independent Fire Authorities 1985 moved away from Fire Brigades became Fire & rescue Greater emphasis placed on Rescue rather than fighting fires Fire Officers trained to provide specialist rescue services Specialised Rescue vehicles now common place.

National Road Death Investigation Manual was introduced in Dec Based on ACPO Murder Manual Aim to standardise the way in which the UK police service investigate road deaths and serious injury collisions. Intention: –‘ To serve justice and to provide support for victims, fairly and impartially without prejudice and regardless of race, gender, ethnic origin, religion, culture, age, disability,sexual orientation, nationality or place of abode’. Promotes Best Practice & measurement. Police Service Response

Aims of all Investigations Investigate Fatal & serious collisions thoroughly & to the highest possible standard. Principal - ‘Search for the truth’. Ensure that families of victims are provided with the highest level of support from trained officers dedicated towards the provision of family liaison. Provide a documented ‘investigation plan’ during every incident, ensuring each incident is investigated to high ethical standards.

Personnel involved in an investigation. Senior Investigating Officer Forensic Collision Investigators Family Liaison Officers Interview Teams Road Policing Officers Crown Prosecution Service Road Death Investigation Manual Investigative Response

The Future? ACPO ITS actively involved in a number of EC funded projects including: –GST Rescue (Advanced assistance for Emergency Services) –Liaison (Advanced Location based services for Emergency Services) –ReAct (Assistance & Co-ordination for PSAP’s for incident identification) –PetraNet (Information Exchange for all emergency Services)

Future eCall model

Why does this model work in the UK? Single point of contact for all Emergency Services 999 (112) PSAP 1 Policing Structure in UK –Single Tiered Police Force Investigation process defined in the RDIM –The search for Truth –Trained Investigators –Quality Assurance –Victim support English Judicial System –Adversarial not Inquisitorial Ambulance Service –Unified across Country –Free for all Fire Service –Unified across Country –Free for all Assistance of Technology –eCall –Project GST RSQ Blue Wave/Virtual Cone Route Guidance Push and Pull of Data –Project Liaison –Project ReAct –Project PetraNet

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