By: Makaila Lambert Steroids
There are many different types of Steroids Injectable Steroids, Steroid Pills, British Dragon Steroids, Cutting Steroids, Fat Loss Steroids, Mexican Steroids, Oral Steroids, Steroid Tablets, Bulking Steroids, Designer Steroids, Horse Steroids, Muscle Building Steroids, Steroid Cream etc. Steroids are used for many different things. Most people use them illegally Steroids can be addictive and be used out of habit Steroid 101
Rapid weight gain Unusual mod swings Increased aggressiveness Acne Baldness A deeper voice (females) Increased hair production(females) Liver damage and liver cancer And enlarge heart Cardiac death High blood pressure Increased cholesterol Elevated blood sugars Heart attack Strokes Excitation Depression Maniac episodes(roid rage) Suicide Stunted growth Premature sexual development Enlarged breasts in males Decreased testicles (males) Life threatening skin rashes Arthritis Effects of Steroids
Steroids can be prescribed by a doctor for certain medical reasons They can also be sold illegally like in/through places such as: College campuses Gyms Online The black market Drug dealers Mail orders Where are They Sold?
You can take steroids to treat: Arthritis Asthma Lupus and multiple sclerosis Eczema and rashes Some kinds of cancer Medical Purposes of Steroids
Increase lean body mass, strength and aggressiveness Reduce recovery time between workouts Increase endurance Increase muscle size Reduce body fat Improve personal appearance Ways Steroids are Used Illegally
Pumpers Gym Candy Arnolds Stackers Balls and Bulls A’s Weight Trainers Var Drol Dbol Primo Winny Halo EQ Deca Tren Test Common Names for Illegal Steroids
Only those that have had steroids prescribed to them by a doctor should use steroids If you are not prescribed by a doctor and are just using them for your personal use then you may have to face serious consequences Who Should use Steroids?
Punishment is driven by quantity In Texas possession of over 400 grams has a range of imprisonment of 5 to life The amounts are counted in units with one pill, capsule, or tablet equaling 1 unit In Connecticut it’s considered a misdemeanor with a maximum sentence of up to one year in jail unless near a school, could be additional imprisonment In Arizona it’s a felony charge but under a new law some offenders if eligible can get probation with drug treatment instead of prison time What Happens if you are Caught with Illegal Steroids?
Louisiana carries a possible prison term with hard labor for a first offense personal possession charge In Florida and Georgia possession of any amount is a felony with a sentence of up to 5 years imprisonment In Colorado using is a misdemeanor but possession is a felony In Alabama it is a felony charge carrying a prison term of up to 10 years What Happens if you are Caught with Illegal Steroids? Cont.
prolonged_steroid_abuse References
What is one way steroids are used illegally? A.) To bathe B.) To increase endurance C.) To make you healthier D.) To control your breathing Question 1
What can medical steroids heal? A.) Lupus and multiple sclerosis B.) Gout C.) Scars D.)AIDS Question 2
What is an effect of steroids? A.) Joy B.) ADHD C.) Broken Heart Disease D.) Roid Rage Question 3
Where/ what are steroids sold through? A.) Auctions B.) Mail C.) Underground Railroad D.) In the Oval Office Question 4
Which of the following is a type of steroid? A.) Designer Steroids B.) Phone Steroids C.) British Dragon Steroids D.)Both A&C Question 5
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