Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
NOTAM are safety critical Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM NOTAM are safety critical NOTAM can contain very safety critical information. Here are two examples. A2840/10 NOTAMN Q) EDGG/QMXLC/IV/M/A/000/999/5002N00834E005 A) EDDF B) 1008041549 C) PERM E) EASTERN PART OF TWY P1 BTN PSN V253 AND TWY N-NORTH CLSD. A3239/10 NOTAMRA2040/10 Q) EDGG/QOBCE/IV/M/A/000/999/5002N00834E005 A) EDDF B) 1008311224 C) 1012012359EST E) MOBILE CRANE ERECTED IN DEPARTURE SECTOR 25R. POSITION 1130M IN FRONT OF THR 07L AND 100M SE OF EXTENDED RCL. MAX ELEV 378FT/53FT AGL. NOT MARKED AND NOT LIGHTED NOTAM may supersede the content of a static database, an AIP nor a chart. Therefore it is essential that the users get the data. Missing this data might be the difference between a safe journey and a disaster. Notes: Source: HindSight - Aviation Safety Magazine for Air Traffic Controllers - Skybrary EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM NOTAM numbers PIB A problem is the significant and constant increase in the amount of NOTAM issued world-wide in the last years. On average, 20 000 NOTAM are in force are every moment around the World. The system is becoming more complex and more dynamic. This is reflected in increased Pre-Flight Information Bulletins (PIB) that are suffering more and more of information overload. Who is affected: Airspace users Service Providers AIS/NOTAM offices Airports and other data originators Notes: Source: European AIS Database (EAD) EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
NOTAM also have quality problems Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM NOTAM also have quality problems … irrelevant information … obstacles with imprecise positions … runway shortenings when the NOTAM simply gives a new TORA and does not really say WHERE the runway have been shorter (in what end) 10% of the NOTAM have errors according to a study done by the EAD on randomly selected messages! … complex restricted area boundaries that take hours to put on a map! Notes: … very long and complex to read!!! … typing errors EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Pilot’s Perspective “Last line of defense” for safety Typically have less time to review NOTAMs than other customers NOTAM data not filtered or prioritized Digitize NOTAM data A study conducted by the American Institute for Research in the United States looked at issues facing pilots as they use the NOTAM system. Pilots are the last line of defense and must make safety decisions that could personally affect the pilot. As a consequence good NOTAM information is critical to pilots. Yet, pilots generally have the least amount of time to review the NOTAM information. Other customers like dispatchers and flight services have more time to review and consider the NOTAM information. Pilot challenges are compounded because the NOTAM information is not filtered or prioritized. A typical flights of 150 KM in the US can have a 40 page briefing containing hundreds of NOTAMS. A review shows that only a fraction of these NOTAMS have immediate consequence to the pilot. As a result, pilots are encouraging digital NOTAM as a way to better manage and communicate NOTAM information to pilots. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
What is a “digital NOTAM” Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM What is a “digital NOTAM” Instead of <text>TAXIWAYS OUTER 7 AND E6 CLSD</text> Use explicit feature properties For example… <taxiway> <name>OUTER 7</name> <status>CLOSED</status> </taxiway> <name>E6</name> In a digital NOTAM, the current NOTAM fields do no longer exist. Instead, the information is structured using the Extensible Markup Language (XML), according to a pre-defined schema. Every feature, every property and every possible situation needs to be identified by specific codes. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Benefits – improved data quality Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Benefits – improved data quality Digital data: clearer / more precise than free text enables validation automatic by the system visually by the operator Let’s now look at some benefits that Digital NOTAM will bring. Digital data is much more clear/precise than free text: Position of obstacles Shape of restricted airspace Schedules Etc. Therefore, digital data enables much more automatic validation checks: For example, if THR is displaced, check if declared distances and OCA/OCH have been modified, etc. Or, check the shape and location of a temporary restricted area Check the shape and location of the airport surfaces that are work in progress or temporarily closed Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Benefits – improved PIB Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Benefits – improved PIB One radical improvement that is enabled by digital NOTAM is in the area of pre-flight information bulletins. - prioritise information by criticality - organise information by item concerned (runway, gate, etc.) - far better filtering capabilities - filter out irrelevant information, which can represent more than 50% of the current bulletins; - reduce the risk of information overload, which is a growing problem because of the significant increase in the number of NOTAM in force world-wide; - embed graphics where appropriate or even do a full graphical PIB The ultimate goal is a fully graphical, continuous briefing process from the flight planning phase, followed by pre-flight briefing, in-flight updates and post-flight de-briefing. The same information package would be available on the ground and in the air, continuously updated. This will also support the development of new, fully digital services for aeronautical information updates on board the aircraft, in graphical format. Notes: Positive impact on safety EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Benefits – airspace activity maps for VFR Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Benefits – airspace activity maps for VFR VFR flyers could also benefit from products enabled by Digital NOTAM. Make digital airspace reservation data available for VFR community -> enable graphical visualisation Currently, such applications either display the airspace as a circle based on the Q line or require human intervention for decoding the NOTAM text when the algorithms that try to extract the lat/long positions from the item E do not work, because someone has put a dot instead of a comma in the series of lat / long values. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
On board – dynamic data for EFB Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM On board – dynamic data for EFB Aircraft passing activated Temporary Segregated Area (TSA), from D-AIM test flight, autumn 2008 Aircraft landing on RWY 09/27 at Norrköping Airport, EFB showing RWY 11/29 Closure, from D-AIM test flight, autumn 2008 See for an example The digital NOTAM idea was also tested in a live environment during the D-AIM Trial run by EUROCONTROL and LFV Sweden, in 2008. Graphical presentation of temporary aeronautical information on an EFB device: Temporary Segregated Area (TSA) Status Taxiway or Runway Closure Digital Meteorological Information, geo-spatially displayed Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Supported by AIXM version 5.1 Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Supported by AIXM version 5.1 XSD UML Temporality Concept From a previous presentation, you have seen that AIXM 5 supports the implementation of the digital NOTAM concept. The main difference between AIXM 4.5 and AIXM 5.1 is the introduction of: A temporality concept Feature properties that are necessary to model conditions that are announced by NOTAM; typically, this means ‘operational status’ attributes and associated schedules. These are two essential pre-requisites for Digital NOTAM encoding. The challenge for AIXM version 5 is to model all these features and situations, knowing that the potential scope of NOTAM information is very wide. Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital NOTAM Event Specification - Purpose Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Digital NOTAM Event Specification - Purpose Event data Target: application developers ! Restricted area North of Sjaellands Odde TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA IS ESTABLISHED daily from 08:00-17:00 between 07 NOV and 17 NOV AS FOLLOWS NORTH OF SJAELLANDS ODDE: 560028N 0111656E - 560643N 0111026E - 561500N 0112400E - 561500N 0113600E -560112N 0114736E - 555730N 0113830E - 560028N 0111656E. between SFC and 60000 FT AMSL RELEVANT ATS UNITS REF. AIP DENMARK ENR 5.1 ITEM 3: AARHUS APP/TWR, ACC KOEBENHAVN Rules Rules Rules Data encoding rules Data validation rules NOTAM production rules Digital NOTAM AIXM 5.1 encoded data output Text NOTAM ICAO Format (Snnnn/yy NOTAMN Q) EKDK/QRRCA/IV/BO /W /000/600/5606N01130E012 A) EKDK B) 0711010800 C) 0711011100 E) TEMPORARY RESTRICTED AREA ESTABLISHED AS FOLLOWS (NORTH OF SJAELLANDS ODDE): 560028N 0111656E - 560643N 0111026E - 561500N 0112400E - 561500N 0113600E -560112N 0114736E - 555730N 0113830E - 560028N 0111656E. RELEVANT ATS UNITS REF. AIP DENMARK ENR 5.1 ITEM 3: AARHUS APP/TWR, ACC KOEBENHAVN. DANGER AREA WITHIN THE PORTION OF AIRSPACE OVER THE HIGH SEA. F) SFC G) 60000FT AMSL) EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital NOTAM Event Specification Incremental approach Version 1.0 Published June 2011 Reviewed / tested by industry in prototypes Version 1.1 – in preparation Modifications based on feed-back from industry Include “missing” events (surface contamination, TWY closure) Include additional events Working version available on line (see link in the document)
Version 1.1 (tentative) Increment 1 scenarios Increment 2 scenarios Published special activity area – activation Displaced threshold Published ATS airspace - activation or deactivation Declared distances changes Ad-hoc special activity area – creation Runway portion closure Ad-hoc ATS airspace – creation Airport Usage limitation Route portion closure Runway usage limitation Route portion opening Taxiway usage limitation Aerodrome closure Approach lights unserviceable Runway closure Approach lights downgraded Navaid unserviceable Runway lights unserviceable New obstacle Obstacle lights unserviceable Taxiway closure Visual Approach slope indicator unserviceable Surface contamination (SNOWTAM) Taxiway lights unserviceable Other Event (any other situation that does not have a dedicated scenario)
First implementations SESAR P.13.2.2 Thales prototype – Airport closure Frequentis prototype – New obstacle Other implementations by industry IDS (cooperation with ENAV) prototype – All increment 1 Comsoft prototype – Runway closure, etc. Eurocontrol DiNO prototype – airspace warnings / reservations FAA Digital NOTAM submission – operational system System deployed at more than 100 airports already
FAA Digital NOTAM implementation Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM FAA Digital NOTAM implementation EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital SNOWTAM Trial 2009-2012 Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Digital SNOWTAM Trial 2009-2012 The Digital SNOWTAM Trial was launched in November 2009 and is still available at present. Objectives: Demonstrate xNOTAM benefits to end users -> Airlines Verification of the AIXM 5.1 Surface Contamination model Continue the testing of Web service standards REST architecture Start work on algorithms and open source code structured SNOWTAM text to AIXM 5.1 AIXM 5.1 to SNOWTAM text Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Trial – Application architecture Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Trial – Application architecture Users can access the data : through REST interface through WFS Notes: AIXM 5.1 data WFS EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Icon Meaning No contamination information on the airport Contamination information exists– breaking action GOOD Contamination information exists– breaking action POOR or UNRELIABLE All other situations, including airport/heliport closed The latest SNOWTAM received could not be parsed due to syntax error. Available via the Manage Rejected SNOWTAM menu -- Live demo -- Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Electronic Input Forms - Digital NOTAM
Electronic Input Forms - Digital NOTAM
Digital NOTAM in EAD (project) New Digital NOTAM Application (DNA) Progressive development Airspace Obstacle … Increment 1 … Increment 2 … Pre-operational phase NOTAM data providers may use DNA (via ECIT) Support post-digitisation of NOTAM
DNA – intended functions
Digital Briefing System Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Digital Briefing System Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM ePIB Prototype Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM ePIB Prototype Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011
Digital AIM Training - Digital NOTAM Questions? Notes: EUROCONTROL Copyright 2011