Client-Server Relationship Client-Server Relationship HTML Basics HTML Basics Scripting Basics Scripting Basics Examples Examples
Client-Server Relationship Client – user of an application –Sends requests to the server for a specific tasks (process data, obtain data, etc) –Uses HTML to tell web browser how to display data
Client-Server Relationship Server – more specifically, ASP (Active Server Pages) –Receives requests from the client to perform a certain task –Processes data and sends results back to the client –Uses scripting languages to process data (VBScript,PHP,JavaScript)
HTML Basics HTML performs two essential tasks 1.Displays data 2.Submits data to be process
HTML Basics Tags –HTML uses tags to format data –Tag Format: Some text here (optional) </command> –Save in a text editor (or web editor like Dreamweaver) and open with IE, Netscape, etc.
HTML Basics Example:<html><body> This is a paragraph. This is a paragraph. Paragraph elements are defined by the p tag. Paragraph elements are defined by the p tag. </body></html>
HTML Basics Common tags – - starts all documents – - all text is placed here – - links to other pages. Example: This is a Link This is a Link –,, - formats data in table form – - allow the user to enter information (explained in next slide) –Other tags -
HTML Basics Forms - A form is defined with tag Structure:<form> </form>
HTML Basics Form Example: Username: </form> –When user selects the “submit” button, the information in the form is submitted to the page “html_form_action.asp”. Other form elements:
VB Script Basics VB Scripts –Lightweight version of Visual Basic programming language –Can be placed anywhere in html code –Run by server and sent back to client –<% denotes beginning of the script –%> denotes end of script –Files with.asp extension will hold scripts (usually)
VB Script Basics Example Script: (saved as “example1.asp”) <html><body><% dim name name="John Harney" Response.write("My name is: " & name & “ ”) %></body></html> –Dim – dimensions a variable (can be any type) –Response.write – writes html content to the html page –Response Examples: – _response.asp
VB Script Basics Example Form: (saved as “example2.html”) <html><body> Grade: </form></body></html> –Form is “posted” to “example2.asp” with the text information “grade” when the user clicks submit
VB Script Basics Example Form: (saved as “example2.asp”) <html><body><% Dim grade entry = Request.Form("grade") If entry > 90 Then Response.write " You have an A " Response.write " You have an A " elseif entry > 80 Then elseif entry > 80 Then Response.write " You have a B " Response.write " You have a B " elseif entry > 70 Then elseif entry > 70 Then Response.wrtie " You have a C " Response.wrtie " You have a C " else else Response.write " You have an F " Response.write " You have an F " End If %></body></html> –Request.Form is the “posted” information from the form in “example2.html” –“grade” is the name of the text that was submitted
ASP ASP –Combines html and scripting with a database –Accesses the database and uses the information in data processing
ASP ASP – commands for accessing database <% set adocon = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") set adorec = server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset") adocon.Open("dsn=cscmssql1; uid=username; pwd=password;") adorec.ActiveConnection=adocon%> After connection is made, enter the sql command and use it: After connection is made, enter the sql command and use it:<% sqlText = “select * from database” Adocon.Open sqlText %>
ASP ASP Example – Sporting Goods Retailer –Contains the following 3 tables: Product (prodID,name,quantity,cost) Customer (custID,name,cardNo) Cp (custID,prodID)
References – HTML,VB,ASP – ASP validation and cookies Mathematical Science Database Page Office: Bryan 384 (W F 1-5)