Growing Hispanic Dilemma Underserved Students o 1 st generation o Low income o Students of color High School or GED o White: 94% o Black: 88% o Hispanic: 71% College Degree o White: 39% o Black: 20% o Hispanic: 13%
Educational Attainment Source: US Census (2010) 19,616
Financial Impact order)
An Overshadowing World College Attainment rising in every industrialized country in the World. o US led all over last 4 decades o Today some countries more than 50% are degree holders o More disturbing is all others continue to climb Source: Organization for Economic Development and Co-operation (OECD) 2008 Starr County 12.5
Against All Odds In Starr County nearly 40% of residents live below poverty level Link to underachievement o Socio-economic issues o Budget shortfalls Impossible choices o Pay Bills vs Education
High Aspirations External Negative Factors o Limited “preparedness” o Educational Deficits o Financial Constraints Internal Positive Traits o Unlimited “Vision” o Determination Surplus o Abundant Commitment
Fostering Hope Living in an “intangible economy” Success and Prosperity driven by knowledge The Dream