ETHOS 2011 application 1
Project description 2 areas are focused on: area 1: meeting the needs of highly talented pupils by offering opportunities to participate in models of good practice to staff and students across the partnership area 2: exploring and sharing good practices in meeting the special needs of pupils 2
Area 1 subjects mathematics (cf. IRISS evaluation sheets & disappointing participation in high level maths studies) sports (health, lifestyle, competition, etc.) music (specialized & strong area in several of our schools) leadership / entrepreneurship 3
Area 2 Exploring and sharing good practice in meeting the special needs of pupils with: reading/writing difficulties (incl. dyslexia, second language difficulties, etc.) difficulties with number behavioural difficulties (incl. motivational problems, ADHD, etc.) 4
Obj 1: European citizenship To foster cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue To enhance the curriculum experience of students and raise their levels of achievement To improve the quality of teaching and learning across the network To identify and share best practice To develop and implement innovative practice To organise study visits (teachers) and master classes (students) 5
Obj 2: Equal opportunities to attain more learning profit for more pupils, especially those with special talents and special needs create a context of accepted integration in all schools across the network prevent pupils from dropping out of education early 6
Obj 3: Communication & research skills improve communication skills for pupils using high quality standards to assess (CEF; cf running Comenius project IRISS) train teachers and pupils in IT-skills train teachers and pupils in research skills (making questionnaires, collecting and analysing data) 7
Obj 4: Q-assurance to further develop self-evaluation tools and monitor the progress of the activities to further take care of the professional management of the network take care of the dissemination of the results to all stakeholders and external partners 8
Programme & timing Kick-off conference Oct 2011: Agreement on evaluation tools to be used during the project: research methodology and questionnaires for special needs teams, and evaluation formats for the miniconferences/master classes Creation of programme and time schedule for master classes/miniconferences 9
Activities mini-conferences and master classes on area 1 topics: research on special needs: reports by April 2012 mini-conferences on reading, writing, number difficulties and behavioural difficulties: Closing Conference May 2013: final project report which describes the reflections of schools on what they have experienced and learned 10
Q-monitoring Creating, revising and distributing questionnaires, diaries and other evaluation tools to the participating schools monitoring the use of these by the schools collecting and analyzing the results of the evaluations reporting, presenting and disseminating the results of the evaluations making recommendations to the steering committee and the schools of the network on possible improvements 11
Conferences Ireland: Oct th Finland: May th Slovakia: Oct th France: May th 12
Dissemination evaluation of all activities feedback during the conferences to the member schools publication on the website of the project local feedback: school websites, magazines, local press, … 13
Master classes Maths: in Sweden spring 2012 Bagsværd Kostskole og Gymnasium, Danderyds Gymnasium, Escola Secundária Francisco Rodrigues Lobo, Gymnázium bilingválne, Heilige Maagdcollege, Liceo Alessandro da Imola, Lycée Michel-Rodange, Móricz Zsigmond Gimnázium, Radyr Comprehensive School Music: in Germany spring 2013 Wittekind Gymnasium, Jõgeva Gümnaasium, Radyr Comprehensive School 14
Mini-conferences Special needs: in Belgium Nov 2012 Bagsværd, Bundesrealgymn., Cygnaeus-lukio, Danderyds, Rodrigues Lobo, Gymn. bilingválne, H Maagdcollege, St-Jude, Mig. Catalán, Jõgeva, Lena, A da Imola, Hub. Clément, M.-Rodange, Móricz Zsigmond, Radyr, Ramsgrange, Kalamaria. Strabrecht, Wittekind Sports: in Austria spring 2013 Bagsværd Kostskole og Gymnasium, Bundesrealgymnasium Wien 19, Esc. Sec. Fr. Rodrigues Lobo, Inst. Saint-Jude, Jõgeva Gümnaasium, Lena videregående skole, Liceo Alessandro da Imola, Ramsgrange Comm. School, Second Lyc. of Kalamaria, Strabrecht College 15
Other activities Application: p. 100 – 105 many bilateral exchanges Conclusion: few master classes / mini-conferences nothing on leadership 16
Planning June 2011: Finnish agency will decide approval in Finland = approval for all schools (in principle) kick-off = Ireland Oct 2011 (prepared by Q’s & SC Sept th in Dendermonde) 17