Chapter Scientific Method
For both photos A and B, make 2 observation s and one inference. ABAB
Look at these two sets of animal tracks. 1. List 3 OBSERVATIONS 2. Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? 3. Make 3 OBSERVATIONS 4. Make an INFERENCE
Now what do you think? 5. Make 3 OBSERVATIONS 6. Make an INFERENCE
Chapter The Process of Life A. Scientific Method: The general process of scientific discovery using specific, repeatable procedures. 1. Ask Question 2. Do Research 3. Construct Hypothesis 4. Test with experiment 5. Analyze Results and Draw Conclusions : (hypothesis true or false) 6. Report Results 7. Others test idea
Others test idea
Observation: direct method of recording information Scientists believe nature is orderly and measurable. Science also considers that natural laws do not change with time. Phenomena can therefore be understood from observations. Actual science research may also involve chance (e.g., Alexander Fleming’s discovery of penicillin). Quantitative – measureable or countable Qualitative – describable, not measureable -red flowers -smells like fresh baked cookies -Tastes bitter 3 meters long 4 marbles 50 kilograms 35 degrees Celsius
C. Hypothesis 1. A hypothesis is a possible explanation for a natural event - must be testable Examples of hypotheses, check those that are valid and can be tested _____Bluebirds sing to attract mates. _____ Bluebird songs are beautiful. _____ Only male bluebirds sing. _____ Sparrows will leave territories where they hear bluebird songs.. _____ Bluebirds hate sparrows. Inference: The process of drawing a conclusion from given evidence.
FALSIFIABILITY It is important than any statement or hypothesis is falsifiable - if there is no evidence out there that would prove the statement wrong, then there is no point in running any tests. - It must be testable!
It is bad science to ask someone to PROVE A NEGATIVE. For example: Prove that ghosts don’t exist. Prove that cell phones don’t cause cancer. Prove that there are no aliens. Prove that telepathy doesn’t exist. The burden of proof lies on the claimant. If you make a claim, then you must be the one to provide evidence for that claim. (It is not on other people to show it to be false.)
D. Experiments/Further Observations 1. Testing a hypothesis involves either further observations or conducting an experiment. 2. An experimental design is proposed that tests the hypothesis. Scientists may use a model (globabl warming), but models are not always valid Do spotted frogs live better in dry, damp, or very wet environments?
Experiment: three spotted frogs of similar size and put in three different tanks. The tanks are the same size and shape. The frogs are given the same food. Tank 1: wet environment Tank 2: damp environment Tank 3: dry environment
E. Data 1. observable and objective. 2. often displayed in a graph or table. 3. Often the data must be inspected for the probability the data could show a relationship by chance; this is a measure of “significance.” You roll two dice, they both turn up ONEs. This does not fit your prediction that you will only roll a ONE 1 out of 6 times. Is the data significant enough to change your prediction?
F. Conclusion 1. Whether the data support or reject the hypothesis is the basis for the “conclusion.” - avoid the word "prove" 2. The conclusion of one experiment can lead to the hypothesis for another experiment. 3. Science findings are reported in scientific journals so results are available to the research community (peer review). 4. The experiments and observations must be repeatable or the research is suspect.
G. Scientific Theory: well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is acquired through the scientific method, and repeatedly confirmed through observation and experimentation. what does it really mean? The ultimate goal is to understand the natural world in scientific theories, and conceptual schemes supported by a broad range of data.Say What?
H. A Controlled Study: in a lab 1. Some investigations are managed where conditions can be kept constant a. A variable is a factor that can cause an observable change b. The independent or experimental variable is the step that is manipulated or changes (ex. ? ). c. A dependent variable is part of the experiment that changes and is measured. (ex: ? ) Experiment: three spotted frogs of similar size and put in three different tanks. The tanks are the same size and shape. The frogs are given the same food.
Example of a Controlled Study Observation: Babies are born with severe birth defects, mothers of these babies report taking the drug thalidomide during pregnancy for morning sickness. Question: Does thalidomide cause birth defects? Hypothesis: Thalidomide causes birth defects.
Experiment: Control group: Mice not given thalidomide during pregnancy Variable: Mice given thalidomide during pregnancy In this experiment, mice born from both the control and variable group will not have birth defects. This experiment was performed long before thalidomide was marketed and prescribed to pregnant women. Does these mean that the hypothesis is not supported?
A Field Study: observe and collect data in the natural habitat or “real world” 1. Observations led the researcher to the hypothesis that male bluebirds vary their aggressiveness toward other males depending on the time during the cycle of breeding. 2. To test the hypothesis, a male bluebird model was placed by the nest while the male was gone and observations were made upon his return. 3. A control consisted of a model of a robin placed in the same position for some nests. Control
4. Resident male bluebirds did not bother the control model but were aggressive toward the male bluebird model depending on the stage in nesting. 5. The conclusions confirmed the researchers hypothesis and were published in a science journal
Quick Review: What is a Theory? A Theory is an explanation for natural events that is based on a large number of observations. Similar to a PRINCIPLE or a LAW that seek to define theories. Scientific Theories join together well supported and related hypotheses Theories must explain a wide range of observations Theories must be falsifiable Theories can be changed if new evidence presents itself Generally, a THEORY explains the phenomenon (WHY) a LAW defines it, or establishes a pattern (WHAT)
The evolution and creationism theory debate? theory? Keeping in mind that there is nothing wrong with personal or religious beliefs, it is debated if things like evolution and creationism can be scientific theories because they may not meet the criteria of a scientific theory itself. 1. tells us what happened, does it explain how, when, why or through what mechanism? 2. Can either be proven false? - ie, how could you disprove the existence of a divine creation 3. Is it based on natural causes (natural causality)? 4. Can it be tested and proven in varies ways with multiple hypothesis? Can you test history? redflags2.jpghttp://sci- redflags2.jpg
What is Occam's Razor? Ockham's Razor (Occam is the latinized and more common spelling) is a principle proposed by William Ockahm in the 15th century. The original principle stated "Pluralitas non est ponenda sine neccesitate" which translates as "entities should not be multiplied unnecessarily" Simply put: The simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
Activities: Organization cards Homeostasis article
Chapter How to Define Life Which one of these things would you consider a living organism?
QOD What is a physiological mechanism and explain how they are used to maintain homeostasis. Include an example of a physiological mechanism and how it maintains homeostasis. (think about: what is the difference in positive and negative feedback?
A. Living Things Are Organized subatomic particles --> atoms --> molecules -- cells --> tissues --> organs --> organ systems --> organism --> population --> community --> ecosystem --> biome --> world
Is this organized? Is it life?
Each level of organization has emergent properties. What the heck is an emergent property? emergent properties: properties of a group that are not possible when any of the individual elements of that group act alone. Ex: Cities, the brain, ant colonies and complex chemical systems
I. All living things: A. Acquire Materials and Energy Energy - capacity to do work; it takes work to maintain organization of the cell and organism. Metabolism - all chemical reactions that occur in a cell. B. Organisms must maintain homeostasis -or keep themselves stable in temperature, moisture level, acidity, etc. by physiology and behavior. This maintenance requires energy.
- Homeostasis: ability to maintain a stable internal environment How do you maintain homeostasis when you are cold? What about when you are hot? What happens when a bacteria gets in your body?
Unable to maintain homeostasis?
C. Living Things Respond 1. Living things interact with the environment in order to find nutrients or energy. 2. Responses to environment (stimulus) altogether constitute the behavior of an organism.
D. Living Things Reproduce and Develop Bacteria, protozoans, and other unicellular organisms simply split into two Multicellular organisms often unite sperm and egg -> zygote Reproduction assumes that genes are passed from parents to offspring. DNA is the molecule of life.
E. Living Things Have Adaptations 1. Adaptations - modifications that make an organism suited to its way of life. 2. Natural selection is process by which species become modified over time. 3. Evolution is descent with modification. This organism is called a pitcher plant. What do you think its adapted for?
RECAP What are the characteristics of life? - try to list them in 1-3 words each
1.3 How Living Things Are Classified A. Taxonomy: the Discipline of Identifying and Classifying Organisms 1. Organisms are classified according to their evolutionary relationships. 2. As more is learned about organisms, the taxonomy changes. How would you group these four organisms? Two groups? Three Groups?
B. Categories of Classification 1. From larger categories to smaller: domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus and species. (King Philip Came Over For Great Soup) 2. In the Kingdoms Plantae and Fungi, the category “phylum” is replaced by “division.”
You need to at least know the 3 domains: 1. Eukarya 2. Bacteria 3. Archaea
Six Kingdoms, Three Domains
The Human Population 1. Humans modify ecosystems for our own purposes. 2. Some human activity threatens tropical rain forests and coral reefs. 3. Human beings depend on healthy working ecosystems for food, medicines, and raw materials. How has the ecosystem your city been modified? Are these modifications good or bad? Ch 1.3
Biodiversity - the total number of species, their variable genes, and their ecosystems.
Comprehension Fail......
DOMAINKINGDOMCell NucleusNumber of CellsMethod of Nutrition EukaryaPlant Animal Fungus Protista BacteriaEubacteria ArchaeaArchaebacteria
QOD: In a group of 4, each pick one paragraph of the article to read. (note: paragraph 2 is the hardest one, the back page will be more helpful) When you are done reading, discuss as a group and try to answer the question: Why does the doctor not recommend the use of external cooling (such as ice baths, cold water or even air conditioners) to reduce a fever.