FleishmanHillard Authenticity Workshops A series of intensive workshops where an organization’s executive leadership works hand-in-hand with FleishmanHillard’s global industry and practice leaders to map the strategy, messages and program to align brand and reputation in a way that creates more productive engagement with stakeholders. The Authenticity Workshops lay the foundation for any initiative where an organization is looking to advance its business goals through more a productive engagement with its audiences. Workshops should be paired with the Authenticity Gap research to ensure a company is getting the most from its investment in the research. The research provides rich insights and direction. Once you have the results in hand, it’s critical to determine what actions to take as a result and how to shape your marketing communication plans going forward. An abbreviated version of the workshops can also be done for companies that haven’t conducted the Authenticity Gap research. Though not informed by important insights from outside stakeholders, these sessions rely on secondary sources and internal interviews for information and use the Nine Drivers as a framework for discussion. When Do I Conduct A Workshop? What Are Authenticity Workshops? What Happens During The Workshops? Workshops are much more than just a single day event. The team is hard at work before, during and after the session to develop a strategic plan that achieves your business goals. The workshop is based on FleishmanHillard’s proprietary COMPASS model that guides an organization through the entire planning process, from conceptualization to execution. NAVIGATE: Pre-Workshop The process begins with a kickoff session to discuss important business outcomes, key audiences that are most relevant to achieving your goals, important geographies and other issues that may be of critical importance to the company. This session helps provide the framework for the Authenticity research, shaping its scope around: Audience segmentation Priority geographic regions Competitive set Areas for deeper custom insights on topics such as innovation, customer care or community relations. Other work prior to the session could involve interviews with key executives, a crisis audit to determine potential reputational vulnerabilities, as well, as social and media audits and reviews of earlier research or business plans. IDEATE: The Authenticity Workshop A one or two day workshop is fashioned to explore these points on the COMPASS: Present Position Review – around the four Cs of company, competitors, culture and customers Opportunities – What do our insights tell us are competitive strengths? How might we take better advantage of these? Impossibilities – What challenges do we face that threaten success? What must be done to remove them? New Notions – Based on day one insights, what new programs and platforms could we create? Testing Theories – Develop the business case for success. Key metrics, required resources, expected results Sustainable Success – Critical success factors ACTIVATE: Bringing The Strategic Plan To Life Following the session, your team will design and execute a fully integrated strategic communication plan. It will bring forward a message platform and program that: Takes advantage of your competitive strengths Creates an action plan for closing your authenticity gap.
For more information about the FleishmanHillard Authenticity Gap please contact Marjorie Benzkofer at or visit the Authenticity Gap webpage at CenterOnReputation.com FleishmanHillard FleishmanHillard FleishmanHillard FleishmanHillard clients are using The Authenticity Gap insights to address a wide spectrum of brand and reputation needs. How Are Companies Applying The Authenticity Gap? A global ratings agency is using Authenticity Gap to help it rebuild their brand and credibility A national membership organization is using the research to help it improve recruitment and find ways to be more relevant to members A global hospitality company is using the Authenticity Gap in its 2014 marketing and communications A major North American energy company is using the Authenticity Gap to help it more positively engage with the community around a new pipeline construction project A global electronics company used the Authenticity Gap to better define its innovation and points of differentiation from competitors Other clients use the Authenticity Gap as part of the development of their mission, vision values, measurement dashboard, or to build their overall leadership platform Versatility Of The Authenticity Gap Research: