CP3024 Lecture 3 Server Side Facilities
Lecture contents Server side includes Common gateway interface (CGI) PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) pages
Static HTML Page Page created and stored on server Delivered to browser when requested Page always remains the same
Dynamic Content Generated by the Server Browser requests page Page is generated “on the fly” Content depends on: –Request made –Time of day –Etc.
“On-the-fly” Content Server Client Request HTML generated “on- the-fly”
Server Side Includes(SSI) Directives placed in an HTML page When page is delivered server inserts extra information Browser only sees final HTML version Not supported by all server software Pages have special suffix (normally.shtml)
Directive Format e.g.
Permitted Directives config echo exec flastmod fsize include printenv set
echo echo var= “environment_variable” Inserts the value of special side include variables into page e.g. My server is called
Running echo
exec Used to execute a command or a user program Best if program generates HTML Can’t send data to program exec cmd|cgi=“string”
Running exec
fsize Inserts the size of a named file Useful for warning about size of graphics etc. fsize file|virtual=“path”
flastmod Inserts the last modified date for a named file Used to indicate how up to date the information is flastmod file=“path”
Running fsize and flastmod
include Use to include text (normally html) into a file Can be used to add standard text to pages include file|virtual=“path”
Common Gateway Interface Known as CGI One of the most misunderstood Web technologies Allows client to pass data to programs running on server Programs generate HTML to be returned to browser
CGI in action Program Client Server HTTP Request Data for program Generated HTML HTML
What is a CGI program? Can be written in any language CGI defines the format of the data passed to the program Program reads data from an environment variable called QUERY_STRING Program generates output prefixed by Content- type: header. E.g.: echo Content-type: text/html echo
URL encoding Data may be sent via GET or POST Values are encoded as variable/value pairs Each pair is separated by & –firstname=Joe&lastname=Bloggs CGI program must decode this string GET strings go into the server logs but POST strings are not logged
Identifying CGI Scripts Some server set-ups require script to be stored in /cgi-bin Other set-ups allow scripts anywhere –Script names have format ????.cgi Scripts should be made executable for the server username Apache server username is nobody
Load On Server Originally each CGI script ran as a separate process Very costly on server resources Newer mechanisms run scripts in threads Server designers ensure that CGI routines cannot crash the Web server
Server-side Scripting CGI programs generate HTML Server side script languages embed code within HTML Server executes code before delivering to browser Examples include PHP, ASP, JSP and XSP Requires additional server software
PHP PHP Hypertext Preprocessor Server-side, HTML-embedded, cross- platform scripting language Available as Unix Apache module CGI version works with IIS on MS Windows Similar to C or Perl
Embedding PHP in HTML Between tags – Between tags for XML – In tags – echo “Hello World”;
Switching between PHP and HTML Can be done as and when:
PHP Comments /* C style comment */ // C++ style comments # Unix shell style comments
Variables in PHP All names begin with $ e.g. $variable Alphabetic character or underscore (_) must follow $ Remaining chars are alphanumeric or underscore Names are case-sensitive $A is not $a Types determined by first assignment
Data Types in PHP Integer –Whole numbers –2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 Floating Point –Decimal values in the range 1.7E-308 to 1.7E308 String –Sequence of characters e.g. “Hello World” Can convert using setype() function or by casting: –settype($myInt, “string”) –(integer) $myString
String Handling Characters within strings can be obtained via subscripting Subscripts start at 0 $hello = “Hello World” $hello[1] will be “e”
Outputting A String The function echo() outputs a string to the standard output e.g. echo(“Hello World”); echo($astring)
Finding the length of a string The function strlen() returns a string’s length $hello=“Hello World” The value of strlen($hello) is 11
Getting a number from a string Use the string in a calculation PHP converts as much as it can to a number $var=“1234” $num=$var[2] + 5 $num contains the number 8
Expressions Includes normal arithmetic operations –$i=$i+1 or $i++ –$i=$i-1 or $i-- –Also / (divide) and * (multiply) –% is the modulo operation May use brackets to specify precedence Statements separated by semi-colons Expressions evaluate to true or false
Control Structures Standard syntax for creating loops –if –switch –while –do/while –for
if statement if (expression) { statements } elseif (expression) { statements } else { statements }
Conditional expressions Standard comparison operators =, >, ==, != Note the == Any numeric expression which has a value of 0 is false otherwise it is true
Can combine conditiond Logical connectors && and || ($var 4) –Variable is less than 6 AND greater than 4 ($var==6) || ($var==4) –Variable is equal to 4 OR equal to 6
if Example if ($var==56){ echo “It’s the same”; } elseif($var<56){ echo “Less than”; } else{ echo “Greater than”; }
for loop for (start_expr; cond_expr; iter_expr){ statements } Executes the statements while the cond_expr is true
for example for($var=0; $var<=12; $var++){ echo($var); }
Getting Data From The Client Data is often supplied to server side programs via HTML forms Indicated by the tag Specifies HTTP method and field names Field names become variables in PHP scripts –Field name myfield becomes $myfield
A Simple Form Multiply Form Enter multiplier
Simple Form Output
PHP Script Times Table <?for($i=1;$i<=12;$i++){ echo($i); ?> * =
Getting It On the Server Treat PHP scripts like ordinary HTML pages Except save in files called.php Suitably equipped Web Server does the rest
Other Resources Chapter 29 (PHP) - Internet & World Wide Web – How to Program, H.M.Deitel, P.J.Deitel & T.R.Nieto (2 nd edition)
Summary Dynamic pages generated by the server –Server Side Includes –Common Gateway Interface –PHP