Management Excellence © Alexandre Cuva version 2.00
Alexandre Cuva Agile Transition Coach, Scrum Master, Product Owner Management 3.0 & Certified Scrum Developer Trainer Event speaker Hermes Swiss Project Team Professional ITIL V3 “I coach teams and organization to become highly productive.” Agile Transition Coach
Ho Chi Minh City Thursday 11:00 – Management Excellence 13:30 – Dice4Agile Friday 11:00 – TDD Dojo C# 13:30 – Energize People
Source from Ken Lum
Hue, ancient Vietnam imperial palace : For thousand years, we were ruled from a Central Authority
Self-organization is the default behavior in complex adaptive systems
Ho Chi Minh City is a is a complex adaptive system (CAS), because it consists of parts (people) that form a system (city), which shows complex behavior while it keeps adapting to a changing environment.
A Fractal is a Complex Adaptive System (CAD)
A team is a Complex Adaptive System (CAD) Sources : The Manager
A Team is just a zoom on our Fractal
Sources : Managers are ordinary people with special power
The ultimate victory in competition is derived from the inner satisfaction of knowing that you have done your best and that you have gotten the most out of what you had to give. Howard Cossel,
10 Intrinsic Desires CuriosityThe need to think HonorBeing loyal to a group AcceptanceThe need for approval Mastery / CompetenceThe need to feel capable PowerThe need for influence of will Freedom / Independence / AutonomyBeing an individual Relatedness / Social ContactThe need for friends OrderOr stable environments Goal / Idealism / PurposeThe need for purpose StatusThe need for social standing 18
1.Tell: make decision as the manager 2.Sell: convince people about decision 3.Consult: get input from team before decision 4.Agree: make decision together with team 5.Advise: influence decision made by the team 6.Inquire: ask feedback after decision by team 7.Delegate: no influence, let team work it out The Seven Levels of Authority 20
Managers are like leaders, they defines constraints, the employees defines the rules
Managers need to share their objectives
Teams need to have an identity to identify their self
Managers need to found way so they employees learn
Complexity theory is actually a patchwork of theories.
Is this possible? shareholders / owners customers / users suppliers / partners communities / society employees / workers
Management 3.0 Workout Practices
People are the most important parts of an organization and managers must do all they can to keep people active, creative, and motivated.
Teams can self-organize, and this requires empowerment, authorization, and trust from management.
Self-organization can lead to anything, and it’s therefore necessary to protect people and shared resources… …and to give people a clear purpose and defined goals.
Teams cannot achieve their goals if team members aren’t capable enough, and managers must therefore contribute to the development of competence.
Many teams operate within the context of a complex organization, and thus it is important to consider structures that enhance communication.
People, teams, and organizations need to improve continuously to defer failure for as long as possible.
Management 3.0
10 Intrinsic Desires CuriosityThe need to think HonorBeing loyal to a group AcceptanceThe need for approval Mastery / CompetenceThe need to feel capable PowerThe need for influence of will Freedom / Independence / AutonomyBeing an individual Relatedness / Social ContactThe need for friends OrderOr stable environments Goal / Idealism / PurposeThe need for purpose StatusThe need for social standing 38
Curiosity The need to think 39
Honor Sharing values with a group 40
Acceptance The need for approval 41
Mastery The need to feel competent 42
Power The need for influence of will 43
Freedom Being an independent individual 44
Relatedness The need for social contacts 45
Order The need for stable environments 46
Goal The need for purpose 47
Status The need for social standing 48
1.Put the motivator cards in order, from unimportant to important 2.(You may leave out any cards you don’t want to use.) Exercise: Moving Motivators 49
3.Consider an important change in your work (for example, becoming a more Agile organization) 4.Move cards up when the change is positive for that motivator; move them down when the change is negative Exercise: Moving Motivators positive change negative change 50
5.Explain 1 or 2 of the changes 6.Repeat for each player Exercise: Moving Motivators 51
Exercise: Moving Motivators minutes
Questions ? 53
(twitter) (blog) 55 (book)