Partnership to Acquire Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) Incorporating Digital Terrain Models Into Natural Resource Assessment Joe Brennan.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership to Acquire Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) Incorporating Digital Terrain Models Into Natural Resource Assessment Joe Brennan Soil Scientist (GIS Specialist) USDA-NRCS North Dakota Soils Staff Dr. Rebecca Phillips Plant Physiologist USDA-ARS Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory

Elevation Technology Background Digital Elevation Models (DEM) or Digital Terrain Models (DTM) Series of Coordinates Elevation Values Surface Representation Terrain Model What is a DEM?

Elevation Technology Background Existing Technology - USGS Digital Elevation Models 6000 feet 30 meter DEM Elevation Coordinates – 100 foot Spacing Data Widely Available Variable Elevation Accuracy – meter Available Free Very Limited Potential for Resource Assessment

Elevation Technology Background Existing Technology - USGS Digital Elevation Models 10 meter DEM Elevation Coordinates – 33 foot Spacing 20% Coverage in North Dakota Variable Elevation Accuracy – 5-7 meter $10 – 20/sq mi 6000 feet Improved Potential for Resource Assessment

Elevation Technology Background Emerging Technology - LiDAR 1 meter DEM Elevation Coordinates – 2.5 foot Spacing Walsh County, Fargo, Sheyenne R. Floodplain High Elevation Accuracy – As low as 6 in. Price $ /sq mi feet Limitless Potential for Resource Assessment

Elevation Technology Background Emerging Technology - IFSAR 5 meter DEM Elevation Coordinates – 16 foot Spacing California, New Mexico, South Dakota, Texas, Wyoming High Elevation Accuracy – 1 meter (or less) Price $11.27/sq mi. (NRCS Price) 6000 feet Most Cost Effective

Remote Wetland Assessment For the purpose of assessing the spatial extent of wetland vegetation communities Missouri Coteau Prairie Glacial Basins

Remote Wetland Assessment Missouri Coteau Prairie Glacial Basins Cities Rivers Area of Interest Missouri Coteau (Ducks Unlimited, 2003) National Wetlands Inventory (1980’s)

Remote Wetland Assessment Missouri Coteau Prairie Glacial Basins Year-to-Year Variability in Water Persistence

Remote Wetland Assessment Missouri Coteau Prairie Glacial Basins Landscape Water Coverage

Remote Wetland Assessment Missouri Coteau Prairie Glacial Basins

Remote Wetland Assessment

Soil-Landscape Modeling Missouri Coteau, MLRA 53B Existing Soil Survey InformationExpert Knowledge DEM (IFSAR) Derived Layers SSURGO Experienced Soil Scientists Terrain Analysis GIS

Soil-Landscape Modeling MLRA 53B Terrain Analysis Project Repeatable Model Terrain Criteria 1 Profile Position = Backslope Terrain Criteria 3 Slope = 3 – 6% Terrain Criteria 2 Slope Shape = Linear (Across or Down) Williams Soil Series 3 – 6% Slopes

Soil-Landscape Modeling MLRA 53B Terrain Analysis Project Output – Soil Landscape Relationship Williams Soil Series 3 – 6% Slopes

NRCS Field Office Applications of IFSAR Engineering Applications Pipelines Grassed Waterways Dugouts/Ponds

NRCS Field Office Applications of IFSAR Wetland Determinations (Landscape Position) Violations (Constructed Drains)

NRCS Field Office Applications of IFSAR RUSLE2 Slope Gradient, Slope Length

NRCS Field Office Applications of IFSAR Watershed Management 3 Dimensional Conservation Planning

Proposal to Acquire IFSAR x $3.92 per square mile ARS Uplift (+35%) ARS Uplift Area = 1297 square miles ARS Uplift: $5, square miles x $11.27 per square mile Price Subtotal: $43,863 Vendor Quote NRCS Cost Share: $24,493 Total Cost: $48,986 ______