Umbrella Umbrella Birmingham & Solihull Sexual Health
Sexual Health Services - Outcomes Commissioners - clear vision for a transformed service 10 outcomes, including 3 national public health outcomes Increase rates of chlamydia diagnosis (15-24 year olds) Reduce rates of late HIV diagnosis Reduce rates of conceptions in under-18s Better access to services for high risk communities Improved support for people vulnerable to and victims of sexual coercion, violence and exploitation Increased use of effective good quality contraception Reduced number of initial and repeat abortions Prompt access for earlier diagnosis and treatment Reduced number of people repeatedly treated for STIs Reduced transmission of HIV, STIs and blood borne viruses
The vision
The Umbrella Vision Health promotion, education and support Pro-actively reaching out to vulnerable groups Up-skilling and accreditation of the Umbrella system Improved patient access to information and services and self-care Secondary to community and (Birmingham only) primary care - GP and Pharmacy
Access into Umbrella Central Website Single Telephone Line Order Self Test Kit Appt in a clinic - Hub, Satellite, Community Signposted to Walk in services Advised to book appt with own GP Client Signpost to Umbrella Partners Triage Speak to Health Advisors
Where are Hub and Satellite services Solihull Town Centre, Mell Square Chelmsley Wood shopping centre Fully integrated service 6 day service, including evenings Staffing specifically trained to support young people Health Advisors Supported by substance misuse partner BSMHT / SIAS In Birmingham: Whittall Street, City Centre Boots High Street, City centre, expanded to provide a dedicated young persons service North, South, East and West Birmingham satellite centres
Where will services also be available Youth and community centres Targeted Schools and Further Education Colleges Health & Wellbeing clinics e.g. YMCA and Midland Mencap SAFE project service C-card through community outlets Chlamydia Screening Programme Self-sampling kits will be available via: –Internet –Postal or collection from partners –Text message of results
Communication & Health Promotion Promoting access – Brand developed & agreed – Social Media Strategy – Signposting Building awareness – Umbrella awareness campaigns – Annual cycle of campaigns linked to outcomes – Mini campaign bursts promoting activities around events Changing behaviour – Reducing risks – “Respect” agenda
Mobilisation – 10 th August Programmes of work Detailed Project Plan with key milestones Partnership Board with DPH’s Fortnightly meetings with commissioners Series of meetings with current service providers regarding transition Regular Umbrella Partnership days to develop and implement the new model of care Ensure all current staff are engaged and kept up-to-date with the process incl. TUPE