The Librarian as Leader Hinds Community College – Utica
The Box
Objectives To position the William H. Holtzclaw Library as the cultural/information hub of the Utica Campus and the Utica Community To initiate an annual event which will serve as a lead-in for a summer filmmaker’s camp To aid with recruitment and retention of students in the Broadcast Technology program
Celebrate The Your Library
Project Developers Jean Greene Director of Library Services Utica Campus Karlos Sanders Media Center Technical Consultant Utica Campus
Project Review Original idea was to host a small film-festival utilizing the library and the amphitheatre to showcase local talent. Pitched idea to Title III Coordinator. Idea expanded from one day to one week. Focus expanded to include other disciplines. Presented idea for a week-long festival of the arts with Vice-President who wanted it expanded to two weeks. Budget and personnel constraints kept festival to one week.
Stakeholders Arts & Humanities Festival Utica Campus Administration and Faculty Utica Community Student Body
Primary Campus Stakeholders 1 st row left to right: Dr. Tiffany Chaney, Director, Student Support Services, Dr. Jesse Killingsworth, Dean Career & Technical Education, Ms. Lillian Lewis, Program Director, HBCU Library Alliance, Ms. Joan Williams, Director of Library, Bennett College, Dr. George Barnes, Vice- President Utica Campus. 2 nd Row left to right: Dr. Shirley Hopkins-Davis, Title III Coordinator, Dr. Tim Rush, Dean of Students, Ms. Jean Greene, Director of Library Services. 3 rd Row, Karlos Sanders, Technical Consultant. Not Pictured: Dr. Eugene Gaston, Dean of Instruction, Mr. Bobby Pamplin, HUD Representative.
Initial Tentative Budget $61, Equipment Software Personnel (Technical Consultant)
Sunday, April 13 th Music Extravaganza /Choral Fest
Monday, April 14 th Art/Photojournalism Exhibit Airbrush Artist Organic sculpture
Tuesday, April 15 th Art & Photography Exhibit Utica Jewels Book Club – Book Review Poetry Competition and Readings Performance by local Songwriter/musician Mississippi Cultural Crossroads Quilters
Wednesday, April 16 th Kenyatta Film Festival
Thursday, April 17 th Health & Wellness Fair
Friday, April 18 th Ballet Magnificat! Miss Hinds Mini-Concert
Saturday, April 19 th Local Author Bridget Archer Dance Troupe Mahogany Dancers Quilting Demo
Festival Incidental Costs Estimate $9, Speakers Judges Artists Painters Photographers Quilters Musicians Etc.
Resistance Some faculty not excited about idea Committee already in place Some administration skeptical about outcomes
Application of Training Relationships, Relationships, Relationships Encourage greater community participation in future events Future development of marketing plan utilizing students from the Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Business programs. Empower students to ‘reshape the box’ by utilizing their creativity to see the unusual in the usual