5 Sept 2014 BELL ACTIVITY: READ SILENTLY FROM YOUR INDEPENDENT READING BOOK (IRB) TODAY’S AGENDA: IRB BOOKMARKS - KEEPING TRACK INTRODUCTION TO THE INFORMATIVE ESSAY STYLE “Organization is what you do before you do something, so when you do it, it’s not all mixed up.” -A.A. Milne Aka Winnie the Pooh
Please fill in the following information on your Independent Reading Bookmark. 1.MLA heading 2.Due Date: 12 Sept 3.Title of your book 4.Name of the Author 5.The page you started reading from today minutes for today’s time if you were reading from your Independent Reading Book (IRB).
INDEPENDENT READING RECORD KEEPING Please fill in the Independent Reading bookmark each day that you read. Bookmarks are weekly and will be collected each Friday at the same time as a new bookmark is passed out. The “Reading Week” starts on a Friday and ends on the following Thursday. Therefore, reading done on Friday is recorded on the new bookmark. If you loose your bookmark, you may print a new one off of my website or create your own on a blank sheet of paper. I cannot accept a bookmark that does not include the title, author, pages read (or percentage read if it is an e-book) and time spent reading. This is an assignment that may be done in pencil.
Eva looked out over the field, towards the distant white line of the dirt road. The horses, Lady and Rosa, were huddled together against the September wind in their corral, just east of the house. Eva zipped her hoody up to her chin and fingered the toggle anxiously. She looked again, but still there was no cloud of dust on the horizon. Her dad should have been home hours ago. He had taken the truck into Almo to pick up barbed wire for a downed fence section. The lights on the old pickup had gone out last week and there had been no time to fix them. If he didn’t hurry home soon, her dad would be driving with nothing but the moon and the stars for light. The star filled pattern of the high desert sky was beautiful, but driving blind on a country back-road used mostly by stray cattle, deers and jack rabbits was not wise. Finally Eva spotted a dust cloud billowing south of the City of Rocks turn off. It had to be her dad, no one else lived up on this end of the park reserve. Eva let out the breath she had been holding and relaxed as she hurried back into the kitchen to warm up the tomato soup and start the grilled cheese sandwiches. Narrative: Tells a story.
Almo, Idaho is a beautiful and interesting place to visit. The first thing many visitors notice is the old west feel of the town. Many of the homes were built by the great grandparents of the ranchers who live there now. Also, there are cows and horses in almost every field, with barbwire and rough cedar post fences graphing the high desert landscape. Another charming aspect of Almo is Tracy’s General Store which has been in business since it opened in It is still in the same brick building, providing residents with groceries, tools and barbed wire. Finally, Almo is famous for the City of Rocks Park Reserve. The City of Rocks provides a surreal arena for rock climbers and historians. The California pioneer trail cut through the valley long ago leaving evidence of wagon wheel ruts cut into the granite and names painted in axel grease. Now, instead of thousands of pioneers passing through on their way to a new life, the area hosts thousands of rock climbers from around the world wanting to scale its granite edifices. INFORMATIVE: Provides information
NARRATIVE (telling a story) Beginning Middle End INFORMATIVE (Providing a reader with information) Introduction Body Conclusion Follows a time Line. Does not follow a time line.
Great Informative Essays Organization is the key.
“Organization is what you do before you do something, so when you do it, it’s not all mixed up.” -A.A. Milne Aka Winnie the Pooh
Step #1 – write your claim across the top. I. Claim: T-charts are a form of “PRE-WRITING ORGANIZATION”
Step #2: fill in 2-3 Warrants (reasons) that prove or support your claim. I. Claim II. Warrants
Step #3 – 2 -3 pieces of evidence proving each Warrant (reasons) I. Claim: Warrants A. B. Evidence
Step #3 – 2-3 pieces of evidence which prove each Warrant I. Claim: Warrant A. B. Evidence
Organizing a paragraph with a T-Chart I. Claim: Warrant A. B. Evidence
Drafting is putting ideas developed during the planning organization together like puzzle. A puzzle with all its pieces fitted tightly together make a much clearer picture. Writing is the same way; the better the pieces fit, the clearer the writing.
Organizing a paragraph with a T-Chart I. Claim: Warrant A. B. Evidence In the blank T-chart provided, copy down the following pre – write.
On the back of your notes page draw 2 T – Charts (one on the top half of the page and the other on the bottom half.) #1. In the first T-Chart fill in the answer that we come to as a class which answers, “Other than Tacos, what is an excellent food to bring for a lunch?” #2 Working together in your groups, compose a T – chart which answers the prompt… What is an excellent choice for an evening dessert?
1.What are the three parts of an informative essay? What are the three parts of a narrative essay? What are 2 basic differences between a narrative essay and an informative essay According to today’s daily notes, what is “the key” to a great informative essay? 5.What are the 2 types of organization in the writing process? 6.List at least 4 examples of different types of evidence. Fill in the T-CHART below with the correct labels and highlight each area the correct color _________ INTRO TO THE INFORMATIVE STYLE