Sarkis Mkoyan *Yerevan Physics Institute. 2 Alikhanyan Brothers St., YerPhI Network Overview
Halabyan24 CRD Lab Network Management Center Cosmic Ray Division Accelerator Building Link To 1024/6 Mbps Applied & Radiation Physics Link To WEB ISP 100 Mbps /12 Mbps Cryogen Lab Experiment Physics Lab YerPhi Local Area Network Theor.Physics dep. building Mini Accel (Marzik) OEP building Accelerator
4 Building VoIP Server Mail Server Firefall Server Accelerator Admin Build Servers Segment Cryogen Lab Applied & Radiation Physics 22 Building L3 Switch Cisco 7206 GRID Segment OEP Web ISP 100/12 Mbps 1024/6 Mbps www Server Ftp Server RARIUS Server Net.Monitoring CE Grid Cluster SE WN-1 WN-2 WN-3 WN-15 Stern Hermes Bhor Hermes DNS server
HDX 6000 AANL Voice and Video Conferencing System Components Open Meetings Video Conferencing Server SIP Server IP AANL Local Telephone Network 4-Line Telephone Adapter
Cosmic Ray Division (CRD Network Nor-Aamberd Station Aragats Station 11 Mbps 2400Ghz Wireless Link Cisco 1300 AP 90 Mbps 5180 Ghz Wireless Link Microtik Router Servers And Workstations Aragats LAN Nor-Hamberd LAN Servers And Workstations CRD Yerphi LAN Halabyan-24 CRD Office 22 Building Yerphi 1000 Mbps Fiber Optic 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet
The current communications infrastructure at YerPhI has been developed beginning from and mainly based on 10Mbps Ethernet technology. Later development by using DESY supported old 10Mbps switches mainly concerned with sufficient enlargement, but actually information backbone itself and its topology remain unchanged. Last development was NATO Networking infrastructure project. In the framework of that project 4-wire Fiber optic cable are installed between 6 buildings of Yerphi. The new layer-II switches (one per building) were installed. User level network still manly based on 10 MB Hubs and hub-segmented huge network does not allow securely isolate one segment from other one and using VLANs. Even segmentation via routers does not solve the problem inside the segments themselves. For end users in YerPhI there used Intel based Workstations with Linux and Windows platforms. All computing facilities are included in YerPhl's Local Area Network. YerPhI LAN includes 10 buildings, covering big enough area. Practically all types of services with TCP/IP protocol stack are available for end users. In total YerPhI computer network consists of over 400 workstations. They are located in 10 buildings At Yerphi and Aragats,Nor-Hamberd Stations (see Site Diagram).
YerPhI Bandwidth Allocation and Firewall Policies YerPhI LAN has two outbound channels 12 Mbps through Web LLC and 6 Mbps through National Academy of Science of Armenia. YerPhI is a RIPE member (AS12304) and owns 8xC class IP address ranges. IP Space is divided in 3 groups. IP Group “Grid” members and policies: GRID Cluster Grid oriented servers and services ALICE,ATLAS Collaboration Workstations Access to ASNET and Educational Network 1000 Mbps Access to Outside Armenia 6 Mbps No session Limits IP Group “Privilege” members and policies: DESY Collaboration servers and Workstations JLAB Collaboration servers and Workstations CRD Servers Access to ASNET and Educational Network 1000 Mbps Access to Outside Armenia 12 Mbps channel trough Web LLC Privilege Level min 70 % max 95% of available bandwidth Limit per session is 1,6 Mbps IP Group “Workstations” members and policies: YerPhI LAN Workstations Access to ASNET and Educational Network 1000 Mbps Access to Outside Armenia 12 Mbps channel trough Web LLC Privilege Level min 30 % max 95% of available channel Session limit 512 Kbps
List of Extra works performed by AANL(Yerphi) Computer Center Staff During 1-th quarter 2012 JAN,Feb,MAR Video conferencing equipment deployment, configuration, testing. Local Video Conferencing “Open Meeting” server Installation, currently in pre-production testing phase. VoIP “Asterisk” server Installation connectivity to Yerphi local telephone PBX for 4 channels, currently in pre-production testing phase. Grid worker nodes RAM and HDD upgrade. Installing on 8 nodes Scientific Linux OS Grid software. Participating to world-wide WiFi roaming access service RADIUS authentication and authorization Server installation and configuration.
Sarkis Mkoyan *Yerevan Physics Institute. 2 Alikhanyan Brothers St., Thank You