Closed Elastic Curves and Rods I: Euler’s Elastica
Acknowledgements Joel Langer, Case Western Reserve Univ. Manuel Barros, Univ. of Granada, Spain Oscar Garay, Univ. del Pais Vasco, Spain Rongpei Huang, East China Normal Univ. Thomas Ivey, College of Charleston, S.C. Vel Jurdjevic, University of Toronto, Canada Anders Linner, Northern Illinois Univ. Daniel Steinberg, Dim Sum Thinking
Classical Bernoulli-Euler Elastica
Bending Energy Functionals
Deriving the Euler Equations
The Euler-Lagrange Equations
Use the Frenet Equations
Use Rotational Symmetry
Killing Fields
Conserved Quantities
Planar Elastic Curves
Cylindrical Coordinates
Non-planar elastic curves
A little bit of elliptic integrals
The Figure-Eight elastica
Finding Closed Curves
Closed Elastic Curves and Rods II: Elastica in a Space Form
Riemannian Geometry
Curves in M
Some Useful Formulas
Proof of (3)
Euler-Lagrange Equations
Killing Fields
Elastica on the 2-sphere
Wavelike elastic curves on the sphere
Classifying wavelike elastic curves on the sphere