Structure and stability of accretion mounds on the polar caps of strongly magnetized Neutron Stars Dipankar Bhattacharya, Dipanjan Mukherjee (IUCAA, Pune) and Andrea Mignone (University of Torino, Italy)
Romanova, Kulkarni and Lovelace 2008 From Accretion Disk to the polar cap
Primary Sources: HMXB Pulsars Heindl et al 2004 E c1 ~ 12 B 12 keV Accreted matter forms magnetically supported mound at polar cap Cyclotron lines arising in the mound provide estimate of local magnetic field strength
Trumper et al 1978 Gruber et al 2001 Her X-1: Neutron Star with a 2 Msun companion in beginning atmospheric Roche lobe overflow
Heindl et al 2004 Building a Physical Model of the Accretion Mound
Incoming plasma is highly conducting Flux freezing is satisfied to the leading order magnetostatic balance: ; ; Polar Mountain assume azimuthal symmetry at polar cap
Mukherjee & DB 2011
Hotspot emission viewing geometry
Mukherjee & DB angular extent (deg) photospheric B map (max col ht = 70 m) Central traverse Edge traverse
α = 10 deg α = 60 deg B field at LOS cuts Mukherjee & DB 2011
Hotspot emission viewing geometry Light bending: cos α ≃ u + (1 - u) cos ψ ; u = 2GM/c 2 r (Beloborodov 2002)
Mukherjee & DB 2011
Stability Limit of GS solutions
Mukherjee & DB 2011 Stability Limit of GS solutions
Mukherjee & DB 2011 Stability Limit of GS solutions Z m ∝ B 0.5 approx.
Ballooning instability threshold: Z m ∝ B 4/7 approx. Litwin et al 2001
Why is stability of the mound important? Plays an important role in matter spreading and secular evolution of magnetic field A popular scenario is that the spreading matter buries the magnetic field under it But this process is controlled entirely by instabilities. The effectiveness of the field screening is determined by the amount of matter in the mound before cross-field transport can occur. The mound height is also important for gravitational wave radiation
M acc = M sun Payne & Melatos 2004 Instabilities not accounted for Scaled problem
Stability Analysis with PLUTO
PLUTO Conservative form of the MHD equations : The stable cocktail : 1.Time stepping : Runge-Kutta 3 rd order. 2. Interpolation : Parabolic (PPM), 3 rd order. 3.Riemann solvers : HLL, HLLC, TVDLF. 4.Extended Hyperbolic Divergence cleaning. 5.EOS : IDEAL Inflow
Boundary Conditions Fixed Boundary : Boundary fixed to initial value. Outflow : Fixed gradient. (Outflow only on perturbations) : Extrapolated boundary. Extrapolated boundary.
PLUTO MHD simulations Mukherjee, Mignone & DB m equilibrium solution zero-mean perturbation
PLUTO MHD simulations Mukherjee, Mignone & DB m equilibrium solution 3% mass load
PLUTO MHD simulations Mukherjee, Mignone & DB m equilibrium solution 5% mass load
3-D simulations for 70m mound Random velocity field as perturbation (strength ~ 5x10 -2 ) Toroidal perturbations causes growth of finger like projections : fluting mode instabilities?
Mukherjee, Mignone & DB 2012
Summary Numerical solution of Grad-Shafranov equation provides a good description of magnetically confined static polar mound. Large distortion of magnetic field required to support mound weight. Would have observable signature in Cyclotron spectra. 2D MHD simulations show ballooning instability if mass is added to mounds in equilibrium. Mounds become unstable beyond ~ M sun. 3D MHD simulations show easy excitation of fluting mode instability and consequent cross-field transport. This would greatly reduce the efficacy of field burial.