Your Job Design need Your company wants to build a transport bridge that can span from Hong Kong to Macau or a pedestrian bridge that can give people access from Hong Kong Island to TST. Owners requirements Choice between two outcomes: A bridge that will transport vehicles from Hong Kong to Macau A pedestrian bridge to transport people from Hong Kong to TST Preparation for Submission Research on existing products Report showing bridge analysis and construction requirements, forces acting on structures, factor of safety 3D CAD and development of design for prototyping Testing Prototype – using modeling materials instead of steel Some possible tasks: Research truss configurations Create the structural model Check static determinacy and stability Calculate reactions Calculate internal member forces Determine member sizes Check member sizes for constructability Draw plans. Build the bridge Research forces acting on – Forces lab Create a mood board of different types of bridges Look and study the different types of bridges Four types of bridges: Arch, beam, suspension, and cable-stayed IA: Bridging the gap Assessment Criteria – Research (R) Due: June 20 th 2014
Aspect 1Aspect 2Aspect 3 StrategiesData collectionData processing and analysis Complete / 2 Identifies a range of suitable resources and strategies for research. Has very clear priorities for research that link well with the brief or research question. Collects a wide range of appropriate research material. The research balances both qualitative and quantitative and secondary and primary research methods. Represents information in many different forms. Processes research material astutely with detailed analysis. Final analysis allows for the development of ideas. Analysis supports the usefulness of the study and links this to the design brief or question. Good recognition of any errors. Transforms all data appropriately. Partial / 1 Identifies some suitable resources and strategies for research Research is planned and links to the design brief or research question. Collects some appropriate research material. Some different methods of research used and some information represented appropriately. Processes research material appropriately however analysis is limited. The analysis doesn’t always link closely to the design brief and these errors are not always monitored. Only some data transformed usefully. Not at all / 0 Does not identify suitable resources and strategies. Any strategies are teacher led. Does not collect any appropriate research material. Processes research material inappropriately. Not at all / 6 Comments: Research (R) Checklist – Research Strategies A written research plan with priorities of what you will research Primary and secondary sources of data Identified both qualitative and quantitative data Correct referencing where appropriate Data collection Research and data is focused and appropriate to project Balance between qualitative and quantitative Presented research in a variety of forms (graphs, tables, diagrams, drawings and photographs Research and data includes labelling and explanations of outcomes Data processing and analysis You have processed raw data and presented in an astute (clear) manner You have transformed data into a suitable form for analysis (graph, table etc) Your written analysis is detailed and explains how your design brief can be answered You have analysed the relevance and usefulness of your data You have identified any errors or uncertainties you encountered throughout your research/ data You have assessed and commented on the reliability of your data You have used correct referencing Po Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School - Internal Assessment Criteria – Research – SL_HL Student:Teacher: Miss GeeDate: Investigation/Project:Topics/option:Hours: