Power through know-how and networks
Active CEED Programs CEED Partners Potential CEED Programs * Montenegro Romania Slovenia EU Russia Bosnia & Herzegovina Albania Macedonia Bulgaria Serbia Croatia CEED Regional Network *Countries cited for illustration purposes only We envision ultimately a region wide network of SME entrepreneurial networks, providing a broader base for peer learning and business development, and ‘cluster’development. Alliances fostered With effective centers (Russia and Montenegro) Regional Program Model: “a network of networks”
We are devoted to strengthening entrepreneurship and empowering the leaders of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises with the know-how and networks needed to accelerate business growth and to promote a true entrepreneurial culture throughout South Eastern Europe. Mission
Our Partners A world leader for investments in small businesses: - 14 funds with aggregate capital under management in excess of $260 million - Expanding global presence and scale, resulting in added value for small business portfolio companies and investors. - Investments in a variety of high growth industries - Deals sourced locally and day-to-day interactions with entrepreneurs - Best practices leveraged across operations A Key Sponsor for the CEED program as USAID continues its mission to foster economic growth, drive financial sector reform, encourage social transition and bolster the rule of law and social development of Central and Southeastern Europe.
How it started SEAF & USAID experience in the Region USAID Funded Feasibility Study for CEED Program –Secondary Research (UNEC, OECD, EC) –Primary Research (Base: 50 SMEs in Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia; 15 SEAF investees, 35 non-SEAF SME’s) –Corporate input The successful training/networking model of the Russian Center for Entrepreneurship (RCE) - a creation of the US-Russia Investment Fund
Conclusions of The Feasibility Study Big regional training and networking opportunity Training is needed and it can be more effective Keep them short, highly practical, and taught by entrepreneurs with war stories Include entrepreneur and key staff Opportunities for expanding regional economic integration
CEED Model – Three pillars Business Accelerators Local SME Networking Platform Expanding your Network to Build your Business Business Training Modules Short Practical Training for Owners and Key Executives Market Access Forums Regional - International Trade & Invest Events
To empower entrepreneurs To strengthen SME leadership teams To strengthen SME leadership teams To enhance regional and global integration To improve the entrepreneurial climate Objectives:
Target higher growth SME’s with 10 or more employees and $500,000 in revenue To be practical, relevant, and actionable. Partner to strengthen our network, ‘knowledge portfolio,’ and market access assets Be flexible / entrepreneurial Our Strategic Approach
CEED Local Networking Platform
Highly practical training that can be applied tomorrow. Interactive/Peer Learning Presented by entrepreneurs Academically anchored Local examples and case studies CEED Training Concept
Time Commitment Business Result Technical Assistance - ‘Surgical’ - Not Holistic Short Programs - Checkered Applicability - Not ‘solutions oriented’ - Ad Hoc EMBA - Major Time Commitment - Expensive - More academicCEED - Highly Pragmatic and Solution Driven - Holistic (Entrepreneur, Executives, Multinationals) - Taught by practitioners - MNC linked Modes of Training and Where the SEAF Model Fits
Our local presence Our regional breadth Our connectivity with global network of funders, training sources, and corporations Our experience: Over 10 years of experience with SMEs Private equity pedigree (SEAF) Organizational Core Competencies
CEED Regional Market Access Regional Events 2 to 4 times/year industry specific networking knowledge transfer Romania Bulgaria Serbia Albania Macedonia Montenegro Bosnia & Herzegovina Slovenia
Introducing CEED ROMANIA
Who We Are CEED Romania CEED Romania was established by USAID in collaboration with Small Enterprise Assistance Funds (SEAF), with the aim to carry out the legacy of USAID in the area of SME support in Romania and in the South Eastern European region.
First steps, first results Since May 2006: CEED Foundation registered Limited survey to get input among SME community, thoughts of leaders, partnerships Partnerships Training sessions: 4 days – over 60 participants 1 workshop ongoing
CEED Romania – Our Local Partners Relevant USAID-funded programs ( EDS-CHF, USDA-ADEPs) SME / Professional / WIB associations ( CNIPMM, CAFA, AFIR, UNPR, ANTREC, ANIS, CCI, BRCC) An increasing roster of entrepreneurs / trainers with entrepreneurial background (agreements with over 14 individuals and 5 companies to date) Relevant Government bodies (Export promotion / SME territorial offices) Similar NGOs
Legacy in practice Partnership with the USAID/USDA RFLD Program –Training sessions for rural leaders in 4 regions Partnership with the USAID/CHF EDS Program –Specialized training modules for IT companies
What’s next Further build the Romanian network Adjust to our clients’ needs Learn from & together with all CEEDs Leverage regional network opportunities Use the power of know-how and networks to spread the seeds of growth in the fertile soil of dynamic SMEs
Introducing CEED Bulgaria
In the beginning…
How to start a center? Mission and Goals Target Audience Product Marketing Sponsors and Partners
The first happy clients…
What is different in Bulgaria?
It works well! CEED Bulgaria Q Annualized 2006 Cumulative to date Events NLE’s Training Participants NLE’s Training
Basic Building Blocks Business First Simple and Flexible Depth and Breadth Leverage experience Fast Response “Just do it” attitude
Lessons learned… Scale & Scope (the 2 C’s) Content - Quality – Price Project v.v. Mainstream Biz F. R. A. M. E.
The sky is the limit…
Introducing CEED Slovenia
Local partner, the Young Executives Society (YES) Kickoff the Slovenian program October 2 nd, 2006 Plans to create a regional ‘hub’ that would serve as a base for regionally focused training and networking events to promote cross-border economic integration CEED Top Class program: connect 50 Slovene entrepreneurs, 25 already successful and recognized entrepreneurs and 25 young entrepreneurial talents (entrepreneurial MBA, mentoring, networking and international integration) CEED Slovenia
What? 25 successful entrepreneurs + 25 young promising entrepreneurs Sharing and exchanging knowledge and experiences One-year developmental program Meetings twice per month in the afternoon and evening Why? To develop a new generation of successful entrepreneurs with international focus For whom? Entrepreneurs under 35 years of age, With interesting entrepreneurial ideas, High growth ambitions, Operating at least 3 years, With at least 5 employees and At least 50 mio SIT annual revenues or high growth in the last years Top Class
What we offer? 8 practical trainings (mini MBA) 4 local and international networking events 5 individual mentoring sessions 3 evening discussions with foreign guests media exposure What we expect? EUR, additonal EUR per candidate will be provided by the founding organizations active participation in the program feedback about expectations and satisfaction with the program Knowledge Local and International network Capital Successful growth with a small investment Top Class
Center for Entrepreneurship & Economic Development Introducing CEED Montenegro
CEED Background (1) CEED is the first independent consulting center in Montenegro established in 1993 within the School of Economics. Since 1998 CEED has operated as an independent organization. CEED strategic partner is CIPE, Washington. Offices in Podgorica and Kotor. Staff of 12 people.
CEED Background (2) Extensive interest in shaping up business environment in Montenegro Numerous research and advocacy activities to promote open market and entrepreneurship in Montenegro.
CEED Background (3) 12 surveys prepared, conducted, results printed and distributed. Many of them have become regular surveys (e.g., Barriers to Doing Business in Montenegro). CEED experts were involved in drafting 8 business-related laws. All of them were passed and are being implemented. New quarterly edition titled Montenegro Business Outlook was launched and 18 issues were published and distributed. Fruitful edition was launched – 9 leaflets that briefly explain business laws were published and distributed. 5 conferences and 17 round-tables were held to help the business community increase its influence on the major issues related to economic development. 12 reform-related publications were printed and distributed.
International recognition Awarded by Atlas Economic Foundation, US In an international competion, CEED won a 2005 Templeton Freedom Award for Institute Excellence and second place in the Free Market Solutions to Poverty for its “Removing the Barriers to Doing Business in Montenegro” Program.
CEED Services (1) CEED originally offered consulting services to entrepreneurs and small businesses. The need to offer more complex consulting services led to a diversification of our portfolio. Currently, CEED has 8 consultants working on 7 major projects in addition to on-going consulting. CEED is constantly providing training to it’s staff. Now we have 3 people that are certified by SGS (Swiss base company) for ISO 9000 pre-certification in Montenegro.
CEED Services (2) Starting a business Company presentations Business/Investment plans Feasibility studies Sales and marketing Quality standards Consulting Services
CEED Services (3) Due diligence Business surveys Business analysis and studies HR development & Trainings Business Research and Analysis
EBRD, OECD, Control Risk (London), SilverLeaf Development Group (US), T-Com and T-Mobile, HYPO Aple Adria Group, JT Investment (France), Sarbor (Slovenia), Guizzetti and Associates (US/Italy), The Bank Street Group (New York), Центральное агентство путешествий CenTra, (Moscow), Cape Resort International Ltd (US), PQ Consulting (Czech Republic) etc. CEED’s clients
What we believe is important? Helping the recovery of the middle class. Trying to keep young people in Montenegro by offering them opportunities in the private sector. Supporting a new class of entrepreneurs and new segment of firms that arise from the bottom. Supporting the Montenegro Business Alliance as a future private Chamber of Commerce. Moving towards greater regional cooperation. Increasing training and education of entrepreneurs and mid-level managers.
CEED regional network Romania Bulgaria Serbia Albania Macedonia Montenegro Bosnia & Herzegovina Slovenia
CEED CEED aims to become a strong regional knowledge and networking institution that fosters business growth among SME’s throughout Southeastern Europe and Internationally. We will serve as a business building platform providing much-needed networking, training, and regional market reach to entrepreneurs and top-level executives of SMEs. Views on the future
Power through know-how and networks