American Nuclear Society Thermal Hydraulics Division Presentation to the ANS Board of Directors Karen Vierow, THD Chair November 18, 2009
THD Mission To establish, stimulate, and maintain quality technical and professional approaches in all areas of Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics. This is accomplished by: –Advancing knowledge of thermal and hydraulic phenomena –Aiding in the integration and dissemination of thermal hydraulics information –Promoting effective exchange of thermal hydraulics information –Providing venues/mechanisms for interaction among nuclear industry, regulatory groups, ANS Divisions and others in the technical community
THD Governance Officers: Chair: Karen Vierow Secretary: Brian Woods Vice-chair: Hisashi Ninokata Treasurer: Xiaodong Sun Past-chair: Chang Oh Executive Committee (year term ends): Robert Martin David Aumiller Stephen Bajorek Kurshad Muftuogu Hisashi Ninokata Cesare Frepoli Xiaodong Sun Hee Cheon No Randall Gauntt Karen Vierow Brian Woods John Luxat Board Liaison: Jose N. Reyes, Jr.
THD Governance Committee Chairs Program Committee – Kurshad Muftuoglu Honors and Awards Committee – Robert Martin Nominating Committee – Chang Oh Membership Committee – Chang Oh Web Page – DuWayne Schubring Newsletter (prepared by THD Secretary) – Brian Woods
THD Governance Membership Trends Last 5 Years (Aug. 09) % of ANS Membership (not including student members)
THD Governance Membership Trends Last 5 Years (Aug. 09)
THD Governance - Budget Division Finances Actual 12/31/2008 Budget 2009 Actual 8/31/2009 Budget Funds Carry Forward Member Allocation Division Income 14,430 1,986 11,448 22,907 2,044 0 Total Budget Funds 27,864 24,951 Budget Expenses Awards and Plaques National Meeting Costs Student Support Scholarship / NEED Funding Other Expenses 1, , , , ,500* , ,500* Total Expenses 4,957 7,800 6,071 Excess of Budgeted Funds over Expenses 22,907 18,880 *One-time donation to Hochreiter Memorial Lecture Series
THD Governance - Budget Budget Planning –In 2008, an ad-hoc committee within the THD proposed a multi-year spending plan Suggested a sustainable spending rate Goal was to ensure reserve in the budget for unexpected expenses and income reductions –Plan was approved by the THD Executive Committee Is used as the basis for annual spending planning since 2008 Must be approved by the Executive Committee each year
THD Governance Planning –A five-year Operational Plan was established in 2005 for and has been updated for –A yearly Tactical Plan was established and is up- to-date for –A five-year Strategic Plan was established in 2005 for and has been updated for –A yearly Succession Plan was established and is up-to-date for
THD Governance Communications Web Page –THD website updated multiple times each year – –Includes: Mission statement Committee structure, member names, meeting minutes Newsletter archives Bylaws, Manual, Rules and Procedures Awards information Newsletters –2 newsletters published every year since 2005
THD Contributions to ANS ANS Position Statements: –THD is not responsible for any statements. Participation with other Professional Societies: –Atomic Energy Society of Japan NURETH-13 Conf. (2009) –ASME liaison maintained –ASME International Heat Transfer Conference (2010) Society Leadership: –THD members hold several/have held several positions Board of Directors members Honors & Awards Committee members earlier Chair of Book Publishing Committee Alpha Nu Sigma past president Nuclear Technology advisory board
THD Contributions to ANS Non-Meeting Publications: –Published NURETH-12 papers in special editions of NT, NED and NET in 2009 –Guest editors in 2009 for NURETH-12 special editions of Nuclear Technology and Nuclear Engineering and Technology –Numerous Nuclear Technology, Fusion Technology articles –Numerous articles in non-ANS journals
THD Services to Membership Professional Development –Annually held Young Professionals Thermal Hydraulic Research Competition through 2008 Thereafter, serve as sponsoring Division for technical sessions conducted by the Young Members Group Sponsoring the session “Innovation in Thermal Hydraulics” in the embedded topical meeting 2009 Young Professional Congress –Planned MELCOR workshop at ANS 2008 Winter Meeting but cancelled –Planning tutorials for future ANS meetings Scholarships –Support ANS Student Scholarship/NEED funds
THD Services to Membership Peer Recognition/Awards –THD Technical Achievement Award –THD Best Paper Award –THD Distinguished Service Award –ANS Fellow nominations Student Support –Financial support of national ANS Student Conferences ($2,500 yearly) –Service as judges at student conferences –Financial support for student travel to ANS meetings
THD Meetings ANS National Meeting Participation –2009 Winter Meeting – 6 sessions + 2 panels, 42 papers –At least 5 sessions and 30 papers at each Annual and Winter Meeting since 2005, except in 2008
THD Meetings Topicals –Embedded Hydrogen Topical in ANS 2007 Annual Meeting June, 2007Boston, MAClass III –NURETH-12October, 2007Pittsburgh, PAClass I –NUTHOS-7October, 2008Seoul, South Korea Class II –NURETH-13October, 2009Kanazawa, Japan Class II –NUTHOS-8October, 2010Shanghai, China Class IV –Embedded Nuclear Hydrogen Topical in ANS 2010 Ann. Mtg. June 2010San Diego, CAClass III –NURETH-14October 2011Toronto, Canada Class II NURETH = Intl. Conf. on Nuclear Reactor Thermal Hydraulics NUTHOS = International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics, Operation and Safety
Status of THD Metrics and Measures Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2008 Annual: 5 sessions, 1 panel 2008 Winter: 5 sessions, 0 panels Succession Planning Plan submitted to PDC in 2005 and reviewed and updated 2007 Reviewed 2008 ANS Position Statements THD is not responsible for Position Statements Professional Development Supported Annual RELAPS-3D Users Group Workshop in 2006 Class I Class II Topicals NURETH-12 Topical in Oct Membership Trends 925/962 mbrs +4% change /993 mbrs +3.2% change /1022 mbrs +2.9% change 2008 Participation with Outside Professional Societies THD maintain liaison with ASME (National Heat Transfer Conf) NUTHOS-7 Korean Nuclear Society Scholarships Supported ANS NEED and Scholarship Funds in 2007; Supported ANS NEED and Scholarships Funds in 2008 Class III Topicals Co-sponsored Hydrogen Embedded Topical in 2007 Communications 2 newsletters in 2008 website updated in 2008 Society Leadership 4 of 4 PDC & NPC Both Mtgs.: 75% Exec Comm. Peer Recognition/ Awards THD supports Technical Achievement Award, Best Paper Award, Distinguished Service Award and YMG THD Best paper Award Division Planning Strategic and Succession Plans submitted to PDC Chair in 2005 Reviewed and updated in 2007 Reviewed 2008 Non-Meeting Publications THD provided NURETH-11 highlights for papers in “Nuclear Technology” ; NURETH-12 papers to be published in NT, NED and NET in 2009 Student Support 2008 Student Conference 2008 Annual Mtg Student Travel 2008 Winter Mtg Student Travel Division’s Commitment to YMG THD supported YMG in 2008; Conducted a young professional’s TH research competition at special session in 2008
Status of THD Metrics and Measures Division Meetings Division Governance Division Contributions to Society Division Services to Membership National Meeting Participation 2009 Annual: 8 sessions + 0 panels 2009 Winter: 6 sessions +2 panels Succession Planning Plan updated in 2009 ANS Position Statements THD is not responsible for Position Statements Professional Development Sponsorship of YMG sessions Planning tutorials for THD sessions Class I Topicals Class II Topicals NURETH-13 Class II Topical, Oct Membership Trends 925/962 mbrs +4% change in /993 mbrs +3.2% change in /1022 mbrs +2.9%change in 2008 Participation with Outside Professional Societies NURETH-13 with Atomic Energy Society of Japan (2009). ASME Liaison maintained. Intl. Heat Transfer Conf. with ASME (2010) Scholarships Supported ANS NEED and Scholarship Funds in 2009 Class III Topicals Embedded Nuclear Hydrogen Topical in ANS Annual Mtg. (2010) Communications 2 newsletters in 2009 Website updated in 2009 Society Leadership Attendance at all PDC and NPC in 2009 Large majority in attendance at EC mtgs. Peer Recognition/ Awards Awarded Tech Achievement, Best Paper awards, Fellow nominations Division Planning Strategic Plan submitted to PDC Chair in 2005 for Reviewed and updated in 2009 for Tactical Plan updated in 2009 Non-meeting Publications NURETH-12 papers published in special editions of NT, NED and NET in THD members served as guest editors. Student Support Financial support to: 2009 ANS Student Conf Annual Mtg. student travel 2009 Winter Mtg. student travel Division’s Commitment to YMG Sponsoring Technical Division for session in Young Professionals Congress (2009)
THD Summary Healthy Division membership trends sustained Active member participation in technical meetings and Society activities Significant number of member publications Continued support for the ANS National Student Conference, student scholarships and student travel to the national meetings Spending plan implemented to ensure financial stability of the Division
THD Future Focus Areas Increase student and Young Member participation within the THD Promote further collaboration with other Divisions and societies Provide additional professional development programs Make Division governance plans more easily accessible and known to members Further promote high-quality research presentations