1 Labarun ICANN AfTLD 2nd African ccTLD Event, 2008 South Africa Anne-Rachel Inné, Regional Relations Manager, Africa
2 What we’ll to share with you today ICANN update on current topics ICANN Joint Project Agreement (JPA) review ICANN ccTLD Accountability Framework Increasing ICANN Participation What may the future look like
3 From the past …to the future Small (4 university networks, 100’s users) Scientific purpose US based Scientific backbone Single jurisdiction Regulated relations A few scientific issues Industrialised countries interest Huge (today over 200,000 networks, 1 billion users ) Multi-stakeholder purpose Global Global economy backbone Multiple jurisdictions Contractual relations Multi-layered stack of issues Industrialised and developing countries interest
4 The thinking behind ICANN creation An effective mechanism for technical self-management by the global Internet community serving a globalized economy
5 What do we stand for? Ensuring a single, interoperable Internet All can express their own language and identity, but… All can access all others Creativity, development and growth are encouraged Security of the network is maintained to ensure confidence in the model Stability of the experience for application development and consumer experience Efficient deployment of resources in support of a global network All relevant stakeholders have a voice and role Encouraging innovation, particularly at the edge of the network
6 Key elements and ongoing work at ICANN New gTLDs - policy recommendations by GNSO in Sept 2007, supermajority support (=2/3) - objective and predictable technical and capability criteria for allocation - no predetermined strings, open for applicant suggestions - defined string criteria and objection procedures - base contract, available beforehand - quick application handling process, unless need for extended evaluation - costs to be covered by application fees, staggered to evaluation steps - staff currently working on implementation aspects - decision by Board expected in Paris Whois - no consensus achieved in GNSO for Whois policy change as such - in-depth studies of Whois aspects planned, proposals currently discussed - procedures agreed and under implementation for handling conflicts between Whois requirements and with national law
7 Key elements and ongoing work at ICANN IP/RIRs - proposed global policy on ASN adopted by all RIRs, now in final verification phase before submissions from ASO AC to ICANN Board - single proposed global policy on remaining IPv4 address space recently put forward, replacing two slightly different proposals - in substance, proposal suggests allocating one /8 to each RIR when the IANA free pool reaches five /8 -no consensus when presented in APNIC in February Compliance –Contractual Compliance Newsletter Each issue of the newsletter will cover enforcement statistics, an in- depth look at part of the compliance process, information about audits and studies, and upcoming events. The Newsletter will also include new advisories for registries and registrars to help them understand and continue to improve their compliance with ICANN contracts.
8 Key elements and ongoing work at ICANN President's Strategy Committee Report of the President's Strategy Committee, October 2007 Content: Legal status and identity - Regional presence - Root-zone management and transparency - Ongoing contingency planning - Contributing to capacity development - Participation and role of stakeholders Strategic and Operating Planning Process ICANN produces a three-year Strategic Plan (reviewed and updated annually) and an annual Operating Plan. ICANN is currently developing the July June 2009 Operating Plan and Budget. Participate in the Operating Plan and Budget process View the Strategic Plan for FY 2008 – 2011 View the Current Operating Plan for FY 2007 – 2008
9 Key elements and ongoing work at ICANN Fellowships Programme The programme aims at providing financial scholarships to individuals from developing countries to facilitate participation in ICANN meetings Priority will be for: –Low, lower-middle and upper-middle income economies, according to the World Bank Group country classification –governments, ccTLDs and non-profit sector not associated with ALAC –Participants from the ICANN region in which the meeting is taking place, participants from adjacent regions, and overseas participants, in that order Application forms are available online to be completed and submitted by applicants (Next round for 33 rd ICANN International - Nov meeting to open soon) Fellowships Committee (FC) will be responsible for qualifying and selecting applicants and will also advise ICANN staff on how the programme could be improved
10 Joint Partnership Agreement The MoU relationship between the US Department of Commerce and ICANN has been replaced by a Joint Partnership Agreement ICANN’s responsibilities include: –Fulfilling its responsibilities, including transparency and accountability to stakeholders –Now only publish one public annual report Joint commitment to strengthening: –root server security –Governmental Advisory Committee –performance monitoring Evolution of the private sector multi-stakeholder model
11 Joint Partnership Agreement (ctnd) JPA mid term review – February 2008 –More than 170 submissions to NTIA – about 20 from our region (government, CS and PS) –ICANN’s submission concluded that: As this submission points out, the JPA was a necessary instrument in ICANN’s formative years. But now, the JPA contributes to a misperception that the DNS is managed and overseen on a daily basis by the U.S. government. Ending the JPA will provide long-term stability and security for a model that works. It will provide confidence to all participants that the investment of time, thought and energy for over nine years has secured an Internet coordination body that will always be owned by all stakeholders, not managed or overseen by any one entity. –28 February meeting in Washington convened by NTIA to discuss community inputs –2 April – statement issued regarding the Joint Project Agreement (JPA) mid-term review from the United States Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA).
12 Joint Partnership Agreement (ctnd) Overwhelming view of review comments is that transition is the goal and we as a community need to discuss how to get there President's Strategy Committee is meeting in mid-to-late April. They will draw up a document to help start those discussions PSC will use the submissions to the NTIA review as the foundation for that document Looking forward to productive discussions with community Chairman Peter Dengate Thrush words: –"I welcome this endorsement of the ICANN model and our significant efforts to improve ICANN’s operation," said Peter Dengate Thrush, Chairman of ICANN’s Board of Directors. "As I said in my statement to the public meeting on the JPA in Washington DC, the overwhelming view from virtually all participants is that transition is the goal and the interest is in settling how we get there." –"I have asked the President’s Strategy Committee to outline a plan for developing this transition framework. They will meet in April and make a first presentation, starting a process for further engagement with the community at the ICANN meeting in Paris in June this year," he said.
13 Accountability Frameworks/Exchange of letters A simple statement where ICANN and ccTLD jointly: –Define areas of responsibility. –Confirm mutual actions Why –Need for reliable communication lines as ccTLDs were established and grew. –ccTLD managers developed options by consensus within the country code names supporting organisation (ccNSO). Contents –Largely reflects the key elements identified in the ccNSO’s guidelines –Mutual recognition and commitments of both parties –Covers dispute resolution and termination –Financial contribution to ICANN on a yearly basis, subject to review –Termination clause Formats: –Framework: formally articulates working arrangement. –Exchange of letters: more informal. Either can be tailored to specific needs.
14 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President and CEO Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) Root Server System Advisory Committee (GAC) Security & Stability Advisory Committee (SSAC) At Large Advisory Committee (ALAC) ICANN Staff Marina del Rey - 60 Sydney - 4 Brussels - 8 Other voting delegates + 6 non-voting delegates Nominating Committee ICANN’s community: Participate Technical Liaison Group (TLG) Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) ASOGNSOCCNSO Regional Internet Registries ARIN RIPE NCC LACNIC APNIC AfriNIC gTLD Registries and Registrars Intellectual Property ISPs Businesses Universities Consumers ccTLD registries (e.g.,.us,.uk,.au,.it,.be,.nl, etc.)
15 Upcoming meetings 2008 –22-27 June: Paris, France –2-7 November: Africa 2009 –1-6 March: Latin America –21-26 June: Asia Pacific –25-30 October: Europe 2010 –7-13 February: Africa –20-25 June: Latin America –17-23 October: North America
16 The Future: what do we need to worry about? Spam and Phishing Attacks at DNS level Attacks at routing level Fraud/IP spoofing Defence is not just technology – response planning is essential
17 DNS infrastructure – threats Threats Loss of Service –Network outage –Machine or site failures –Overwhelming traffic (denial of service attack) –Business failure Hijacking –Cache poisoning –False registration –Fake zone transfer –Fake registrar-registry interaction –Private roots Loss of coherence –Unauthorised roots and TLDs –Private character set extensions Countermeasures –Excess capacity –Distribution, replication –Strong connectivity –Multiplicity of businesses –DDoS counters (long term) –Protocol changes, DNSSEC –Tight registrar controls –TSIG (crypto) –Crypto authentication –DNSSEC –DNSSEC; policy/political pressure Lots of work is under way. But threats are growing and this will take more time and money than many expect
18 What will the technical underpinnings of the Internet look like by 2010? Terabit-per-second local networking will be available – backbones and local nets. Domain name system will operate in multiple language scripts IPv6 will be widely deployed Better confidentiality and authenticity will be provided through the use of public key crypto – more authentication of the network Much more interdevice interaction will be common, incorporating position location, sensor networks, and local radio communication Spam and various forms of denial-of-service attacks will continue a “cold war” arms race with defences and better authentication techniques Operating systems will continue to be troublesome sources of vulnerability
19 Join the global Internet community!!! Here is how Address Supporting Organization (ASO) - Country Code Domain Name Supporting Organization (CCNSO) - Generic Names Supporting Organization (GNSO) - At-Large Advisory Committee - Governmental Advisory Committee -
20 And mostly: participate The fellowship programme for ICANN meetings is open- more information at: You can see where all meetings have taken place or will take place at: You can check issues and comment here: Comment or blog at: Subscribe to newsletters and alerts: And to the Monthly Magazine at:
21 Sannu ku! Ku ayka muni tambaya a nan: