[1] Airquarium Festo AG
[Portable Architecture] Temporary pneumatically supported tent structure with double-wall construction to be efficiently heated or cooled depending on the season. The tent is meant to support temporary exhibitions. http://www.tenarafabric.com/festo.html
Classroom of the Future [2] Classroom of the Future Gollifer Langston Architects
[Portable Architecture] A mobile prototype of a highly ICT resourced demountable "clip-on" classroom for use throughout Camden to optimize investment and availability to a wide group of school children. It is now a fully transportable space that provides music and film making facilities to secondary children in Camden who do not normally have access to these types of facilities. http://golliferlangston.co.uk/architecture/education/classroom-of-the-future
[3] 32m2 House Gary Chang
[Transformable Architecture] This 32 square meter apartment in Hong Kong can could change into any of 24 different designs, virtually creating 768 square meters of space. http://blog.kineticarchitecture.net/2011/03/32m2/
[4] Pixel Façade Animation
[Dynamic Systems] http://drmm.co.uk/projects/sliding-house/ FLARE is a modular system to create a dynamic hull for facades or any building or wall surface. Acting like a living skin, it allows a building to express, communicate and interact with its environment. The pixels themselves don’t change, they only move to reflect light in a different way. http://drmm.co.uk/projects/sliding-house/ [Dynamic Systems] Facade for the building which is composed of thousands of aluminum panels that move in the air currents and reveal the complex patterns of turbulence in the wind. These pixels do not require any energy or motors. http://nedkahn.com/
[5] Lumenhaus Virginia Tech University
[Transformable Architecture] Lumenhaus is the prototypical smart house, fully equipped with PV panels, meters to record usage of energy, fully automated facades, and personal controls for various comfort levels. http://www.solar.arch.vt.edu/