Scintillating fibre tracker First SHiP Workshop Zurich, 12 June, 2014 Vladimir SHEVCHENKO, on behalf of Kurchatov Institute SciFi group, Moscow, Russia
Warm up: a comment (SciFi–unrelated) 12 June 2014SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich2 Suggested solutions to hierarchy problem: Version 3. Something is wrong with the states (SUSY etc) Version 2. Something is wrong with the current (composite Higgs etc) Version 1. There is a symmetry which keeps Sensitivity to the physics above UV cutoff
12 June 20143SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich For quantum field theory defined on a lattice with link a : Actual physical dynamics IS fine tuned: Lattice here can be seen as a «detector», a measuring device which brings its own story to the theory. We know from experiment in all these cases that 1/a terms are irrelevant. Not (yet) deep enough understanding of quantum field theory?
New Scintillating Fibre Tracker for LHCb 12 June 20144SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
LHCb Scintillating Fibre Tracker layout-I (slide from Fred Blanc) 12 June 20145SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Layout-II 12 June 2014SciFi Tracker SHIP Workshop, Zurich6
Scintillating Fibre Tracker SiPM readout 12 June 20147SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (slide from Fred Blanc)
SiPM Photo-Detection Efficiency 12 June 20148SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (slide from Fred Blanc)
Cladding and transmission mechanism Kuraray SCSF-78MJ scintillating fiber is double cladding 12 June 20149SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Attenuation length in 250 µm Kuraray fibre att. in cm: The recent order of 100 km (8 spools) from Kuraray SCSF-78MJ scintillating fibres showed att values around 3.2m 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (slide from C. Joram)
SciFi Tracker in numbers 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (slide from Fred Blanc)
Sci-Fibre tracker for SHIP neutrino detector Stereo layers of the fibre-ribbon walls readout by SiPM ECC mini-wallsFibre Tracker 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (picture from G. De Lellis) SciFi spatial resolution (≤100 µm) is more than sufficient to predict τ-neutrino vertex. No problems with radiation hardness, SiPM cooling, overall positioning etc.
2 steps: Fibre rewinding from a large Kuraray cardboard (Ø 1000 mm) drum to a smaller (Ø300 mm) plastic one, fibre quality control during rewinding. Winding process allows production of 5(6)-layer fibre ribbon using the EpoTec epoxy glue impregnated with TiO 2 bonding SciFi ribbon fabrication method 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Drum from Kuraray Measurement of fiber diameter and light leak Data base for traceability Cleaning (dust) Drum ready for production Tension control Similar setup is running at Dortmund TU. Fibre quality control (RWTH, Aachen) 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (picture by B.Leverington)
Winding process: Fibers are placed in grooves on drum by precise CNC winding machine. Pitch of grooves on drum: 275 μm. Fiber cut after each layer. Then, fibres are placed in the grooves between the fibres of the bottom layers. Tension increased (20 100 g) for each next layer. 5(6) layers wound on top of each other. SciFi ribbons production (RWTH, Aachen) 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Winding hub production at IPT 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich (pictures by Th.Kirn)
New SciFi ribbon winding wheel (matrix) Stainless steel precise threaded wheel Ø 822 mm on aluminum hub. 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
LHCb SciFi Tracker production schedule The SciFi project schedule calls for the R&D phase to be completed by the middle of the 2015 followed by the production phase which should end by the middle of The fibre and the carrier panel procurement will start by September With an average production rate of 1 fibre ribbon per day at least two full rate production facilities are needed to comply with the project schedule. One of them is being built at NRC Kurchatov Institute. 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Production clean room at NRC KI, Moscow 240 m 2 area clean room, class, being constructed 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Production clean room floor plan Work zones: I – ribbon winding zone, II – fibre quality control, III – cutting and assembly, IV,V – CR entrance zone, VI – module storage area. Equipment lay-out: 12 June SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich
Conclusions for SHiP 12 June The main «propaganda picture» is very nice. There could be something behind it. SciFi tracking technology is very nice. We should develop it for LHCb upgrade and use all its advantages in full for the SHiP project. Perhaps it is (or will be in some time) worth thinking about focused satelite-based project complementary to SHiP (Space SHiP ?). SciFi is well suited for that (reliability, small mass, low power dissipation etc). SciFi Tracker First SHiP Workshop, Zurich