Lesson 5 – Looking at the Output MATSim Tutorial, 2011, Shanghai 1
This Lesson 2 5 Topics: 1. Events 2. Log File 3. Visualizer 4. Counts 5. Plots and Text Files
Events 3 State changes are documented with Events Several different Event Types EventsHandler to analyze Events During Execution of the Mobility Simulation As a Post-processing Tool
Log File 4 Written in every MATSim run Documents important information related to the run Computer setup (e.g. Number of Cores) Java setup (JVM Version, assigned Memory) Config parameters (input and interpretation) State information of MobSim, Replanning and Scoring If you develop a MATSim Extension: add important information to the Log File!
Visualizer 5 Developed by the Senozon AG Visualize traffic flows and traffic related information like activity distribution Visualization from global view down to single agents
Counts 6 Compare real world traffic counts and simulation results Creation of input counts file from scratch Select proper values from various input data Map count stations to the MATSim network
Plots and Text Files 7 By default, MATSim creates some graphical plots and text files which are very useful for first analyses Score Statistics (for every run) Travel Distances (for every run) Stop Watch (for every run) Leg Histogram (for every iteration and mode) Trip Duration (for every iteration and activity type pair)