Chris Pinski
History What is Ajax Who uses Ajax Underlying Technologies SE Aspect Common Problems Conclusion
Static pages Slow connections speeds Maintenance nightmare Old example Old example New Example New Example
Not the program or script that is executed Interface used to connect the browser and the server
Most server side implementations in perl or C Perl PHP Undescriptive errors 500 Internal Server Error
IFrame hack Hide IFrame GET or POST calls to web service Extract hidden data and inject into DOM POST would require hidden form Unexpected results ▪ “Phantom click” ▪ Clicking sound each request ▪ “throbber of doom” ▪ Throbber animated forever during IFrame load
Asynchronous JavaScript and XML Group of technologies Request formed client side then sent to server Server returns processed data Makes dynamic web what it is today
Facebook Facebook Google Google Myself Myself
From web pages to mobile phones Main technology for Ajax Built into all major browsers Can make Ajax calls as well as update the DOM
Makes JavaScript easier to use JavaScript jQuery
Building blocks of web pages Info displayed upon use of tags
Presents HTML in different forms Mainly makes page easier for user to interpret
Not designed to be alternative to HTML Used to store transported data Create own tags Easy to parse Heavyweight compared to other formats
Represents objects nicely Independent of all languages Objects begin/end with curly braces Array of objects enclosed in square brackets Colons follow names Each name/value pair separated with comma
Actual request to retrieve data from URL No new document necessary An object in JavaScript Standardized by W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)W3C
Synchronous Only recommended when you are doing thousands of requests in a row
Asynchronous Callback registered to requests readyState Request complete and “OK”
Client side vs. server side Client side ▪ Higher end machines can do more ▪ Less secure Server side ▪ Saves user from waiting long to process data ▪ Server load greater ▪ Higher costs ▪ More scalable
Loading indicator on browser not triggered Solution: Place loading icon near DOM element that is loading XSS Solution:
Big reason why Internet is what it is today Up to the minute data
Brock, A. (n.d.). – The Client-Server Model. – blog. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from Client-Server-Model Empire Burlesque. (n.d.). W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from IFrame Call. (n.d.). Main Page - Ajax Patterns. Retrieved October 23, 2012, from JSON. (n.d.). JSON. Retrieved October 23, 2012, from Solutions to 5 Common Ajax Problems | Webdesigner Depot. (n.d.). Web Design Blog - Webdesigner Depot. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from problems/ Synchronous and asynchronous requests. (n.d.). Mozilla Developer Network. Retrieved October 25, 2012, from US/docs/DOM/XMLHttpRequest/Synchronous_and_Asynchronous_Requests The Power of jQuery with Ajax. (n.d.). Six Revisions - Web Design Articles, News, Tutorials. Retrieved October 21, 2012, from power-of-jquery-with-ajax/ XML Introduction - What is XML?. (n.d.). W3Schools Online Web Tutorials. Retrieved October 24, 2012, from