Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Johann Möller
Pretoria - Gauteng South Africa Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller
Unisa – Open Distance Education Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller
Theory vs Practice – Why does change fail? Theory vs Practice – Inertia to change Roll-out – Choices & Decisions Post Roll-out – Actions Assessment and Review
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Theory vs Practice – Why does change fail? Sense of urgency Vision (Lack of, and under communicating) Guiding coalition Removing Obstacles Short term wins Victory too soon Corporate culture
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Systems audit Questionnaire Experience Staff on leave Systems switched off Theory vs Practice – Things we did & Choices we had? Location Student numbers
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Theory vs Practice – Choices we had? Pacing ? Tinkering Kludging
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Roll-out – Decisions we took No lecturer - No course Official study material Discussion forum - permissions All valid and active courses are created
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Life SAKAI on 09 January 2006
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Post Roll-out – Actions Individual one-on-one training Webmaster, Help desk and Call Center Telephone and Internet support Faculty and General orientation sessions
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Theory vs Practice – Inertia to change Buy in from Faculty Education Literacy Computer Literacy External factors
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Theory vs Practice – Why does change fail? Sense of urgency Vision (Lack of, and under communicating) Guiding coalition Removing Obstacles Short term wins Victory too soon Corporate culture
Academic staff : 1302 Sites on myUnisa : Students : Students on myUnisa: SAKAI version own tools and 6 SAKAI as is Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Assessment and Review
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Assessment and Review Did we manage change well? Will I do it this way again? Where we successful in our Roll-out? What lies ahead?
Change Management, Roll-out or Steam roller Johann Möller Example