William Shakespeare and A Midsummer Night’s Dream
What do you already know about Shakespeare?
The Bard, His World and The Globe MSND MSND “professional poet”“professional poet” Tudor England Tudor England Henry VIII Henry VIII Religious & Political ConflictReligious & Political Conflict Elizabeth I Elizabeth I Elizabethan Era/RenaissanceElizabethan Era/Renaissance Stuart England Stuart England Scotland + BritainScotland + Britain Middle EnglishMiddle English The Globe Theater/GroundlingsThe Globe Theater/Groundlings VernacularVernacular
Themes LoveLove ValorValor HonorHonor FriendshipFriendship DespairDespair MotivationMotivation PersuasionPersuasion HumanityHumanity FearFear ShameShame ProprietyPropriety GratitudeGratitude
Things to ponder… roles of men vs roles of womenroles of men vs roles of women allusionsallusions allegoryallegory reading a play vs seeing a playreading a play vs seeing a play fantasy genrefantasy genre Plot and sub-plotPlot and sub-plot
Characters Court Characters TheseusTheseus HippolytaHippolyta EgeusEgeus HermiaHermia LysanderLysander HelenaHelena DemetriusDemetrius Mystical Characters OberonOberon TitaniaTitania PuckPuck Fairy AttendantsFairy Attendants The Rustics (actors) Quince (director/Prologue)Quince (director/Prologue) Flute (Thisbe)Flute (Thisbe) Bottom (Pyramus)Bottom (Pyramus) Starveling (Lion)Starveling (Lion) Snout (Moonshine)Snout (Moonshine) Snug (Wall)Snug (Wall)
Historical Context colonizationcolonization corrupt power of the courtcorrupt power of the court Family structureFamily structure Role of womenRole of women What is Shakespeare’s opinion on each of these issues? How can you tell based on this play? Hint: you will find out as we read!
Literary Terms iambic pentameteriambic pentameter prose vs verseprose vs verse subplotsubplot AllusionAllusion AllegoryAllegory blank verseblank verse comedycomedy CoupletCouplet SoliloquySoliloquy exeuntexeunt(“eg-ZOONT”)
Rhythm and Meter Rhythm: pattern of stresses in a line of verse Meters: established rhythmic patterns Feet: individual building blocks of meter The most common feet: –Anapest: duh-duh- DUH, as in but of course! –Dactyl: DUH -duh-duh, as in honestly –Iamb: duh- DUH, as in collapse –Trochee: DUH -duh, as in pizza Repetitions of feet are named as follows: –1 foot: monometer –2 feet: dimeter –3 feet: trimeter –4 feet: tetrameter –5 feet: pentameter –6 feet: hexameter The famous iambic pentameter is a string of five iambs
Set the Scene Act I, Scene 1 AthensAthens Court of Duke TheseusCourt of Duke Theseus 4 days before the Duke’s wedding to Princess Hippolyta (Amazon)4 days before the Duke’s wedding to Princess Hippolyta (Amazon) Egeus comes to court with his daughter, Hermia, with a requestEgeus comes to court with his daughter, Hermia, with a request Love triangle/quadrilateralLove triangle/quadrilateral
Let’s read!
Anticipation Before reading anything, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the overarching concepts and essentials ideas that you will meet up with throughout the text.Before reading anything, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the overarching concepts and essentials ideas that you will meet up with throughout the text. This is a “before reading” strategy and it will help you develop a deeper understanding of the text.This is a “before reading” strategy and it will help you develop a deeper understanding of the text.
Anticipation Before reading anything, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the overarching concepts and essentials ideas that you will meet up with throughout the text.Before reading anything, it’s smart to familiarize yourself with the overarching concepts and essentials ideas that you will meet up with throughout the text. This is a “before reading” strategy and it will help you develop a deeper understanding of the text.This is a “before reading” strategy and it will help you develop a deeper understanding of the text.