Group 4 Project
Some Philosophy teamwork Scientific investigations of today involve teamwork which, like the Group 4 Project, is interdisciplinary. The underpinnings of teamwork are: communication and respect for each other
Nature of the Project Collaborative experience Interdisciplinary co-operation ‘Real Science’ activity Processes, not Products
Topic Sustainable Energy
Participation All students investigate the same topic Split into smaller groups for 3 or 4 topics Each group will choose their own sub-topic.
Evaluation (6 - 9) Hours
Planning (2 – 3 hours) Mixed-subject sessions: brainstorm the topic Develop a hypothesis Suggest data collection Sharing of information & ideas
Definition of Activities Develop subject-specific questions to answer A subject specific hypothesis Define specific tasks Talk to staff (technicians) when planning your experiments.
Action (6 - 9 hours) Separate/group subject investigations During ‘Normal’ lessons, after school or during Grp 4 time.
Evaluation (2 – 3 hours) The emphasis during this stage is on students sharing their findings, both successes and failures, with the group 4 team. Each group will be expected to give a brief presentation of your investigation (5 mins per team) Each person in the team will have 1 min to present their findings followed by Q&A. Each project will be peer reviewed.
Assessment The group 4 project forms one part of a candidate's overall practical experience and must be assessed for personal skills. (page ) If students study two sciences they must receive the same PS mark for the different sciences.
Example of Process to Identify a group 4 Project: Step 1: Identify major topics: e.g., body, pollution, water, recycling, air, energy, nutrition, waste, agriculture. Step 2: concentrate on a few topics: Impact of microwaves.., flat screen TV.. Step 3: Narrow topic down to one: e.g., Impact of phones on seed growth?
Example of Process to Identify a group 4 Project (cont.): Step 5: Students in each subject come up with issues in their own areas. Step 6: Create a hypothesis Step 7: Students in each subject narrow these down to what they can collect in terms of data and investigations.
Biology issues: Tracking growth of seeds at different stages. Physics Issues: Recording/Measuring the electromagnetic waves emitted by cell phones and impact on 4 seeds from different phone cases Chemistry Issues: Identify any chemical reaction taking place to explain growth if any. D.T Issues: Student came up with a CAD drawing of phone casing that will limit the impact of cell phones on plants/human beings. (Heavily linked toTopic 4-Materials) Broad Topic: Sustainable Energy
Broad Topic: Sick Building Syndrome Focused Question: How do the environmental conditions in a given building cause illness? Biology issues: Survey of symptoms, research into existing medical data: studies of respiratory illnesses, research on organisms --cause/effect Chemistry Issues: Call Health Department to find out tests for sick building e.g. in humidity studies, harmful gases,, etc. CO, CO 2, particulates, water analysis, investigations of Brownian motion; Rn detection, condensation patterns Physics Issues: measurement of electromagnetic fields, air flow patterns, R factors, temperature of the buildings DT: Comparing materials used in the construction of buildings (topic 4) Looking at the impact of room layout and U-Value (topic 12)
Evaluation of Personal Skills: Personal Skills Accepted responsibility to contribute to team Encouraged the contributions of others Recognized the contributions of others Showed self-motivation and perseverance Showed ethical behavior in personal relations and reporting results Paid due attention to environmental impacts
Evaluation of Personal Skills: Evaluate yourself (student 1) and each of the other members of your group on each of the skills listed in the table below: Use the following evaluation scale: 1 = did not display the skill at all 2 = displayed the skill to some extent 3 = did all that could be expected in this respect N = I did not have an opportunity to observe this skill