Presented By :- Guided By :- Patel Krunal ( ) Hiral A. Patel Patel Jipsi ( ) Group No:- 28 Acharya Motibhai Patel Institute of Computer Studies (Constituent College of Ganpat University) Ganpat Vidhyanagar
2 Object Content Project Title Muncipal Corporation Management System (Complain Management) ObjectiveThis is web base software that provide online complain and services about Municipal Corporation. Front EndPHP Back EndMYSQL ServerApache ToolsMicromedia Dreamviewer CS6,Notpad++ Interanl GuideHiral.A. Patel Group No28
3 :- This System is manually system. :-An Existing System is all process are paper work. :- In Existing System people must visit to Municipal Corporation. :- Exiting System is time consuming and not user friendly.
4 :-Now day people is no interested in manually complain so this system provide online complain. :- And this system provide Birth Certificate & Death Certificate application form online. :- This System provide different type of information about City :- This system provide information about Municipal corporation
5 User:-In this system user apply for different type of complain and download different type of forms. Admin:- Admin can manage whole site like manage user employee master etc…. Employee Master:- Employee master can manage complain and change the status of complain. Employee:-Employee can solve the complain and show the status.
6 Server side: Server side: Client side: Client side: : Hardware: Hardware: Core i3 Processor Dual Core 1 GB RAM 2 GB HDD(Required) 512 MB RAM 1 GB HDD(Required) Software Windows 8 OSWindows XP OR Later Any OS and Any Browser Apache serverInternet explorer 5.0or compatible web browser PHP MYSQL 5.5.8
14 >
21 Name of Table: Admin Description: This table store the Admin information. Primary Key:Id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 1idInt(11)Primary Key It Store id of the Admin. Not NULL and Numeric Value 2usernameVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt Store username of the Admin. TextboxNot NULL 3passwordVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt Store Admin’s password. TextboxNot NULL and 6 to 15 character 4 Varchar(3 0) OPTIONA L It Store id of Admin. TextboxNot NULL and Validation
22 id Name Password 1 krunal jipsi23456 Example:-
23 Name of Table: Employee_Master Description: This table store the Employee_Master information. Primary Key:Id,e_id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validation 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the Employee_ Master Not NULL and Numeric Value 2e_idInt(11)NOTNULLIt Store e_id of the Employee _Master Not NULL and Numeric Value 3e_nameVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt Store name of the Employee _Master TextboxNot NULL
24 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descriptio ns Control Name Validation 4UsernameVarchar(20 ) NotNullIt stored username TextboxNOT EMPTY MINIMUM TWO CHARECTO R 5PasswordVarchar(20 ) NotNullIt stored Password TextboxMINIMUM 4 CHARECTO R 6Complain_ type Varchar(20 ) NotNullIt stored Different complains TextboxMUST SELECTED
25 Example:- Sr.No Name PasswordComplain_ty pe 1 krunal12345 Water 2 jipsi23456 Light
26 Name of Table: User Description: This table store the User information. Primary Key:Id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validation 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the User Not NULL and Numeric Value 2firstnameVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt Store firstname of the User TextboxNot NULL 3lastnameVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt Store last name of the User TextboxNot NULL
27 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 4election_ca rd_id Varchar(1 0) NOT NULLIt Store Election card id of user TextboxNot NULL 5imageVarchar(3 0) NOT NULLIt Store image Of User image.jpg,.jpeg.p ng and etc 6usernameVarchar(1 5) Primary key It Store username Of user TextboxNot NULL 7passwordVarchar(1 5) NOT NULLIt store password of user TextboxNot NULL character must be 6 15 character
28 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 8addressTextNOT NULLIt stored address of user TextareaNot NULL 9phoneVarchar(1 3) NOT NULLIt Store phone no Of user TextboxNot NULL 10 Varchar(3 0) NOT NULLIt store of user TextboxNot NULL and Validation 11genderVarchar(1 ) NOT NULLIt store gender of user radioNot NULL 12cityVarchar(1 0) NOT NULLIt store city of user TextboxNot NULL
29 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 13stateVarchar(1 0) NOT NULLIt store state of user TextboxNot NULL Example:- Sr.No First _name Mobile_ no AddressCityStateUser_na me Passwo rd 1 krunal suryana gar unjhagujaratkvpatel jipsi Visnagar road unjhagujaratjkpatel52368
30 Name of Table: Complain Description: This table store the complain information. Primary Key:Id Foreign Key:user_id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Siz e) Constrai n Field Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the User Not NULL and Numeric Value 2 user_idInt(11) Foreign Key It Store username of the User Not NULL 3areaVarchar(3 0) NOT NULL It Store area of the User TextboxNot NULL
31 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 4complain_ type Varchar(3 0) NOT NULLIt stored complain type which is complaine d by user DropdownNot NULL 5imageVarchar(3 0) NOT NULLIt Store image Image.jpg,.jpeg and etc 6Descripiti on TextNOT NULLIt store Descripiti on of complain TextareaNot NULL
32 Example:- Sr.NoUser_idAreaComplai n_type Imagedescritio n Status 12Visnagar_ charrasta water3.jpgFor water complain Unsolve
33 Name of Table: Achievement Description: This table store the Achievement information about municipal. Primary Key:Id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Siz e) Constrai n Field Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the Achiveme nt Not NULL and Numeric Value 2titleVarchar(5 0) NOT NULL It Store title of the Achiveme nt TextboxNot NULL 3descriptio n TextNOT NULL It Store descriptio n of Achiveme nt TextareaNot NULL
34 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 4YearInt(4)NOT NULLIt store year which is get Achiveme nt TextboxNot NULL 5forTextNOT NULLIt Store why Achiveme nt get TextareaNot NULL Example:- Sr.NotitleYearDescritionFor 1win Award from gujarat gov 2013For water complain good work
35 Name of Table: holiday_list Description: This table store the holiday_list information about municipal. Primary Key:Id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Siz e) Constrai n Field Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the holiday_li st Not NULL and Numeric Value 2titleVarchar(5 0) NOT NULL It Store title of the holiday_li st TextboxNot NULL 3date NOT NULL It Store date of holiday_li st Dropdow n Not NULL
36 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 4dayvarchar(1 0) NOT NULLIt store day driscriptio n TextboxNot NULL Example:- Sr.Notitledateday 1win Award from gujarat gov 2013monday
37 Name of Table:event Description: This table store the event information about municipal. Primary Key:Id Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Siz e) Constrai n Field Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 1idInt(11)Primary key It Store id of the event Not NULL and Numeric Value 2titleVarchar(5 0) NOT NULL It Store title of the event TextboxNot NULL 3start_datedateNOT NULL It Store start_date of event Dropdow n Not NULL
38 Sr.NoFields Name Data Type(Size ) ConstrainField Descripti ons Control Name Validatio n 4expire_dat e dateNOT NULLIt store expire_dat e of event DropdownNot NULL 5descriptio n TextNOT NULLIt store descriptio n of event Text areaNot NULL Example:- Sr.NotitleStart_dateExpiry_date 1hi.friends we organization a rangoli computation
54 Input/output
55 Home page:- Description:-This page is show information about corporation
56 Signup Page:- Description:- this page is information about user sign up
57 Dashboard Page Description:- this page content different functionality for user
58 Edit Profile:- Description:- A page used to change user profile
59 View Complain:- Description:- this page is show previous complain
60 Complain Page Description:- this page used for create complain
61 Holidays Page:- Description:- this page is used to display holiday list of municipality
62 Certificate Page:- Description:- This page is used to view different certificate
63 Achievement Page:- Description:- this page show achievement of municipality
64 Change password Page:- Description:- this page used to change password
65 Admin Login Description:- this page is used for login
66 Achievement Page:- Description:- this page is used to add achievement of municipality
67 Event Page:- Description:- this page is used to add event of municipality
68 User page:- Description:- this page is used to show user information.
69 Employee:- Description:- this page is used to add employee of municipality.
70 Holiday List Page:- Description:- this page used to stored holiday of municipality
71 Employee Login :- Description:- this page is used for employee login.
72 View complain:- Description:- this page view complain of user.
74 Testing includes how and in which manners the software is tested. The system is tested through the following techniques Unit Testing Unit testing is the smallest unit of software design-the software component or module such as. Creating New user or user login process code written by user is correct or not. The.NET code compiles and run process etc Constrains Testing If tests whether all the specified constrains are satisfied or not? For e.g. Memory limit should always be greater than maximum upload size. Black Box Testing :- Acceptance Testing: In acceptance testing we have tested application and check whether our requirement is fulfill or not. Boundary Testing: Test cases generated using extremes of input domain
75 Sr.No.Test CaseInputExpected OutputActual OutputTest Status 1 Make complain Complaint type,area,full description Insert complain in complain table with user id and details As per expected output.Pass 2Complain Status Select from dropdown option like solved,unsolved etc. Complain status updated in complain table As per expected output.Pass 3Delete Complain Delete complain if status is solved or no longer need. Complain deleted from complain table As per expected output.Pass 4Forgot password id of user Pass word reset link send to user via Mail function not working locally so this is for future enhancement Not Pass
77 :- in our system some of functionality like Online Tex payment. :- For Apply online Birth & Death Certificate. :-User verification Using Election Card / pan Card / aadhar Card. :- Register user own mobile number.
79 Books Referred:- * PHP6 and MYSQL6 Bible by Steve Suehring,Time Converser, Joyce Park * PHP Cookbook by David scalar, Adam Trachtenberg. Reference:- * *