A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Γ(Ke3/pipi0); Γ(Kμ3/pipi0) 1 Kaon Semileptonic Decays Measurements Γ(Ke3) / Γ(π ± π 0 ) Γ(Kμ3) / Γ(π ± π 0 ) Γ(Kμ3) / Γ(Ke3) Anne Dabrowski Northwestern University Ph.D. Thesis Defence Presentation April 20th 2007
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 2 Ke3: Kμ3:Kμ3: Γ(Ke3) / Γ(π ± π 0 ) Γ(Kμ3 ) / Γ(π ± π 0 ) Γ(Kμ3) / Γ(Ke3) Measurements
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 3 Outline Theoretical Motivation for Measurements –Extract CKM Matrix Element Vus; Br(Ke3),Br(Kmu3) –Test Lepton Universality; Γ(Kμ3)/Γ(Ke3) Experimental Setup –K + /K - Beamline –NA48 Detector Event Selection –Trigger –Fiducial volume & Kinematics –Particle Identification Requirements –Background Estimation Result –Γ(Ke3)/Γ(π ± π 0 ), Γ(Kμ3)/Γ(π ± π 0 ), Γ(Kμ3)/Γ(Ke3) Discussion –Extraction of Vus –Test of Lepton Universality
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 4 Extract V us Measure: Γ(K l3 ) / Γ(π ± π 0 ) Br(K l3 ) / Br(π ± π 0 ) Assume branching ratio (Br) for π ± π 0 extract Br( K l3 ) Measure Br( K l3 ) Extract
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 5 Test CKM Unitarity (2)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 6 Lepton Universality; Check of form factor measurements Measure ratio phase space integrals based on form factors radiative corrections Assuming mu-e universality & linear approximation for the form factors: Relationship between the form factors λ + and λ 0 and the ratio of partial widths cross check of form factor measurements λ+λ+ λ0λ0 Test Universality
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 7 NA48 Experiments NA48 experiment Designed for understanding of systematic errors to level, to measure direct CP violation in neutral kaons, Re(ε’/ε) Similarly, NA48/2 Direct CP violation in charged Kaon decays
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 8 NA48/2 Beamline, Special Run K ± collected during 2003 special low intensity (1/8) minimum bias run K + flux 3.2x10 6 ; K + /K - ~ 1.78 (production rate at target)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 9 Beam Beam Energy (60 ± 3) GeV Width ~ 5mm K+/K- ~ 1mm K+/K- Beam focused to DCH1 to within 1mm plot using reconstructed π+π0π+π0 π-π0π-π0 K+K+ K-K- collimator DCH 1
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 10 NA48 Detector
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 11 Measurement ingredients and strategy Measured the ratios of the decay rates: Same event signature in the ratio: 1 charged track and 2 γ’s from a π 0 decay Cancellation of uncertainties Differentiate signals particle ID & kinematics
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 12 Trigger Special low intensity run Minimum bias triggers Main trigger “Q1”/4 Based on hit in the charge hodoscope in each of two planes, within the same geometric quadrant Trigger efficiency calculation “1-Trackloose”/100 (based on Hits in the DCH) Trigger efficiency high, and independent of track type
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 13 Beam and Spectrometer Settings Z X Y Jura Saleve Achromats: K + Up Achromats: K + Down B+ BB K+K-K+K-K+K-K+K-
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 14 Track Treatment Z X Y Jura Saleve Achromats: K + Up B+ K+K-K+K-K+K-K+K- 1 track after excluding Ghost-tracks –Hodoscope time window ( ns) –Diff DCH time, hodoscope time ± 6ns –Track quality > 0.8 –Beta, alpha corrections from database –z charge vertex (-500,7000) cm –Blue Field correction applied Event time window (ns) (HOD – DCH) time (ns)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 15 Treatment of Additional Photons in Event Make inclusive measurements, K e3(γ) K 2π(γ) and K μ3(γ) additional photons in the event are kept Photon candidates (3 < Eg < 65) GeV Difference between 2 γ candidates < 2ns Separation of 2 γ candidates > 10 cm Ke3/Kmu3 events > 35 cm for pipi0 events among all the possible γ pairings, the couple for which |Δz| is smallest is selected |Δz| difference neutral and charge vertex No cut on |Δz| is applied
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 16 |Δz| difference neutral and charge vertex Resolution depends on Charge Vertex (average z position) and Neutral Vertex (average energy pi0) Monte Carlo Simulation describes data Ke3 π±π0π±π0 Kμ3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 17 Reconstructed γγ mass Another test of goodness of reconstruction, is the invariant γγ mass. Ke3 π±π0π±π0 Kμ3 Plotted , events from Data with 1 track and 2 γ’s, log scale: Non Gaussian tails same order for each of the three channels Do not apply a cut on pi0 mass Low accidental activity % of tot events with 2 gammas 90% 97.7% 99.7% Assume “charge” vertex for Z ij and calculate the invariant γγ mass
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 18 Differentiating Kinematics Take advantage of: 1.Missing energy (Semileptonic vs pipi0 event) 2.Two vs three body decay kinematics Rec. Kaon Mass under π ± assumption π±π0π±π0 K l3 Rec. missing mass
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 19 Differentiating Kinematics (2) Take advantage of: 1.Missing energy (Semileptonic vs pipi0 event) 2.Two versus three body decay kinematics Transverse Momentum (PT) K e3 Kμ3Kμ3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 20 Particle ID Muons Use sample of K ± → μν (Br(63.44±0.14)%)to calculate muon ID efficiency: hit in planes 1 and 2 of the muon counters within 2 ns of hodoscope time K± → μν signal Momentum (GeV/c) PT (GeV/c) Momentum (GeV/c) Average efficiency, above 10 GeV/c μν Background ( )%
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 21 Particle ID Electrons & Pions Constrained sub-sample of electrons with background level at (0.07±0.01)x10 -4 Average efficiency E/P > 0.95: (98.59±0.09)% Timing and fiducial requirements applied as in analysis E/P > 0.95 Efficiency E/P < 0.95 Efficiency Track momentum measurement from spectrometer (P) & energy in deposited in LKr (E) Constrained sub-sample of pions with background level at (0.1±0.01)x10 -3 Average efficiency E/P < 0.95: (99.54±0.01)% Timing and fiducial requirements applied as in analysis
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 22 Background Estimation Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) Background subtraction in both signal and normalisation
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 23 Background Estimation Low intensity running conditions, accidental activity Simulation of the beam, detector response and kaon decay amplitudes sufficient to describe signal and background Sources of Background Ke3: pions with E/P > 0.95 Missing mass squared distribution before missing mass cut is applied Arrows indicate signal region
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 24 Background Estimation Ke3 Ke3 distributions low level of background after the final cuts, particle ID applied. Background negligible level. Simulation describes data. Charged vertex (cm) Transverse Momentum PT (GeV/c) Energy π 0 (GeV)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 25 Background Estimation pipi0 pions that decay are contrained in pipi0 sample largest background from Kmu3 events, where μ & π 0 contain most of visible energy also contributions from Ke3 where E/P < 0.95 Charged vertex (cm) Transverse Momentum PT (GeV/c) Energy π 0 (GeV)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 26 Background Estimation Kmu3 Recall: MUC used to select muons pions that decay & detected in MUC are background to Kmu3. Correction is at xxx level? Monte Carlo decays pions before LKr small correction from data needed to estimate pions decay between LKr and MUC (not simulated by MC) MC simulation describes DATA well, even in tail that is dominated by π background sensitive to π decay probability
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 27 Background Estimation Kmu3 Charged vertex (cm) Transverse Momentum PT (GeV/c) Energy π 0 (GeV) Background at the 0.2% level, dominated by K ± → π ± π 0 π 0, where π± → μν
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 28 Comparison between Data and Simulation Ke3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 29 Comparison between Data and Simulation Kmu3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 30 Comparison between Data and Simulation pipi0
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 31 K l3 form factors is needed to extract Vus Standard Model, Born level Matrix element for K /3 decays t is the square of the four-momentum transfer to the lepton system this part of the matrix is only relevant for Kμ3 decays f 0 (t) is a combination of the two are the vector and scalar form factors are related to the angular momentum of the lepton pair
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 32 Form Factor Parameterization used PDG 2006 measurements for Charged Kaons, Pole parameterization: Quadratic Linear If the f.f acquire a physical meaning, they are related to the exchange of K* resonances with spin-parity 1-/0+ and masses mv/ms Change in acceptance due to varying form factor parameters above by one sigma taking into account in systematic estimation~ effect Systematic assigned also due to alternative form factor models, for example the pole model. Full difference in acceptance assigned as systematic error ~ 10-4 effect
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 33 Kl3 event generator Events generated according to the Dalitz plot density distribution Put in plots for Ke3 and Kmu3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 34 Radiative corrections Radiative corrections are added to the Dalitz plot density: use prescription by Ginsberg (real and virtual corrections) real bremmstrahlung photons added using the PHOTOs program
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 35 Sensitivity of acceptance to radiative corrections Reconstruction sensitive to inclusion of real photons Energy of leptons in Rest frame of Kaon well described by simulation, despite sensitive to radiative corrections Ke3 Kμ3
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 36 Result BR(K e3 ) & Br(K μ3 ) Systematics Detector Acceptance with radiative effects Trigger Efficiency Form Factors ( Input Value & Models) Error dominated by BR(K 2π ) uncertainty BNL-E865 result is confirmed Taking BR(K 2π ) from PDG
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 37 Theoretical Motivation, Vus (2)
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 38 Extraction of Vus
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 39 Result: Γ(Kμ3) / Γ(Ke3) Consistent with KEK-E246 & PDG 2006 = Comparing to semi-empirical prediction & assume linear f.f. model; Extract (PDG) Verification of μ-e universality
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 40 Conclusion Measured ratio of three charged kaon decay modes Br(Ke3) and Br(Kmu3) better than previous PDG averages for charged kaon decays Confirm BNL-E865 measurement Extraction of Vus consistent with CKM unitarity, and most accurate for charged kaons, and in agreement with CKM unitarity Verification of μ-e universality
A. Dabrowski, April 20th 2007 Ratio(Ke3/pipi0); Ratio(Kμ3/pipi0) 41 Appendix Data/ MC comparison