EST 2012 State of the Art and Future Developments.


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Presentation transcript:

EST 2012 State of the Art and Future Developments

EST Comenius multilateral 907 Comenius bilateral 902 Grundtvig learning 532 Leonardo da Vinci 252 Comenius Regio 104 Grundtvig SVP Partnerships from 31 countries

beneficiaries involved


EST and EVE All the Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci and Grundtvig Star projects for the pilot phase 2007 and for the Call 2008 are now present in EVE All the partnerships have been exported along with their products The export was performed remapping EST data into the EVE XML format A tool to perform the export every year has been developed Soon after the meeting, projects from the 2009 call (finalised 2011) will be exported to EVE

EST and Comenius Maps Comenius maps website uses EST data to localise Comenius partnership across Europe The data (localisation data of the partnership, topic and educational field) have been provided to Comenius Maps team in SQL format By now the website contains data about 2008 and 2009 partnerships The transfer of data from EST to Comenius Maps will take place twice a year, in June and by mid December

Some new developments Survey Video tutorial Promotional material (plates, logos) Clarity on selection of Stars Facebook fan page New tool for helpdesk for NAs

Survey 1. Are you a... ? Teacher, trainer, educator Pupil, trainee, adult learner Stakeholder, politician LLP staff Media representative Other, please specify 2. How did you learn about EST? National Agency in my country Search engine Referral, Link from another website Magazine, publication Other, please specify 3. How do you rate the overall design of the website? Excellent Good Okay Bad Very bad 4. How do you rate the information found on the website? Very good Good Okay Bad Very bad 6. Do you have any suggestions on how this website can be improved? A web streaming survey has been created and is ready to be launched, using Zoomerang. These are the questions:

Video Tutorial The “script” of two video tutorials has been developed (printed copy in your folder). They are based on two main ideas: 1.Video Tutorial Intro: “Why EST?” Motivate beneficiaries to document well in EST, in order to become a Star Project and be selected for Awards, Events, Conferences, Publications, further dissemination, etc. 2.Video Tutorial Input: “EST step by step” Guide beneficiaries durng input, giving advice on how to select the the results to be uploaded

Model Plate for Star Projects

Logos for beneficiaries’ websites

Star Project Evaluation Two questions: Publish the empty evaluation grid in the About section, for transparency on selection criteria? Publish the grid of each Star Projects, with evalu- ation filled in?

Facebook Fanpage Launched 17 October 2011 Too little likes: become administrators/fans! Use it to valorise your Stars Invite, promote, disseminate… We have started promoting the Italian Stars, but we invite all to do the same!

New tool for help desk Some colleagues have asked for an improved tool for NAs Helpdesk Proposal: New Forum in Circa Main advantage: everybody can read the answers given to other colleagues

attention Thank you for your attention! Points for debate: Suggestions on survey? Comments, suggestions on video tutorial? (send us photos, videos, results, …) Publish Star evaluation grid? Facebook fan page, how to liven up? Forum in Circa ok?