By: Brandt Marine, Brandon Sohl, Andrew Doyle
Outline Problem Statement and Factors Background on Wikis Types of Wikis Wikis vs. Recommendation
Problem Statement and Factors The goal of this research was to evaluate if businesses can benefit from implementing wikis into their workplace. Factors Productivity Efficiency
Background on Wikis Software Central location Ward Cunningham, 1995 Portland Pattern Repository Wikipedia Access
Geek Squad Robert Stephens, founder of Geek Squad Bought by Best Buy Geek Squad wiki Distribute ideas throughout organization Use other forms of communication like video games and blogs
Wikis in Business Nokia (13,600 using wiki) Update schedules Monitor project status Exchange ideas Connects departments Yahoo, Kodak, Disney
Types of Wikis Personal Wiki Also known as a “Meeki” Many people can see One person can change contents
Types of Wikis Private WikiGated Access Wiki Bigger Business Select list of users Password needed to access Individual knowledge to a central location Customer relations and direct access to employees Small Business Select list of users Password needed to access Individual knowledge to a central location Connection of business to business sources
Types of Wikis Public Wiki with Open Access Similar to Wikipedia No control of changes in information Hard to keep information legitimate Used for public opinion
Wiki Example Wiki Spaces
Wiki vs. Advantages of wiki Cut down on s sent in a day Collaborate ideas in central location Advantage of Open Source Private conversations
Wikis Vs Source:
Examples of Wikis Luis Suarez, executive of IBM Reduced from 175 s/week to 35 s/week Average of 5 minutes per saved 700 minutes per week
Business Types and Wikis Company Intranet Corporate Documentation Organize and Display: Meeting Notes Project Agendas Calendars Cost Efficiency
Business Types and Wikis Formatting Maintenance Not a good conversational tool
Conclusion Background on Wikis Types of Wikis Wikis vs.
Recommendation Wikis over for collaboration Factors Efficiency Productivity Private Wiki or Gated Access Wiki
Recommendation Consider a wiki:Do not consider a wiki: The company is looking to establish a company intranetThe company needs to use complex file formats The company is looking to publish a range of corporate documents in a universal location The company does not have a staff member to organize and format the wiki The company is looking to manage meeting notes, project agendas, and calendars The company is looking for a debate of opinions The company is looking a cheap project management tool accessible through your web browser The company is looking a central location for large teams to put documents
Sources Carlin, Dan. (2007). Corporate wikis go viral. Business Week, Retrieved November 18, 2010, from Goodnoe, Ezra. (2005). How to use wikis for business. Information Week, Retrieved November 18, 2010, from cio/showArticle.jhtml?articleID= &pgno=1&queryText=&isPrev Lynch, C. (2008, December). Seven Keys to Choosing and Managing a Corporate Wiki. CIO. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from Mell, J. (2008, March 18). Wikis as alternatives to – find the ROI.. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from Schneider, Ivan. (2007). What's a wiki? part ii. Information Week, Retrieved November 18, 2010, from a%20wiki%20part%20II Williams, A. (2008, March 26). Wiki collaboration leads to happiness. Wikinomics. Retrieved November 18, 2010, from leads-to-happiness/