GDSN Business Procedures Data Pool Business Meeting 13 December 2005 Peter J. Alvarez
©2005 GS1 2 Topics Agreements Data Pool Registration Account Setup Web Interface Payment Process Account Termination Global Product Classification Help Desks Certification Seal and Branding Guidelines Bulletins Online Support
Tab: Introduction
©2005 GS1 4 Data Pool Business Manual Contains policies and business procedures required to successfully operate the GDSN Designed as a living document Update periodically
Tab: Agreements
©2005 GS1 6 Agreements GRA&L Global Registry Access and License Agreement Contract between every Certified Data Pool and GDSN, Inc. GRSA Global Registry Subscription Agreement Contract between the trading partners and the GS1 Global Registry, (GDSN, Inc.) Administered by the “Home” data pool Bottlers Joinder Agreement Addendum to the GRSA Covers beverage companies and their bottlers Available in the data pool support site
Tab: Account Setup
©2005 GS1 8 Data Pool Registration All certified data pools must register with the Global Registry The GDSN Help Desk is there to help you Telephone Gets you ready to start loading trading partners in the GS1 Global Registry for data synchronisation Must also register data pool name change The Data Pool registration information is automatically captured by the billing system web interface Allows you to set up your accounts in the billing system Also used for production reporting (Global Registry Statistics)
©2005 GS1 9 Party Registration Have each Trading Partner sign the Global Registry Subscription Agreement (GRSA) Can be found on the GDSN section of the web site and the data pool support site Don’t forget to record the Trading Partner’s corporate GLN and global annual revenue for the parent company, when executing the GRSA Revenue Reporting Exception: In case where the parent company is not involved in data synchronization (e.g. they do not manufacture consumer products) you may use the global annual revenue of the division planning to do data sync. as long as: They operate a separate Profit & Loss (P&L) center verifiable through a publicly available annual report or another public disclosure of their revenue This rule does not apply to private companies where revenue verification is not possible
©2005 GS1 10 After the trading partner signs the GRSA, the data pool must immediately register the parent (corporate) GLN with the Global Registry Must be done within the same month the GRSA is signed Especially critical if the trading partner is taking advantage of the 50% discount and will not start data sync for some time later The billing cycle begins the first of the month following the GLN registration For example, if a trading partner signs the GRSA on the 28th of November 2005, the billing cycle begins 1 December Subsequently, in this example, the renewal would take place 1 December 2006 This information will be automatically captured by the billing system web interface and is the only way GDSN has to ensure the proper tracking of the 50% pricing discount Party Registration
©2005 GS1 11 Account Set-up and Reporting Web Interface Allows the data pool to set up each account in the billing system interface, which feeds the GS1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application Invoicing and accounts receivable The data pool links division (children) GLNs to the parent GLN in the web interface The data pool loads the annual corporate revenue for the parent GLN The parent GLN does not have to be engaged in data synchronisation, it is used to set up the corporate hierarchy within the GS1 billing system
©2005 GS1 12 Account Set-up and Reporting The data pool is responsible for identifying the Corporate Identity GLN for each of its trading partners’ registered GLNs In case where the Corporate Identity GLN has been registered by another Data Pool, it is the Data Pool’s responsibility for locating and populating this GLN in the web interface This information can be provided by the trading partner or by querying the data from the nightly “Party Dump”. If the Corporate Identity GLN is not registered, it is the Data Pool’s responsibility to register this GLN
©2005 GS1 13 Beverage Manufacturers GRSA Joinder Agreement It is the data pool’s responsibility to notify GDSN Customer Service when a Beverage Manufacturer Joinder Agreement to the GRSA has been signed GDSN Customer Service tags the record in the GS1 Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system The trading partner is invoiced at the full, undiscounted amount according to the appropriate Global Registry fee schedule bracket Account Set-up and Reporting
Tab: Web Interface
©2005 GS1 15 Web Interface Access Letter The access letter was sent to the person identified as the Business, Administrative contact when your data pool registered for certification with Drummond
©2005 GS1 16 ID and Password provided by the GDSN Help Desk Logon User ID: Password: Web Interface
©2005 GS1 17 Account Maintenance Screen Registration. Date GS1 GDSN Data Pool Information Data Pool Name: Address: City / State / Zip: Country: Data Pool GLN: Contact: Phone: ABC Data Pool 1009 Lennox Drive Lawrenceville, NJ US ABC Customer Support Filter Records GLNTrading Partner NameAnnual RevenueCorporate Identity GLN This is where any Acme Supply US 24 Aug 2004 error messages will show Acme Supply GB 24 Aug XYZ INC. 24 Aug XYZ WHOLESALE 24 Aug 2004 Page 1 of 3 Jump to Page
©2005 GS1 18 GS1 GDSN Web Interface User Manual
Tab: Payment
©2005 GS1 20 Invoicing and Payment GDSN billing and payments follow the industry traditional 30-day cycle Invoices are due within 30 days of issue Lack of payment within 60 days of invoice issue date will result in a trading partner subscriber de-listing notice Funds transfer process, routing and bank information is found in the Business Manual
Tab: Account Termination
©2005 GS1 22 Account Termination - Delisting Notice Overview For additional information refer to GDSN, Inc. Bulletin dated 24 May 2005, titled Trading Partner Delisting Procedure
Tab: Global Product Classification
©2005 GS1 24 Global Product Classification
Tab: Help Desks
©2005 GS1 26 GDSN Help Desks Technical Support All certified data pools have access to technical support via the GDSN Help Desk Available 24 hours a day seven days a week Telephone to
©2005 GS1 27 GDSN Help Desks GDSN Guidelines Call GS1 centrally administered conference call that serves as a forum for trading partners and their data pools to discuss standards implementation issues The purpose of the call is to answer common implementation questions around GS1 GDSN Standards Gather feedback which can be turned into Change Requests to help improve GDSN Standards Additionally, information gathered may be used to improve FAQs, develop implementation guidelines and best practices For more information please contact Cameron Green at
©2005 GS1 28 GDSN Help Desks Billing and Accounts Payable All certified data pool are responsible for collecting GS1 Global Registry (GR) fees from their trading partners who subscribe to the GR Responsible for paying the monthly invoice statement provided by GS1 GDSN, Inc. The Data Pool Customer Service department can be reached by sending an to
©2005 GS1 29 GDSN Help Desks Data Pool Advisory Council (DPAC) The Data Pool Advisory Council is a sub-committee of the GDSN Board of Directors It is charged with providing direction to the data pools and recommendation to the GDSN Board regarding issues encountered by the data pool community Chaired by Dave Hutchings of Kraft For more information contact: Dave Hutchings - Sally Herbert –
Tab: Certification Seal
©2005 GS1 31 Certification Seal Rules of Use The GDSN Certification seal is the property of GDSN, Inc. It identifies a data pool product that has passed the certification test as specified by GDSN, Inc. Its use is limited to the company that owns the product tested It cannot be further licensed nor transferred to another entity, without the written consent of GDSN, Inc. It may be used in print ads, company communications, sales materials and anywhere that enhances the product for which it was intended
©2005 GS1 32 Certification Seal Rules of Use The Seal indicates that the product has been tested according to the requirements identified within the specific testing event, identified by the seal version The product is compliant with the requirements of that specific event listed in the certification seal The solution is interoperable according to the requirements of the certification test
©2005 GS1 33 Certification Seal Rules of Use Certification Seal V2.0 can be used by the data pools that pass the 2005 certification event concluded October 2005 Its use is intended for the data pool product directly associated with the application tested in the certification event of October 2005 It may not be used on any other product Logos and additional information is found in the data pool support site
Tab: Bulletins and Support Material
©2005 GS1 35 Bulletins and Support Material Business Bulletins are issued by GDSN, Inc. to: Communicate business policies New Procedures Updated Procedures Obsolete business procedures Critical announcements
Tab: Data Pool Inline Support
©2005 GS1 37 Online Support Secure site, accessible only by Certified data pools Contains business bulletins, procedures and other support information URL: Username: dpsupport Password: kl8cd
©2005 GS1 38 Data Pool Online Support Site
©2005 GS1 39 Thank You!!! Pete Alvarez Office: Zoltan Patkai Office: