第十八课:我们坐校车去上学 Lesson Eighteen: We take the schoolbus to school Dì shíbā kè: Wǒmen zuò xiàochē qù shàngxué.


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Presentation transcript:

第十八课:我们坐校车去上学 Lesson Eighteen: We take the schoolbus to school Dì shíbā kè: Wǒmen zuò xiàochē qù shàngxué

Day 1: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 _ 月 __ 号 星期 __ 上午 9:00

Vocabulary 词汇 1. 坐 zuò 2. 飞机 fēijī 3. 去 qù 4. 我们 wǒmen 5. 火车 huǒchē 6. 动物园 dòng wù yuán 6. 开车 kāi chē 7. 出租车 chūzūchē 8. 校车 xiàochē 9. 上学 shàng xué 10. 地铁 dìtiě 11. 公交车 gōngjiāochē

Sentence Structures 句型 Finding out what kind of thing is used A: Lǎoshī kāi shénme chē ? B: Lǎoshī kāi Fútè 。 Taking a vehicle to a place A: Xuéshēng zuò shénme qù shàngkè ? B : Tāmen zuò xiàochē 。 Making statements of objective truth A: shénme shuǐguǒ zuì dà ? B: Lǎoshī , Pineapple zěnme shuō ?

Comprehension Check & Practice

Conversation Preview 对话预习 Context: Host parents explain travel plans to a foreign exchange student. Host parent: Wǒmen míngtiān qù Běijīng 。 Student: Wǒmen zuò huǒchē qù ma ? Host parent: Wǒmen zuò fēijī qù 。 Student: Huǒchē hěn pián yì 。 Host parent: Fēijī zuì kuài !

Q&A 问答

Day 2: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 9 月 23 号 星期二 上午 9:00

Conversation Exercise 对话练 习 Context: Host parents explain travel plans to a foreign exchange student. Host parent: Wǒmen míngtiān qù Běijīng 。 Student: Wǒmen zuò huǒchē qù ma ? Host parent: Wǒmen zuò fēijī qù 。 Student: Huǒchē hěn pián yì 。 Host parent: Fēijī zuì kuài !

Application Exercise 1 应用练习 There has been an earthquake and there is a curfew. Nervous police ask people on the street where they’re going and how (even if it’s obvious). Police: Nǐ qù nǎlǐ ? Zěnme qù ? Traveler: Wǒ qù wǒ jiā , zuò gōngjiāochē 。 Police : Qù 。

Wáng Lìlì Classmate

Application Exercise 2 应用练习 The concierge at a 5-star hotel needs to find out what coat ( dàyī ) and car belong to departing guests. Concierge: Nín chuān shénme yánsè de dàyī ? Guest: Hēisè de 。 Concierge: Nín kāi shénme chē ? Guest: Wǒ kāi hēisè àodí A4 。

Rìchǎn (Nissan) 280Z

1932 Ford

1957 Xuěfúlán (Chevrolet)


Q&A 问答

Day 3: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 9 月 24 号 星期三 上午 9:00

Graded Conversation 对话 Context: Students get to know each other at lunch.

Application Exercise 应用练习 Context 1: A city worker needs to find out how people get to work for a traffic study. Find out your classmates and their family members get to work and school.

Application Exercise 应用练习 Context 2: Find out your classmates’ preferences regarding an upcoming class trip from 北京 : where to, how and why that form of transportation. 你想去哪儿? *** 。 坐什么去 *** ?为什么? 坐火车去好玩。

Q&A 问答

Day 4: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 9 月 25 号 星期四 上午 9:00

Character Recognition 认字练习  坐  飞机  去  我们  火车  动物园  开车  出租车  校车  上学  地铁  公交车

Writing Practice 写字练习  坐  飞机  去  我们  火车  动物园  开车  出租车  校车  上学  地铁  公交车

Q&A 问答

Day 5: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 9 月 26 号 星期五 上午 9:00

Writing Exercise 写作练习 Context: A Chinese friend who speaks very little English asks you to do some research and design an itinerary for getting from Wuhan to Naperville, IL.

从到怎么去时间价钱 武汉 Wuhan 上海 Shanghai 火车 5 小时 50 美元 飞机 1.5 小时 100 美元 上海 Shanghai 芝加哥 Chicago 飞机 13 小时 1500 美元 芝加哥 Chicago Naperville 火车 2.3 小时 6 美元 出租车.5 小时 60 美元

Game 游戏 Team paper tank! html html Losing team has to sing 老鼠爱大米 to other team.

Q&A 问答

Day 6: Warm Up 热身练习 20__ 年 9 月 29 号 星期一 上午 9:00

Writing Quiz 写字测验 Your parents want to sell one of their cars and hope to attract the notice of the local Chinese community. Write a craigslist ad in Chinese for a car in your home or an imaginary car. If you don’t know how to say something in Chinese, don’t say it. Assume the subject line already says “for sale,” so don’t worry about that part.

Fun time Watch the following videos about rail travel in China & Taiwan: Cartoon train in Taiwan High speed rail in China Buying train tickets in China

Q&A 问答