This is the opening scene in Chapter 19 Shin doesn’t really have a plan when he gets to China He is rejected at many houses when he pleads for food and water It is important that he is not stopped by the police or border control because he will be sent back to North Korea where he will be arrested, tortured or sent make to a labor camp.
Shin finds a job at a pig farm He is treated well and he has shelter, food and a job Nearly 2 million ethnic Koreans live in China’s northern providences. China and North Korea use their security forces to make sure that the amount of North Korean crossing the border never turns into a flood. Chinese are willing to ignore the fact because North Koreans are cheap labor and they are free to cheat, abuse, and let go of the workers. After the pig farmer welcomes two new North Koreans into is home, which was suggested by Shin, the farmer insists that Shin leaves Shin is taken to a cattle farm to work.
For the next ten months, Shin works at the cattle farm. Now that he has more freedom, Shin can listen to the radio. The radio opens Shin up to propaganda and shows him how the world sees North Korea. In winter, Shin leaves the cattle ranch.
Shin travel to many places in China looking for work. He goes to churches but finds no work. Shin is in China for over a year when he travels to Shanghai. Shin meets a journalist and the journalist asks Shin questions about who he is. The journalist takes Shin to South Korean Consulate where Shin is taken to safety. The chapter ends with Shin travelling to Seoul
Culled- picked out and put aside as inferior. Yuan- a copper coin of the Republic of China, equal to 100 cents; dollar. Defectors- a person who defects from a cause, country, alliance, etc.defects Seepage- the act or process of seeping; leakage.seeping
General analysis In chapters 19 and 20 there is a mix of long and short sentences. The longer sentences serve to provide more information while the shorter sentences serve to provide emphasis to a specific idea. Many of the sentences are simple but are spaced between even more complex and compound-complex sentences, which creates a recounting of Shin’s story that is full of imagery and background information in certain passages.