Golden Lake TMDL Critique Mayank Gupta & Karla Bussen
Golden Lake Description Shallow Lake o 57.2 acres; max depth=24 ft; mean depth= 8ft o 90% littoral (<15ft) Lakeshore is well developed Class 2B: supports aquatic and recreation uses o warm & cool fisheries, swimming, non-motorized boating Naturally brown tinted water due to tannin
Watershed Description West-central Portion of the Rice Creek Watershed District (RCWD) o Sub-watershed of Upper Mississippi Watershed Main tributary is Anoka County Ditch ,426 acres drain to lake through the ditch and 139 acres directly drain into the lake
303d: Impaired Water 1st listed in 2002 as an impaired water o Aquatic recreation standards not met due to excess nutrients/eutrophication Targeted start/completion years: 2004/2008 (September 30,2009) 5C – Impaired by one pollutant and no TMDL study plan is approved by EPA
Water Quality Standards ParameterGolden LakeStandard for Similar (Shallow) Lakes Total Phosphorous89 μg/L60 μg/L or less Chlorophyll-a47 μg/L20 μg/L or less Water Clarity1.1 meters [3.69 feet]1 meter [3.28 feet] or greater
Water Quality Standards
Curlyleaf Pondweed
Sources of Phosphorous 40% Watershed o MS4s o 14% failing septic systems 57% Internal Loading o anoxic conditions o physical disturbance (bottom- feeding fish and wind) o curlyleaf pondweed 3% atmosphere
Models and Methods Model used: BATHTUB
Margin of Safety
Pollution Reduction Plans Reductions designed to meet W.Q. standards from June-Sept. (growing season)
Implementation Plan Reduce total Phosphorous load in the watershed and improve in-lake water clarity.
How will this be achieved? Regulation o management rules Education o storm water article in city paper each month o full-time environmental education coordinator o Public Advisory Commitee Incentives o BMPs, shoreline restoration, native landscaping, lakeshore buffers