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Presentation transcript:


Scientific name: Trichechus manatus Taxonomic Classification Scientific name: Trichechus manatus Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Chordata Class: Mammalia Order: Sirenia

Key Characteristics Size: 10-13 feet long, 800-1200 pounds Coloration: True color is gray, although they appear brownish-gray They have no true neck Their tail looks like a beaver tail They have patchy hair all over their bodies, with a lot of hair on their snout

Adaptations They can swim up to 15 mph, but usually only swim 2-6 mph They have special adaptations they use for diving These help the manatee conserve oxygen while diving Manatees are not deep-diving marine mammals like whales and dolphins

They need warm tropical or subtropical waters! Habitat Needs They need warm tropical or subtropical waters! West Indian Manatees can live in fresh, salt, or brackish waters. Amazonian Manatees need fresh water. All manatees can be found in waters 1 meter or deeper, as long as there is seagrass or other vegetation.

Physiology and Reproduction Male manatees are sexually mature at about 9-10 years of age, while females are sexually mature at about 3 years of age. Females are usually larger than the males. Females do not form permanent bonds with males. Mating takes place in the water.

Interesting Facts! Manatees can only breath through their noses They have to turn their whole body if they want to turn their head around They are the only aquatic mammal that is an herbivore Their hind limbs are absent, instead they have a beaver-like tail

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