1 Lesson 1 - Introduction. 2 Training Objectives u At the Conclusion of this Lesson, You Will Be Able To: n Describe how cardholder responsibilities contribute.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 1 - Introduction

2 Training Objectives u At the Conclusion of this Lesson, You Will Be Able To: n Describe how cardholder responsibilities contribute to the Purchase Card Management workflow. n State the consequences of misuse of the card. n List proper and improper use of Purchase Cards and Convenience Checks. n Identify where self-help information is located.

3 PCMS Overview

4 Purchase Card Program Hierarchy

5 PCMS Cardholder Workflow

6 Do’s u Purchases - Official Purposes Only!!! u Keep Your Card, Checks and PCMS Password SECURE!!! u Reconcile Transactions Frequently. u Pay Sales Tax If Requested by Merchant. u If Using Convenience Check, Obtain the Vendor’s TIN or SSN. u For a Micro-Purchase, Purchase Card Is First Choice. u If Purchase Card Lost or Stolen, Immediately Notify Bank!!!

7 Don’t u Exceed Single or Monthly Purchase Limits. u Split Transactions. u Make Personal Purchases. u Provide Salary Payments. u Make Cash and\or Travel Advances. u Make Cash Awards.

8 Information Sources u User Manual u Quick Guides u DR u Micro-Purchase Guide u FAQs u LAPC

9 Summary & Review 1. Describe How Cardholder Responsibilities Contribute to the Purchase Card Management Workflow. 2. State the Consequences of Misuse of the Card. 3. List Proper and Improper Use of Purchase Cards and Convenience Checks. 4. Identify Where Self-help Information Is Located.

10 Lesson 2: Accessing and Navigating Web PCMS

11 Training Objectives u At the conclusion of this lesson, PCMS Cardholders will be able to: n Demonstrate accessing PCMS and maintaining passwords. n Navigate PCMS using menus and tools. -

12 Logging On \ Off PCMS u Opening the PCMS Application n open an Internet Explorer browser and access the USDA PCMS web page at n Click the active PCMS Application Login link at the bottom of the page. n Click OK on the Security message u Log onto PCMS to access the PCMS Database Server. u If you cannot open the application: n Contact the PCMS helpdesk. n Notify your LAPC.

13 Logging Onto PCMS u Training PCMS UserID and Password to be provided by your Instructor. u Production PCMS UserID and Password will be provided by your LAPC upon completion of training. u If you experience problems logging on to PCMS: n Ensure your UserID and Password are correct. n Contact your LAPC.

14 Logging Off PCMS u To exit PCMS, from the Main Menu, press [Exit PCMS]. - OR - u Click the ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner of the window.

15 PCMS Passwords u At the PCMS Main Menu, select Change Password. u The Pop-Up Window shown below will appear. u Password Requirements n Must be at least 6 alphanumeric characters. n Begin with a letter. n Must include at least 1 number. n Must contain no spaces. n Differ by at least 3 characters from the previous password.

16 Troubleshooting ErrorExplanationRemedy Password must be at least 6 characters and include one numeric value. a) UserID or password entered incorrectly b) Problem with your user account a) Check you have entered the information correctly. Re-enter details and try to log on again. b) Contact your LAPC to determine if there is a problem with the account. Please enter a valid UserID\password. a) UserID and password entered 3 times unsuccessfully, results in account being locked out. b) PCMS Is down. a) Contact your LAPC to remove locked status. b) Contact your LAPC. Password not changed. 90 days has expired without changing your password. Your old password is no longer valid Contact your LAPC to reset your password. Password cannot be reused. The new password is the same as the previous password. a) Try to change the password again, ensuring the new password has at least 3 characters different from the previous password. b) Contact your LAPC to determine if there is a problem with your account. For possible causes of error messages, and remedies, see the table below:

17 Password Security u Select a Password You Will Remember and Keep It Secure. u Do Not Give Your PCMS Password to Any Other Person. u If You Suspect Someone May Have Access to Your Password Then Change It. u Account Lockouts Occur to Prevent People From Trying to Guess Your Password. u Unique Passwords Are Required to Keep Your Password More Secure.

18 Practical Exercise 1. Log on to PCMS Training Database Using the Trainee User ID and Password Provided to You by Your Instructor. 2. After Logging Change Your Password To: Trainee 3. Log Out of PCMS. 4. Log on to PCMS Again Using Your New Password.

19 Main Window u Main Window in PCMS.

20 Bulletin Board u Located in the Center of the Main Window u Provides Updates About PCMS. n System Upgrades and Downtime n Notification of Specific System Problems u The DPC Is Responsible for the Posting of All Messages to the Bulletin Board

21 Main Menu Menu ItemDetails Cardholder Provides options for PCMS Cardholders to reconcile accounts and perform related functions. Change Password No Cardholder options are available under Setup. Reports Generate Cardholder reports. Window Customize the Window display.

22 Form Window u The form window opens when you select one of the options from the Cardholder Menu. u Window display: n Sub-Menu n Command Bar n Form window n Status Bar n Busy Signal

23 Sub-Menu OptionDescription ActionTake action on a transaction, such as save data or print. EditOptions to edit text in the selected field. BlockOptions to move between major sections of the window. FieldOptions to move the cursor between fields. RecordOptions to navigate and manipulate transactions. QuerySearch function. FleetLists the same options as the Fleet Card Menu. HelpOptions for help and program shortcuts Note: Not available at this time. WindowCustomize the Window display. Note: Does not apply in PCMS Web

24 Command Bar u Appears on Every Window u Located at the Top of Each Screen. u Buttons Used to Initiate or Confirm Actions in PCMS.

25 Command Bar (Cont.) CommandDescription Clear FormClears all data in the form. SaveSaves changes to the database. PrintPrints the screen. Edit RemoveRemoves a line of accounting in the Profile Accounting screen. InsertInserts a new record after the current record. FindSearch function. HelpDisplays a brief message about the current field. This button is currently inactive. ListDisplays a list popup window for selecting valid field entries.

26 Navigation u Moving From Record to Record n Use Record from the menu and select Next or Previous. n Use the Scroll Bar on Left Side of window. u Moving From Field to Field n Use Field on the menu and select Next or Previous. n Use the tab key. n Click in the field using mouse.

27 System Edits u If data is entered into PCMS incorrectly, or an attempted function is not allowed, the system will generate an error message. u Appear in dialog boxes u Provide information that will help you determine how to proceed u Click OK to close the error message u This example indicates that data entered is not recognized by PCMS and needs to be corrected.

28 Executing a Query u Retrieving Information From the Database Is Called Executing a Query. u Retrieving All Records n Click Find on the command bar twice to query all records. u Retrieving Specific Records n Click Find on the command bar once. n Enter the value(s) you want to match in the appropriate fields, and click Find again. u Wildcard (%) n Allows you to search for a partial value. n Window will populate with all records matching your search criteria.

29 Lists u Some fields in the PCMS windows have lists. u will displayed in the status bar in the lower left corner of the window. u To access the list, click List on the Command Bar. u A list popup window opens displaying all appropriate choices for the specific field. u Scroll to highlight the item you want to select and click OK. u The value appears in the applicable field.

30 Summary and Review u Which menu bar item is used to be able to customize the window display? u What are the steps to changing a password? u Which menu takes you from the main screen of PCMS to be able to query card transactions? u Where are print options located if I want to print a screen? u You receive an error message when reconciling a transaction: n What is the likely cause of the problem and what steps do you need to take to resolve it? (Walk the instructor through the steps) u How does the DPC distribute system information, such as system upgrades, to the cardholders?

31 Lesson 3: Accounts and Profile Accounting

32 Training Objectives u At the Conclusion of This Lesson, PCMS Cardholders Will Be Able To: n Review Purchase Card Details. n Modify Profile Accounting Information.

33 Purchase Card Account

34 Purchase Card Account - Details FieldDescription NameCardholder’s name as it appears on the Purchase Card Account Number Contains four parts: - Program Code - Department Code - Agency Code - Last 10 digits of the purchase card account number.

35 Purchase Card Account - Details FieldDescription RegionSecond position in the organization code. UnitThird position in the organization code. Sub UnitFourth position in the organization code.

36 Purchase Card Account - Details FieldDescription Phone NumberCardholder’s business phone number Expiration DateExpiration date of cardholder’s account Card StatusA = Active, I = Inactive, D = Deleted

37 Purchase Card Account - Details FieldDescription Monthly LimitMaximum amount the cardholder can spend in one month. Single Purchase Limit Maximum amount the cardholder can spend for a single purchase Tax Exempt Number Department’s tax exempt number

38 Purchase Card Account - Details FieldDescription Checks AuthorizedWhether the cardholder is authorized to have checks. LAPC NameName of the Local Agency Program Coordinator attached to the cardholder record.

39 Query Purchase Card Account u Query all or specific cardholder records for the current User ID. u Navigate between retrieved records.

40 Practical Exercise u Review Purchase Card details of your trainee account.

41 Profile Accounting

42 Profile Accounting - Details FieldDescription NameThe Cardholder’s name as it appears on the Purchase Card. Account NumberContains two parts: - Cardholder’s program code ( or ) - Last 10 digits of the purchase card account number

43 Profile Accounting – Details FieldDescription OrganizationContains four parts: - Department Code - Agency Code - Unit Code - Sub Unit Code

44 Profile Accounting - Details FieldDescription AgencyThe agency code that the purchase is to be charged against. StationThe station code that the purchase is to be charged against.

45 Profile Accounting - Details FieldDescription Accounting CodeThe accounting code against which this portion of the transaction is to be charged. is available for this field. Account Description Description of the accounting code

46 Profile Accounting - Details FieldDescription Object ClassThe Budget Object Class Code (BOCC). This code associates the financial transaction with the nature of the goods or service purchased. is available for this field. It is important to select the correct BOCC as 1099 Tax statements are generated based on the code selected.

47 Profile Accounting - Details FieldDescription Distribution Percent The percentage of this account to be applied to the transaction amount Total PercentTotal percent to be applied to all transactions. You cannot edit this field directly. This field must equal 100 percent.

48 Query Profile Accounting u Query profile accounting for all or specific User IDs. u Navigate between retrieved records.

49 Modify Profile Accounting Add To add a line of accounting, enter the new accounting details on the next available line. Remember to balance the Distribution Percent between the lines of accounting - the Total Percent must equal 100. Remove To remove a line of accounting, place the cursor in any field on that specific line and click the “Remove” button on the Command Bar. That entire line of accounting will be deleted. Change To change a value in one of the accounting fields, you must remove the entire line and add a new line with the corrected information.

50 Updating Accounting Fields (Cont.) FieldDescription Agency (Optional) Enter a valid agency code or leave blank. Code will be used when validating the accounting classification code. Station (Optional) Enter a valid station code (region + unit) or leave blank. For agencies that use a station code, this will be used when validating the accounting classification code.

51 Updating Accounting Fields (Cont.) FieldDescription Accounting Code (Required) Enter a valid accounting code. Agency codes will be validated against the Federal Foundation Information System (FFIS) table. Account Description (Optional) Enter a description of the accounting code.

52 Updating Accounting Fields (Cont.) FieldDescription Object Class (Required) Enter a valid Budget Object Class Code (BOCC). This code associates the financial transaction with the nature of the goods or service purchased. It is important that the BOCC is accurate as 1099 tax statements are generated based on these codes.

53 Updating Accounting Fields (Cont.) FieldDescription Distribution Percent (Required) Enter a valid number from 1 to 100. This amount indicates the percentage of each transaction to be posted against the accounting code.

54 Multiple Accounting Entries IfThen Multiple accounting codes are associated to the cardholder’s account The transaction amount is automatically distributed across the accounting codes based on the percentage allocations set in the Distributed Percentage field. A particular transaction requires a different distribution of funds Reallocate the funds will during the reconciliation process.

55 Practical Exercise 1. Add a Second Accounting Code: to Your Profile Account Information. 2. Add the BOCC for “Supplies and Materials.” 3. Set Distribution for this Accounting Code to 25%. (Remember the Total Percentage must equal 100%). 4. Save changes and exit the Profile Accounting window.

56 Summary and Review 1. What is the purpose of the Purchase Card screen? 2. What do you use the Profile Accounting screen for? 3. Which fields on the Profile Accounting window require a value to be entered? 4. Why would you have multiple Accounting Codes associated to your Purchase Card? 5. How can you remove Profile Accounting details? 6. How do you add Profile Accounting details?