Retiree Services Benefit Payment Processing Fresno County Employee’s Retirement Association
2 Our Commitment >Treat retirees and clients with respect and courtesy >Consistently respond with a sense of urgency >Cost effective consolidation of administration service >Reduce workload of benefits / human resource operations >Accurate payment and reporting >Timely information >Immediate issue resolution
3 Solid Infrastructure >Business Continuity Strategy >2 Full-service locations −Jacksonville, FL −Quincy, MA >3 Call Center locations −Jacksonville, FL −Quincy, MA −Lewiston, ME Lewiston Quincy Jacksonville
4 Customer Focused Service >Single point of contact – your Benefit Controller >Dedicated service team trained on your account >Service standards of excellence and focus >Open access to all levels of management Melissa Rehm Benefit Controller Tangelia Harper Unit Manager David Rouse Department Head FCERA Plan Sponsor Mary Poole First Line Manager Carol Johnson Site Manager
5 Suite Of Services >Pension payment administration >Tax reporting >Semi Annual Death Audits >Semi Annual Outstanding Check Purge >Integrated services solutions >MYPENPAY.COM >Participant services call center >Retiree correspondence >Insurance administration >Data management
6 Payment Administration >Pension Payment Administration −Flexible check run schedules recurring, off-cycle, and lump sum payments −Check, EFT / ACH with / without advice of deposit −“Unlimited” pay sources and deductions −Clearing and reconciliation −Control reports at aggregate and subgroup levels >Tax Reporting −Federal and State Tax Calculation and withholding −1099 and W2 −Year-to-date balancing −945 / 941 reconciliation −State reconciliation −Forms −Duplicates / corrections
7 FCERA Statistics Monthly checks processed – ACH 310 Checks Avg. Monthly Non-Financial Changes New Adds, EFT, Address, Tax Forms
8 Recognized Industry Leader >Dedicated business unit since 1977 >Dedicated IT infrastructure and support >Largest provider of benefit payments of any trustee bank −750 customers −3 million payments processed monthly −4 million tax forms prepared annually