World History A Forest Lake High School Mr. Koch The Two Stone Ages World History A Forest Lake High School Mr. Koch
“Old Stone Age” (~2million BC – 10,000 BC) Paleolithic Age “Old Stone Age” (~2million BC – 10,000 BC) Evidence suggests humans originated in East Africa and spread throughout rest of world
Paleolithic Age Nomadic – traveled from place to place in small groups of hunter/gatherers Dependent upon environment Adapted for survival Made stone, bone, wood tools Developed language Invented clothing, built fires Ice ages
Paleolithic Age Religion Animism – spirits reside in animals, objects, dreams, etc. Worshipped earth-mother goddess Belief in afterlife – buried people with possessions
“New Stone Age” (began around 9,000 BC) Neolithic Age “New Stone Age” (began around 9,000 BC) MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH!!!...
Why does this matter so much?... Neolithic Age FARMING Why does this matter so much?...
Neolithic Age Then began domesticating animals Populations begin to increase
Neolithic Age Begin seeing elements of civilization emerging Communities organizing Elders make decisions Warfare, warriors become important Start having more possessions Developed calendars to schedule farming