5th Grade MidYear Science Review
5.1A Demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment. Rule 1: Use well-controlled behavior at all times. NO HORSEPLAY!!!! Rule 2: Use safety goggles or other eye protection when needed. Rule 3: Do not touch, taste, or smell any chemicals or liquids without teacher permission. Use the wafting method to smell unknown substances.
5.1A Demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment. Rule 4: Tie back long hair and roll up long sleeves when using chemicals, heat, or open flames. Rule 5: Be sure you know where safety equipment is kept. Know how to use this equipment in case of an emergency.
5.4B Use safety equipment, including safety goggles and gloves. Wear protective safety goggles whenever working with chemicals or soil. Wear gloves when working with chemicals. No open-toed shoes—wear correct footwear to protect your feet. Know where the fire extinguisher is and know how to use it!
Answer questions 1 and 2 on the review sheet. 5.1A Demonstrate safe practices and the use of safety equipment. 5.4B Use safety equipment, including safety goggles and gloves. Many students actually look forward to Mr. Code’s tests! Answer questions 1 and 2 on the review sheet.
5.2B Ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology. Problem: identify a problem to be solved or ask a question about something to be investigated Hypothesis: make a guess to answer the question in an experiment Experiment: create a procedure to investigate possible answers to the question
5.2B Ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology. Investigation: follow the steps in your procedure to perform the experiment Analyze: think about your data, is it reliable, etc. Conclusion: draw a conclusion based on the results obtained by investigation Communication: communicate the results of the investigation
Answer questions 3 and 4 on the review sheet. 5.2B Ask well-defined questions, formulate testable hypotheses, and select and use appropriate equipment and technology. Answer questions 3 and 4 on the review sheet.
5.2C Collect information by detailed observations and accurate measuring. Data, or information, is collected as you carry out science experiments. Data may be collected from observations using your senses. Data may be collected by using tools to make measurements. Include the proper units for any measurements you make. All data should be recorded and as accurate as possible. Sometimes, it may be necessary to estimate measurements that are too big or too small to measure directly. Repeat the experiment several times, if possible. Doing multiple trials is a way of making sure the data are correct.
5.2D Analyze and interpret information to construct reasonable explanations from direct (observable) and indirect (inferred) evidence. Study the data to see what it shows. You can use data to find patterns. You can use data to make predictions. You can use data to construct explanations about things in the real world. Use the data to help you draw conclusions.
5.2F Communicate valid conclusions in written and verbal forms. Once the experiment is completed and the data is analyzed, the conclusions and results must be communicated to others. Results can be communicated in a written report, in an article, or in an oral presentation. The steps you followed should be written clearly so that other can understand and follow what you did to see if they get the same results. 11
5.2G Construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts. A data display, such as a graph, a chart, or a table, can help you evaluate or closely examine your results. Conclusions are statements that you think are true based on the results of an investigation. A valid conclusion is something that will found to be true if tested in another way. Conclusions must be supported by scientific knowledge and evidence from the investigation. A data table can be used to display numbers. A line graph can be used to show changes over time. A bar graph is used to compare data. 12
5.2G Construct appropriate simple graphs, tables, maps, and charts. A graph is one way to organize data so that it is easy to read and interpret. A table is used to organize information. To interpret a table, you must pay close attention to the column and row headings. A scientific table often shows the relationship between two variables that are being measured. A map is a diagram representing a place. It shows where objects are located. A map’s legend or key explains symbols used on the map. Charts can use pictures or words to show how things relate to one another. Lines or arrows on a chart show relationships. 13
Answer questions 5-9 on the review sheet. 5.2C; 5.2D; 5.2F; 5.2G Answer questions 5-9 on the review sheet.
5.4A Collect, record, and analyze information using tools. Metric units are used to make measurements in science. There are three basic units in the metric system: METER—used to measure length; LITER—used to measure volume or capacity; GRAM—used to measure weight or mass Length—kilometer (km), meter (m), centimeter (cm), millimeter (mm) Capacity or Volume—liter (l), milliliter (mL) Weight or Mass—kilogram (kg), gram (g)
5.4A Collect, record, and analyze information using tools. Science Tools and Equipment Measure volume: beaker, graduated cylinders Measure length: meter sticks Measure mass: triple beam balances Measure time: stopwatch, other timing devices Measure temperature: thermometer Other lab equipment: Petri dishes, hot plates, test tubes, microscopes, calculators, computers
Answer questions 10 and 11 on the review sheet. 5.4A Collect, record, and analyze information using tools. Answer questions 10 and 11 on the review sheet.