Introduction to the Training of Trainers Workshop Performance Review and Assessment of Implementation of the Strategy (PRAIS) Project 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Overview Expected Outcomes, for 3 main participant groups ◦ Reference Centres ◦ Regional staff ◦ Organisers Programme of the 5 days
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Outcomes - RCs Gain familiarity with UNCCD strategy and monitoring framework, official reporting process Clarify components of the reporting format: ◦ Performance indicators ◦ Standard Financial Annex ◦ Programme and Project sheeet ◦ Best practices ◦ Additional information
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Outcomes – RCs Cont’d Learn to use the PRAIS portal and support other users Build confidence to plan and deliver training to National Focal Points Be equipped to function as first port of call for the NFPs Strengthen relationships ◦ Between the RCs, to support each other ◦ With the secretariat and GM at regional level
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Outcomes – regional Sec and GM UNCCD RCUs, GM staff serving RCMs and other regional staff/consultants ◦ Clarify components of the reporting format: Performance indicators Standard Financial Annex Programme and Project sheeet Best practices Additional information ◦ Be equipped to function as second port of call ◦ Strengthen relationships within and between regions
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Outcomes - organisers Build a strong team of RCs and regional partners Gain feedback from partners ◦ e.g. on, training materials/approach, PRAIS portal, Helpdesk, lessons learning, etc
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome Programme (Summary) Day 1 (Monday): Welcome, Introduction and Overviews Day 2 (Tuesday): Reporting Tools Day 3 (Wednesday): Reporting Tools 2 Day 4 (Thursday): Consolidation and implications for future work Day 5 (Friday): Applying learning and future planning Cross-cutting: training and facilitation skills
Training of Trainers Workshop 31 May – 4 June 2010, FAO Rome QUESTIONS