8/29/2014 Take out your notes from yesterday and be ready to get to work.


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Presentation transcript:

8/29/2014 Take out your notes from yesterday and be ready to get to work.

World History Notebook

Paleolithic & Neolithic Age

What interesting details do you see in this image? What roles do men and women play in this society? Because of their different capabilities, what might be some of this group’s advantages? Disadvantages?

“Paleolithic” --> “Old Stone” Age § “Paleolithic” --> “Old Stone” Age 2,500,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE § 2,500,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE hunting (men) & gathering small berries, wild fruits, and nuts (women)  small bands of humans § hunting (men) & gathering small berries, wild fruits, and nuts (women)  small bands of humans NOMADIC (moving from place to place) § NOMADIC (moving from place to place) Made tools § Made tools

Humans during this period found shelter in caves. §  Humans during this period found shelter in caves. Cave paintings left behind. § Cave paintings left behind.

By 9000 BC, primitive farming had begun… ~The ability to farm effectively took 100s of years to develop

This profound change was known as… The Neolithic Agricultural Revolution WOW!!! Definition: the movement of people from food gathering to food producing

A KEY element in the NEOLITHIC AGRICULTURAL REVOLUTION was... The DOMESTICATION of ANIMALS... The taming, breeding and use of animals for the benefit of humans Necessary characteristics: NON meat eaters will reproduce in captivity will submit to humans long life span

Growing crops on a regular basis made possible the support for larger population 12 cultivated crops Division of labor Engaged trade More, permanent settlements emerged

The knowledge of growing crops and the domestication of animals was critical because… This provided an adequate food supply for the first time… People could settle down in one place and stop their nomadic lifestyle.

People formed small farming villages and worked together to grow food in more productive ways. They developed the use of irrigation, which allowed them to acquire a food surplus.

Then, people didn’t have to work so hard all the time to produce food…so they had more free time on their hands. Some began to specialize in one type of job or craft, instead of doing many types of work. (technological advances)

As life got easier…the population grew. Trade networks were established between Different groups and cities began to grow. As trade expanded, writing was developed as a way to keep records of trade & temples.

Put all these elements together and… Civilization Arrives!!! Ms. Susan Pojer Horace Greeley H.S. Ms. Christian Nacisd.org