“Theories on prehistory and early man constantly change as new evidence comes to light.” Louis Leaky, British Paleoanthropologist. The Origins of Humans
Evolution does not claim that man came from Apes, just that they share a common ancestor. Differentiation between humans and apes happened 6-8 million years ago.
Stages of Human Development 4,000,000 BCE – 1,000,000 BCE 1,500,000 BCE – 250,000 BCE 250,000 BCE – 30,000 BCE 30,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE Paleolithic Age: (Old Stone Age) 2,500,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE
Progression of Hominids Australopithecines: 4 million – 1million B.C. Homo habilis: 2 million to 1.5 million B.C. Homo erectus: 1.6 million to 30,000 B.C. Neanderthal: 200,000 to 30,000 B.C. Cro-Magnon: 40,000 to 8000 B.C. Australopithecines: Opposable thumb – first to walk upright Homo habilis: small brain – first toolmaker/butcher Homo erectus: larger brain – more intelligent – fire/spoken language/migration Neanderthal: heavy slanted brows, muscles, thick bones – religious beliefs/shelters Cro-Magnon: Similar to humans – difficult projects/language
The Paleolithic Age “Paleolithic” Old Stone Age 2,500,000 – 10,000 BCE Made Tools Indicates development of the brain hunting (men) & gathering (women) Small bands 20-40 humans. Extended family needed for protection! NOMADIC (moving from place to place) A group larger than 40 would have been too hard to feed!
Stage 1 4,000,000 – 1,000,000 BCE Hominids Any member of the family of two legged primates that includes all humans. Must have locking knee joints! 3.5 mil. Yrs ago Australopithecines apposable thumbs! Lucy was one!
Stage 1 HOMO HABILIS (“Man of skills”) Found in East Africa Created stone tools
Stage 2 1,600,000 BCE – 30,000 BCE Homo Erectus Newest evidence shows hominids may have been bipedal 7 million years ago! Stage 2 1,600,000 BCE – 30,000 BCE Homo Erectus (“Upright Human Being”) BIPEDALISM Larger and more varied tools primitive technology First Hominid to migrate and leave Africa for Europe and Asia First to use fire!
Differing Theories of Human Migration Are we all Africans “under the skin”? The Multi-regionalist Theory The Out of Africa Theory
Stage 3 HOMO SAPIENS (“Wise Human Being”) 200,000 BCE – 10,000 BCE HOMO SAPIENS (“Wise Human Being”) Neanderthals Cro-Magnons/ Early Modern Human (200,000-30,000 BCE) (40,000-10,000 BCE)
Stage 3 NEANDERTHALS: Neander Valley, Germany (1856) First humans to bury their dead. Made clothes from animals skins. Lived in Caves and tents.
Stage 3
By 30,000 BCE they had replaced Neanderthals, but WHY??? Stage 3 CRO-MAGNONs: Home Sapiens Sapiens (“Wise wise human”) - Bloody warfare? Interbreeding? Cro-Magnon more successful hunter? Neanderthal failed to adapt to conditions? By 30,000 BCE they had replaced Neanderthals, but WHY???
The Paleolithic Age Humans during this period found shelter in caves Cave paintings were left behind. From late Paleolithic. S. France and N. Spain Purpose??
The Last Ice Age 70,000 – 10,000 BCE Sahara became a desert encouraging migration Ice bridges
Took tens of thousands of years to reach Australia, islands in Pacific, etc. Skills also had to change.
The Neolithic Age Neolithic = “New Stone Age” 10,000-4,000 BCE Gradual shift from: Nomadic lifestyle settled stationary life Hunting/Gathering agricultural production and domestication of animals.