Art Culture Technology
Mobile Small, can be moved from place to place or traded Parietal Paintings on cave walls Large carvings
The European bison or wisent is one of the animals most commonly depicted in paleolithic art. These treatments in several media in sandstone, reindeer horn, clay, and limestone illustrate the sophistication of paleolithic art. Note the similar stylistic treatment of the mane and beard of the bull, which show that specific artistic conventions were passed from generation to generation.
This baton or staff, found at Mas-d'Azil, France, is particularly intriguing and almost demands interpretation. This "baton" is of reindeer horn carved into the shapes of three horse heads--two live horses, either a mare and stallion or a colt and adult horse-- and a flayed skull of a dead horse. Is this a depiction of the highly abstract idea of the cycle of life from juvenile stage to death? The carving demands to be "read" and interpreted.
Female statuettes, sometimes called "Venus" figurines, have been found at a number of European sites. The female head at is rendered in a highly abstract style compared to animals The plumpness and exaggerated sexual features of many of these figures, along with their faceless anonymity, suggest that they symbolize fertility. Examples of these sculptures portray several stages of womanhood, from pre-pubescence and pregnancy to advanced age.
Venus of Willendorf
The 18" "Venus" figure (France, 22,000 to 30,000 years ago) holds what may be an incised bison horn. Perhaps symbolically akin to the cornucopia, the "horn of plenty," of later European cultures.
Lascaux, France (17-15,000 B.P.) Altamira, Spain (14-15,000 B.P.) Chauvet Cave, France (30-32,000 B.P.)
All have elaborate paintings and engravings Usually done along certain “themes” ie. Altamira mostly bison Not used for habitation-strictly ceremonial
Color black dominates the works. A few of the creatures are painted red.
Panel of Back to Back Bison Surrounding surface and style of work creates 3D effect
Panel of the Swimming Stags
Stag at entranceBison towards back
“Chinese horse”
This left footprint is the first of a trail of footprints around 50 meters long. Total length: 21.2 cm; total width: 9.2 cm. By comparison to modern Europeans, this print corresponds to a male subject around 1.3 meters tall and between eight and ten years old.
The principal animal of this panel has been interpreted as a hyena due to its spotted coat, although its general form resembles that of a bear. Several other animals accompany this representation. One feline, which could be a panther, has a spotted coat and characteristic tail.
Art for Art’s Sake Sympathetic Magic Education of children
The multiple burial from central Europe on right is 26,000 years old. The individual in the center of the burial had spinal scoliosis, an asymmetrical skull, and an under-developed right leg. The male on the left has a stake driven into his hip; a larger male on the far right lies face down. The male skulls were adorned with circles of arctic fox and wolf teeth and ivory bands.
The painting reconstructs the burial of a mammoth hunter found at Predmosti in central Europe. Red ochre is being scattered over the grave, which will be covered with a mammoth's shoulder blade and tusks.
The Upper Paleolithic was a period of incredible diversity and technological innovation. Use of Atlatl Lithic technology also underwent an important change during this time. The trend towards increasing the efficiency of stone tool production reached its pinnacle during this period with the development of Blade Technology and the tools that blade making made possible.