Coordination with MARSS Student Number Fall 2013
To create, view or modify a secure MDE account: DataSubLogin/index.html DataSubLogin/index.html To access the system and finalized technical assistance materials: DataSubLogin/EarlyEducStudent/index.html DataSubLogin/EarlyEducStudent/index.html (subscribe function now available) 2
To view Early Learning Services Annual Reports (aggregate counts, not by child) along with draft EE Student documents for comment go to: mde mde Note – Both Annual Reports and Early Education Student reports are required for SFY14. Q&A Teleconferences - first and third Wednesday of every month at 1:00 PM. Call and use code Questions? Contact 3
Who, what, where, when, why How Developing local plan Access procedures Data entry – manual & batch/file upload Questions & Answers 4
Data collection on children and families registering for Early Childhood Family Education (Minn. Stat. 124D.13) and School Readiness (Minn. Stat. 124D.15) Coordinate local resources (staff, data, software, existing data submission calendars – don’t forget registration calendars!) 5
Software development, quality testing and user acceptance testing – January – October 2012 Pilot – Nov 2012 – August 2013 Phase I – September 2013 – March 2014 Phase II – April 2014 – August 2014 Check EE Student for list of districts assigned to each Phase. See “Schedule for Districts to Begin Reporting”EE Student 6
Renewed emphasis on early learning opportunities at the state and federal level The skills, knowledge, abilities and accomplishments that children bring with them into kindergarten impact their Grade 3 outcomes Minnesota needs to better understand children’s experiences prior to kindergarten, especially children with high needs 7
Better understanding of entering kindergarten cohorts experiences and needs in addition to existing B-4 census The ability for preschool parents to access online portal for school lunch Enrollment patterns from early learning sites to elementary schools to support transition activities for children and families Understanding how early learning resources are supporting an early childhood to grade 3 process for children and families 8
NO CHANGES for EI/ECSE or EC Screening procedures Coordinated with MARSS Number, NOT SUBMITTED IN MARSS DATA SUBMISSION SCHEDULE/CALENDAR, separate submission to a separate system Early learning programs allow for cross district enrollment, this removes the need for multiple cross-district data checks Develop your plan locally across the early childhood and MARSS offices 9
Need to locally determine: Information flow from parents through district How & where information will be stored within the district Data submission timelines by August 31 for prior fiscal year after initial phases Role for early childhood staff regarding the ability to view or monitor MARSS numbers Submit plan with authorization requests to Superintendent Superintendent submits authorization to MDE 10
Early coordination across MARSS and EC offices is very beneficial! Focus of MARSS number assignment will be with infants and toddlers in ECFE. Districts take multiple approaches as to how to handle EC roles in State ID system based on experiences with Early Childhood Screening, EI/ECSE and staff availability. Allow 2-3 weeks to resolve data errors. Entering ECFE/SR data into a software system that can export an XML is much easier than trying to create an XML. Some typed data straight into the system. 11
District feedback for improvement to the software system has been sent to the developers for planning. Districts will determine their own timing for how often to report ECFE/SR students into the state repository. 12
Child Information Name, gender, dob, state student id number (MARSS number) Race/ethnicity, home language, migrant status, McKinney-Vento status, immunization status Event information District, registration date, number of classes, funding source description, registering adult/parent, parent volunteer status 13
Early Education Student is not collecting the following information Attendance (ADMs) Completion status (end codes) Course catalogue Teacher information Assessment information Children accessing state scholarships outside of public preschool (directions pending) 14
Superintendent Authorization PDF (Fillable version soon, see wiki for Word version) Student ID Validation User Agreement List ECFE/SR staff as viewer or maintainer Schedule for Districts to Begin Reporting Frequently Asked Questions User Manual EE Student Data Entry Form (ED Form ) EE Student Parent Questionnaire (ED Form ), Translations early September 15
Additional documents available at the wiki: Superintendent Authorization (Word Version) Default values, for reporting SFY13 Also available in the August User Manual as an appendix EE Student Steps to Begin Reporting Training PowerPoint Training PDF with system screenshots 16
Avisia Whiteman Early Learning Services (policy questions, single district teleconferences) MDE Technical Questions (when software isn’t working) 17